Joanna Thongameray

Joanna Jorelavo Thongameray

“ I encountered the distance of disasters from thee? ”


Background and Character Information

Full Name: Joanna Jorelavo of Thongameray

Other Names: Joan

Born: August 12, 2979

Species: Berbanian Human

Nationality: Dinojerullese

Age: 37

Gender: Female

Occupation: Queen of Dinojerulla

Language Spoken: French, Spanish, Ilocano, English, Dinojerullese, others

Alignment: Good

Paraphernalia: n/a

Powers and Abilities: Weather Magic

Partner(s): Lawrence (husband)

Relative(s): Gwendoline (younger daughter), Tiago (oldest son), Leonardo (young son), David (brother-in-law), Katherina (young sister), Irena (oldest sister), Thomas (older brother-in-law), Olivier (nephew), Sebastian (nephew), Stephanie (niece), Jeremiah (nephew), Andrea (mother), Nelson II (father)


Likes: ???

Dislikes: ???

Inspiration: fictional

Joanna Jorelavo Thongameray is the supporting character introduced in Worldcraft: Mission of Siblings, as well as deuteragonist in Berbania's Last War. The younger daughter of Andrea and Nelson Jorelavo of Dinojerulla, the younger children of Katherine, Irena and Oliver; the wife of Lawrence Thongameray and the mother of Leonardo, Gwendoline, and Santiago.


Coming soon

Physical Appearance

Joanna is a female Dinojerullese that resembles Irena more than her mother Andrea. Joanna is pretty compared with Katherina and Irena, with mud-colored hair and eyelashes, pale brownish-pink skin, rosy cheek and magenta lips, blue eyeshadow and even plain nails.


Joanna is the one of Jorelavo triplets that have weather modification powers by nature, causing the birth of Nicolette Jorelavo's harsh wind shear powers. Much like Liza and Carlos, she was born to absorb the electric, fire, water, wind and ice element attacks into her heart causing destructive beams to come from her hands. Unlike Pepa Madrigal, she's currently cannot summon weather via the emotions and can possessed Thongameray triplets' powers: wind and reincarnation (from Nicolette), aphrodisiac friction (from Leonardo), and arcane coated weapons (from Tiago). Both Lawrence and Joanna switch to melee builds with electric and water.


Coming soon


Joanna is the wise and caring mother of Thongameray triplets that avoid scandal and espionage. Due to exiles for brothers, she decides Nicolette to stay in Jasmine and Buenaventura family for good until the revolutions ended up by the Dreadplasma. 

Joanna is stern, firm, and unfortunately often assumes the worst in a situation or even in others, especially her daughter Nicolette from Archie and Clarissa. She spoke as though she were speaking with her late husband Lawrence, but later on the next story that he's real alive by Drift Portal and the fake one was killed by the hands of rebellions into Thongameray castle. Causing a grant for strength and tenderness, she became a kind and wishful wife for her children and her family and allies from Comieos and non Berbanian aliens in Maggiore Interstellar System. Joanna was shown to her powers from her siblings that the weather should be expected and used controllable.

She declared the convergent evolution of Pepa Madrigal in the 20th century and Horvath siblings in the 21st century.



Chronological Appears


Two Lights

Equation the Series


Weather Dragons

No Way to Seaway

Independent Series
