


“ My Eldritch Terrors and Dragon Gods are against you and everything; I am the Akkorokamui, the Eldritch Terror, and you consume to feed our Void. I'm from Ginnungagap, not Japan, and I'm here to blow up your planet alongside us! ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: ???

Kingdom: ???

Phylum: ???

Clade: ???

Class: ???

Order: ???

Family: ???

Genius: ???

Species: ???

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 45.35 meters tall in height; 164 meters in length; 3,400 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Hadean–Meghalayan

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★


Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Chaos

Inflicts: Burned, watered, earthed, aired, mucus, ossified, violated

Casualties: see below



Based On: itself and Nakarkos from Monster Hunter Generations

Conservation Status: 

Akkorokamui (アッコロカムイ) is the deity and the Eldritch Terror upcoming introduced in Worldcraft: Chaebol's Revenge as main antagonist against Rebelled Akkorokamui or Undeath King Akkorokamui as rival in ancient times. Akkorokamui is not a yokai according to Amaterasu about this creature's origin.


Its name can be translated as “string-holding god” in Hokkaido Ainu language.

Physical Appearance

Akkorokamui is a gigantic cephalopod-like Eldritch Terror that resembles a giant red octopus, except for having fins and hardly belly scales, two cuttlebones with horns, and four holes that are used to release fumes of blue gas. When two tentacles act like a two-headed dragon and have bioluminescent markings on their red eyes,.


Akkorokamui used their two tentacles to release chaos elements; even the four holes act like cannons on a warship. Akkorokamui can dig or burrow underground to poke enemies from beneath the surface. This fume of blue gas with blue lightning is actually a chaotic element. Akkorokamui possessed all elements from various guardians that were injected with two tentacles acting like injections to absorb the elements and weaken them.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Akkorokamui easily assert themselves as top predators, no matter what the environment is, and their ecology and behavior are very mysterious. These aliens have been identified as feeding on armored prey and enemies.

The only real likely things that could potentially threaten these aliens are other Earthling animals like Elder Dragons like Taniwha or Wani dragons, their only known predators. Akkorokamui was described as having the ability to self-amputate and regenerate limbs, including being able to produce an eerie, bluish-violet unknown mucus from its body. This mucus is sticky and has a strong odor, allowing it to capture prey and even shoot prey items out of the air. Like a cuttlefish, it has sticky tentacles used to drag prey back to its lair. When it feels its life is truly in danger, it will eventually reveal its true face. Its true face is cephalopod-like, resembling a cuttlefish under the ocean or a bone lair. To move quickly, Akkorokamui has jet propulsion like squids to use to escape or go anywhere, causing a violation effect when the substance inks contact.

As the Chaos Element in a certain portion of its body, it can barely control the element. So to make it easier for itself to use this element, it will fire the element from its tentacles and build it up in its mouth before firing a massive beam to disintegrate the whole thing. Due to the beam sometimes being greatly damaged in battle by the survivor's concussion grenade or tranquilizer bullets, it makes it more painful and affects mental and physical health. The Akkorokamui have even been reported shooting down airships or spaceships for food.

Akkorokamui, like Dragon Gods, didn't have Eostre's dossiers due to being a mysterious kraken-like extraterrestrial invading Japan by Ainu people as a god but didn't accept, despite being of god status. It was the cephalopod monster that met us and fauna, and even the only native kaiju/yokai outside Berbania. It was part of the Altaic pantheon called Ainu mythology.


Akkorokamui is very aggressive towards everything; it doesn't actually want to do that. Due to being a weird thing, they can easily wipe out all life in surrounding areas and can eat a whole ecosystem if left unchecked and with no trace.

The United Nations, G7, WTO, European Union, EAEU, ACD, ASEAN, IUCN, NASA, SETI, and others are in order, and they will immediately send survivors and tamed creatures as required to repel or kill Akkorokamui before it can bring further damage to that ecosystem and the Ainu culture.

Distribution and Habitat

Akkorokamui was found in Hokkaido, Siberia, and Wharekauri as an invasive species in ancient times.


Akkorokamui cannot be tamed because is an Eldritch Terror.



Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
