Terran Deities / Terran Aesir

Homo deus


No, neither saints, deities, nor gods existed before us. Plainly stated, we're from before.

– Eostre


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Family: Hominidae

Genius: Homo

Species: Homo deus

Descendant: Hominidae

Named by: ???

Year Published: 1758?

Size: various

Lifespan: forever



Pantheon: Terran

Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: various

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🌿🥩

Elements: various

Inflicts: various

Weaknesses: all

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Data Deficient

Terran Deities (Homo deus) are an ancient and highly-advanced species of humanoid beings who were active on planet Earth and Sawintir during the eponymous era several millennia before the rise of even the most ancient human civilizations introduced in Earth Responsibly.


The English language word deity derives from Old French deité, the Latin deitatem or "divine nature", coined by Augustine of Hippo from deus ("god"). Deus is related through a common Proto-Indo-European (PIE) origin to *deiwos. This root yields the ancient Indian word Deva meaning "to gleam, a shining one", from *div- "to shine", as well as Greek dios "divine" and Zeus; and Latin deus "god" (Old Latin deivos). Deva is masculine, and the related feminine equivalent is devi.

Etymologically, the cognates of Devi are Latin dea and Greek thea. In Old Persian, daiva- means "demon, evil god", while in Sanskrit it means the opposite, referring to the "heavenly, divine, terrestrial things of high excellence, exalted, shining ones".

Physical Appearance

They are a species of hominids that reincarnate from benign Eldritch Terrors that resembled humans in appearance. Their advanced technology and magic are the foundations of their civilization.

In another notable deviation from humans and other creatures, some deities had naturally occurring special pattern, runic, and linear tattoos of various colors running up and down their arms, legs, and heads that often glowed brightly of their own accord, indicating a possible bioluminescent quality. These 'tattoos' also had a habit of flaring when the deity was using their advanced powers or magic spell, which could indicate a biological function as a response to stimuli or strenuous activity. The bioluminescent markings on its body will cease after it dies.


The advanced warrior race known as the Terran Deities has access to technology that is beyond human comprehension. Some Terran Deities equipment has arcane, antiquated-sounding names yet appears deceptively unsophisticated. Since the Toba eruption, the Terran Deities have maintained peace in the Nine Realms with the aid of Asgard and Earth's forces. They have airplanes resembling those from other regions that are armed with guns and missiles, as well as energy weapons.

As a race, Terran Deities are anatomically identical to their human creations, but in contrast to mankind, which had only five senses from the start, the Terran Deity had seven, the sixth of which was simply known as "knowledge," and the seventh as "magic." Another extremely strong and technologically advanced race is the Terran Deities. Through crude calculations, a small number of Isu were able to anticipate and seek to change potential futures.

The Bifrost, Astral Portal, Hellmouth, or simply Drift Portal, a bridge and portal between worlds, allows transit between the Nine Realms. The royal palace, or something akin to the presidential residence, is covered by an energy shield with magic. The complex password systems used by Terran Deities to unlock doors can even be inscribed on stone, wood, palm leaves, or even steel. Some gadgets combine magic and cutting-edge technology.

Deity warriors from Asgard and Terra employ common melee weapons such swords, knives, spears, chakrams, and shields. However, these weapons are constructed with cutting-edge technology using materials like steel, adamantium, orichalcum, diamond, obsidian, and others.

When used quickly (such as when a sword is slashed in combat), they appear ordinary when still, but when they do, the blade glows with an aura of energy that can be any color or bluish-white, greatly enhancing the weapon's power (frequently, while the user is using the weapon, a strange vibration can be heard, indicating that the blade could turn blue at any time). This renders handheld weapons, such as lightning, bullets, or arrows, useless.

Similar to how some Terran Ancient Weapons can occasionally produce flaming blue or orange sparks when they strike, Terran Ancient armor can also occasionally do the same. Laser blasts can be deflected by Terran Ancient shields; when a blast strikes the shield, it ripples with the same energy and deflects the blast. Other Terran technology also has this energy.

Along with Deity Ancient Terran Accessories, which were designed by the Terran Gods of Forge, Hephaistos, and War, Ares, All Ancient Terran Weapons are legendary weaponry that were among the strongest necessities on Earth Responsibly and Tangled the series universe. Hephaestus developed the Terran Ancient Armor, a state-of-the-art set of adamant, orichalcum, diamond, and other high-grade plate armor. The armor was worn by Terran Deities who were in charge of archives and military garrisons in Atlantis, Asgard, and other parts of the planet.

Democritus, a Greek philosopher, claimed that people began to believe in gods when they began to attribute natural occurrences like lightning to supernatural creatures.


All animals, including gods and demigods of planet Earth, including demons, are vulnerable to Aurorium, Damascus steel, and chaos elements (except for those possessed by this evil element).

Weather Phenomenon


The number of gods that each religion honors can be used to classify them. Religions that practice polytheism accept more than one deity, whereas monotheistic religions only acknowledge one deity (sometimes referred to as "God"). Henotheistic faiths view all other deities as facets of the same supreme deity, accepting only that one without rejecting the others.

Many societies, including those of the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Germanic peoples, have personified natural events in various ways as either deliberate causes or effects. Some Avestan and Vedic deities were thought to possess moral values. In Indian religions, deities have often been represented as the mind and senses, which make up the temple of every living thing. According to Sasra, deities are believed to have an existence beyond death. Morally upright people live blissful heavenly lives as guardian deities and are only spared death when their merit is forfeited.


The Asgardians served as the model for the Norse mythology of the region. Some groups, such as the Aesirs, engaged in interactions with humans over a thousand years ago and had a significant impact on Scandinavian civilization.

Distribution and Habitat

Terran Deities are found in all habitats. Humans are found elsewhere in all realms.


Terran Deities cannot be tamed under conditions. Terran Deities can be trusted and liked if you have Hero of the Planet effect, they will gain the ability to follow and fight for you.


Bereshit (בְּרֵאשִׁית) - 300,000-74,000 BCE

" This... piece of silver casts out Adam and Eve. Seth, son of Adama became the one. Forced to expel woolly mammoths into another world. Moses's staff turned into his own snakes. Summoned portals from the past. Parted and closed the Red Sea. Eris used it to start the Trojan War, and with it, a poor carpenter turned water into wine. "

– Bert Okram Athom (Meitei: ꯕꯦꯔꯇꯣ ꯣꯀꯔꯝ ꯫ꯥꯇꯣꯃ)

The sole distinction between this hypothesis and the explanation of the Terran deity is the fact that the Terran deity's soul originated in outer space, reincarnated into humanoid species over the eons, and is currently residing on Earth while undergoing evolutionary changes. The souls of the deities were trapped and released after the theory of the Big Bang dates from 4.5–4.0 billion years ago.

The Aesirs, or Isu, a civilization of true gods and highly advanced human beings lived on Earth, during the period known as the Pleistocene long before angels, fairies, demons, giants, trolls, goblins, and other species did. They created humanity, transformed all living things into non-organic beings, and then enslaved them through modifying their brains so that they would submit when confronted with Pieces of Eden. Approximately one million years ago, the Deities, whose past is shrouded in mystery, were in charge of Planet Earth. Before they were completely killed out in 74,000 BCE during the Great Catastrophe from Toba eruption, along with many of their human creations. By that time, the Deity had been engaged in a ten-year conflict with a human uprising led by Adam and Eve, two Yahweh made-hybrid demigods who wished to set people free from submission to their "gods."

After the Great Catastrophe and the Early Sixth Extinction, Terran Deities quickly lost popularity despite the legacy they left behind on Earth. However, their names and traits at least survived because humanity were unable to understand their creators as anything other than gods. Selected human tribes have discovered their actual nature throughout history despite the lack of evidence for their existence. The Knights Templar had little knowledge of the characteristics of the Terran Deities by the 12th century.

Historya Davvun event - 1980-2000 AD

The Assassin Order and Templar Order members like Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad, Ezio Auditore, Edward Kenway, Haytham Kenway, Ratonhnhaké:ton or Connor Kenway, William Miles and his son Desmond, Layla Hassan, Nikolai Orelov and his grandson Daniel Cross, and Lucy Stillman all had a much higher percentage of Aesir DNA than most Assassins and Templars, possessing 0.952% Aesir DNA. As a matter of fact, a number of Desmond Miles' forebears and his companions from the Conservationist Hunters, such as Altar Ibn-La'Ahad, Ezio Auditore, Edward Kenway and his son Haytham, and his grandson Ratonhnhaké:ton, all possessed Eagle Vision or Avian Vision, which was employed by pet birds as a spy camera. Furthermore, Rodrigo Borgia was unable to enter the Vatican Vault using a staff and the Apple of Eden together due to Ezio's lineage.

Lesley Punzalan and her husband Tasi Padilla and her sons, Nilan, Guaiya, and Pingking, Estrella Soletoile, Dino Horvath and his children Joszef and Dorottya, Heloise and her mom Roisin Szekely, Maia Galicinao and Kahiau Kealani with their sons Ronaldo and Paolo Kealani, Maleek Bautista and his mom Amirah Badawi, Layla Jalalla, Gorca de Pascua, Quirin Stearns, George Washington, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander Hamilton, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Constantin Sanatescu, Anastasia Romanov, Dmitri Mikhailov, Genghis Khan, Shah Jahan, and Queen Arianna and her daughter Rapunzel of Corona, including Diana Spencer and Winston Churchill have higher Aesir DNA than Desmond Miles's, possessing 0.975% compared to them, and mostly from Lancelot and Guinevere, have 0.988% Aesir DNA. Kassandra and her son Elpidios were part of an active eugenics program to keep the Aesir DNA in their bloodline. Unknown to normal Saurfolks, Princess Meranie and Prince Jared Jorpassadal are descendants of demigod Saurfolks via the ichor of Aesirs, which is the true color of the Jorpassadal royal family. Bayek's wife, Aya, was a product of this program too. Eivor Varinsdottir and Basim Ibn Ishaq are reincarnations of Aesirs. Any demigods possess Eagle Vision, enchanting the magic spell "Ora Pro Nobis" or "Pray For Us" in foreign languages, stronger than powerful humans, and a longer lifespan than average humans, being half biological.

Desmond Miles was able to effectively use the Pieces of Eden to carry out his plan to rescue his father, and Altar had earlier used his orb to expose Armand Bouchart's lies to the people of Cyprus. When they faced Daniel Cross in the final battle in 1999, before the year 2000, Nilan, Guaiya, and Pingking let them use a staff, a sword, an apple of Eden, a sundrop and moonstone opal necklace, and Cassandra's black blade appropriately.

Known Individuals

See also Characters – Deities of Earth

Aesirs and Olympians


Foreign Languages
