Common Fasizakazaka

Harenamonias sandersoni

Common Fasizakazaka

“ Giant birds can fly and only mesite adapted in desert due to low weight and webbed feet are not able to sink, but also camouflaging through dirt and sand without seeing it. ”

unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Mesitornithiformes

Family: Mesitornithidae

Genius: Harenamonias

Species: Harenamonias sandersoni

Descendant: mesites

Named by: ???

Year Published: 2007

Size: 1.1 meters tall in height; 50 cm in length; wingspan estimate for 120 cm in length and 56 kg in weight

Lifespan: 20+ years




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Shy

Threat Level: ★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🌱🥩

Elements: Rock

Inflicts: Rockblight

Weaknesses: Water, ice, leaf, metal, combat

Casualties: n/a

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) – IUCN Red List

Common Fasizakazaka, Sandy Fasizakazaka, or simply as Fasizakazaka (Harenamonias sandersoni) is the fictional species of large mesite bird introduced in Worldcraft: Scorched Earth.


Fasizakazaka is the borrowed from Malagasy: "fasika mihazakazaka", which means "running of sand".

Physical Appearance

Common Fasizakazaka is the not so heavy mesite bird adapted to desert and salted land due to harsh environment that beat this animal. Better for camouflage from yellowish feathers to brown feather wings to tail, including the white eyelid and line. Fasizakazaka had long legs that ran so fast and faster than wifi, unlike their unrelated roadrunner cuckoos due to their webbed feet like a camel. Uses their tail like a peacock to mimic the resurrection plant or rock.

According to Princess Giselle, this animal was 1.1 meters tall in height; 50 cm in length; wingspan estimate for 120 cm in length and 56 kg in weight; it was about the size of a poodle.


Common Fasizakazaka can shoot an amount of sand causing a sanded and earthed effect, very difficult to remove until hitted by another attack. Fasizakazaka is the only species of mesite bird that has magical powers.


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Common Fasizakazaka is a shy and cautious animal that hides in sands and savanna biomes.

Distribution and Habitat

Common Fasizakazaka was native in Reinachos to Sawintir at the xeric shrubland, arid desert, tropical savanna and semi desert biome. Despite being a desert dwelling animal, it adapted to oceanic climate to cloud forest.


Fasizakazaka was fed with seeds as a poultry or for the children's ride.


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Foreign Languages

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