Tropical Sawhead

Xipharhinopteryx australis

Tropical Sawhead

A tropical relative of Sawhead with an anesthetic agent of sleepiness, watch out.

– Dominique Llorente

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Vesperosauria

Order: Chiropterosauria

Suborder: Volanosauriforma

Family: Volanosauridae

Subfamily: Volanosaurinae

Genus: Xipharhinopteryx

Species: Xipharhinopteryx australis

Descendant: Varanopidae

Named by: Thomas Henryson

Year Published: 2780

Size: wingspan up to 1.45 meters long, 1.1 meters long in length, 1.04 meters tall in height; 23.4 pounds in weight




Time Period: Post-Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Air, arcane

Inflicts: Bleeding, sundered, acified, sleep

Weaknesses: Fire, ice, electric, sound, fae

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: 

Tropical Sawhead (Xipharhinopteryx australis) or Olivine Sawhead, is a fictional species of flying synapsid introduced in Worldcraft: The Center.


The combination of the words saw (act like a Carpenter saw) and head, or forehead, is called a sawhead. Owing to the long rostrum's toothy edges and beak-like structures.

Physical Appearance

Unlike the two of them, this animal has greenish-yellow fur and skin with a white belly. Unlike their relatives, we have sets of triangular teeth and sets of sleep chemicals, much like a snake.


The Tropical Sawhead either stabbed or sawed with the saw rostrum in a manner similar to that of a carpenter. They attack intruders using a particular corrosive and sleep chemical mechanism, and unlike the other two species, they attack as a swarm led by a leader.


The Tropical Sawhead is the lowest in the food chain. They are omnivorous and consist of fruits, fungi, mistletoes, turnips, blueberries, mulberries, bamboo shoots, and even small animals like worms, fish, and others. They spotted a tree with dozens of sawheads perched on its branches in the herd called "Murderer of Sawheads", in mangrove forests and rosewood tree forests. Unlike many of them, the Tropical Sawhead has a nasty anesthetic agent on their rostrum, causing the enemy to sleep with sets of saw teeth in a special sac on their rostrum.

All three species of sawheads have deadly rostrums with sets of teeth that can cut or saw off flesh, paper, clothes, armor, glass, and even plants. Tropical Sawhead eats small animals, and this is where they draw the acidic agent that makes their bites and claws more dangerous, causing the armor or skin of whatever comes into contact with it to weaken, making it easier to inflict more injuries and eviscerate its prey.

It possesses a sleep and acid sac on its teeth on the rostrum or mouth, which allows it to produce a colorless mist that can cause attackers to fall unconscious. The main predators of this animal were varieties of fauna in Horatio, like synapsids, wolves, falcons, and other dragons.


Due to the corrosive and sleeping chemicals on their rostrum, these organisms continue to pose a threat as airborne pests.

Distribution and Habitat

Tropical Sawhead was an endemic species in southern portions of tropical rainforests and monsoon forests in Sawintiran countries, including many archipelagos, and was introduced to the Horatio continent of Planet Reinachos in the 2500s by biologists and hobbyists.





The synapsids emerge from evolution and unique wildlife conservation except for the dinosaur species: Deinonychus. The voliantens are flying bat-like synapsids. Also looked up there are just studied by scientists in conversation and protected by Royal family members.

September 8, 2987


Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna Individuals

