Joszef Horvath

Jószef Horvath

No else, my possession of a phenomenon

Background and Character Information

Full Name: Joszef Andreu Gunther Vancura Horvath of Hungary

Other Names: 

Born: July 6, 1995

Race: Human

Nationality: Hungarian-German (later American)

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Occupation: Meteorologist; Conservationist-Hunter

Language Spoken: Hungarian, English, German, Spanish, French, Scottish Gaelic, Saurfolk, Avalonian, Elvish, others

Alignment: Good


Powers and Abilities: Manipulation of weather and natural disasters (enraged by cursed), peak-human abilities, love embodiment

Partner(s): Empress Sisi (after departure); Eleanor of Aquitanie (secondary assistant)

Relative(s): Dorottya (sister), Bartal (brother-in-law), Heloise (second wife), Elise (first wife; annulled), †Alma (mother), Dino (father)


Likes: Clouds, kiting, donuts, singing, yoyo, study, geometry, video games, radar, geology, meteor showers, Sissi, Bartal, Sleetwing, polynomial, arts, honestly

Dislikes: Dishonest, temper tantrum, idiotic, disrespectful, murderous, accused, treated him as monster, conquistadors (formerly), herpetophobia (formerly), arranged marriage, against exploitation, sexism, discrimination, prejudice, dumb, dumbass, 669 and 666 numbers

Inspiration: Franz Joseph I, characters from Ibalon and Mahabharata

Joszef Horvath is a main titular protagonist introduced in Weather Dragons. The main deuteragonist of Empress Sisi and his pet, Frost the Managarmr; his sister Dorottya; his bestfriends and rival, are Bartolome (Hungarian: Bartal is for short) and Alberto against the living natural disaster for prevent the end of the world.

Because of Alberto, the former friend now enemy because of misunderstanding and force marriage for Dorottya against the Horvath family; his sister Dorottya; his bestfriend Bartal; and later the FBI agents and Budapest Meteorological Center staffs are sucked by Hellmouth, into the Otherworld. He discovered the real empress in fact was a real princess, Elizabeth of Austria.


Both the native's words for his family: Joszef is from Hungarian word for Joseph and in Hungarian: Horvath for "Croatia".

Physical Appearance

Joszef have their handsome and gentle classy boy, with black straight hair; but the violet eyes are unexpected by his mother and father interbreed. His skin was tough but soft and smooth, the hairs are tough to remove. Back to the eye color, the "violet" eyes are gray color.

Joszef's clothes are fit for Hungarian traditional clothing based on his birthplace, Hungary. His frilled and long green tunic tops with sun and moon engraved patterns, the manner of Pepa Madrigal. Joszef's long t-shirt with green lines, and buttons. His pants are knee weight and lime lines on the pants, with a dark belt. Joszef's footwear include the stockings and black boots.


Joszef was born without magic, but the magic is in the Otherworld and their strength and speed. His sword was called: Irrokebally, this fictional weapon that causes of manipulate the control of weathers and natural disasters as well if you are from Judaism; Christainity; and Islam. If you not from Abrahamic religion, can causes harm like allergy to paralysis if not from Abraham.

Irrokebally, from Dragon People language: "Irroke" means "St. Roque/St. Roch" and "aballu (Saurfolk: Ėbhalou) means "sword", because is original owner was St. Paul the Apostle before he dropped into a magical water well into the Avalon. From St. Roch and Mary Magdalene are trapped in unknown interdimensional portal to the otherworld known as Avalon because of hellmouth, home of various unidentified races before Worldcraft Series from Archie and Isabella. Joszef became possession of all weather and disasters against Twin Serpents of Creations (Trentren Vilu was allied to him, and Caicai Vilu was also enemy of him).

In Modern Disaster he was turned into a monster when he was amalgamated with Empress Sisi of Austria, Mihai I of Romania, and Jersey Devil turn into called by Americans to internationals is Nazi King of Avalon (human-dragon hybrid with aether and chaos elements) due to negative views of all people around the world and he was now immortal and immune to all diseases causes of his good ambition against Manuel Santos the kalku, both are enraged Furies or Apexes. Joszef was now dragon people-human hybrid due to his friends are loss of their lifeforce of Princess Penta Rossi, Napoleon Bonaparte, Emmanuel de Jesus, Francisca Santino, and Tenten Vilu turn Caicai Vilu into a Fucanglong (Dragon God of Underworld, all characters cursed by Guayota under Hades, Greek god of underworld). He was now near-mindless until both rivals and a serpent tired and fell into the land above sea level, all undamaged. In fact, Joszef was only capable of turning into a monster by eating his anger, anguish, depression and forlorn. He's called Nazi King of Avalon (by the Saurfolk: Gïloŋ-đerra Nädziakuggaric), the form of human and winged dragon hybrid with the form of red shatkona on his chest as symbolize of bad luck and Nazism, due to his German ancestry. After use, he was now unconscious when his form returned to his human form. He's literally the main protagonist along with Dorottya Bartal, Daniel Peterson and Generosity Marigold in the whole series of Weather Dragons (except for Liwayway, Ngamin, Equation, Bagani and Rewritten).

In the Siehnam event, Joszef and Heloise manipulate the combination of weather and natural disasters to clear out undead armies into scattered and lifeless. During the performance of Weather Destruction, Joszef and Heloise kiss and perform the weather beam into Ellen Trechend until Taran jumps and stabs her three hearts until Ellen Trechend send into Ginnungagap.


Easygoing, protective, reckless, trustworthy, friendly, worrisome, kind, pleasant, gentle, honest, dependable, chivalrous, fearless, brave, daring, joyful, independent, selfless, minded


Joszef needs his friends from the dangerous mission from Otherworld, even for his identity and for nation. Joszef always clear the mess in the 2020-2021 year after the disasters after Manuel's death caused by Serpents of Creations thumped their tail crushed to death and the world was saved and the Chile to Canada was now restore their geography.


