
Novecaudulpes japonica

Kitsune / Kyubi

“ A smallest member of the Nine tailed fox from Japan. Often do you know what is, that are actually troublemakers to the royal family and science. Don't be mad at this kyubi. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Canidae

Genius: Novecaudulpes

Species: Novecaudulpes japonica

Descendant: red fox

Named by: Mike Jin Shin

Year Published: 1995

Size: 80.5 cm tall in height; 60 cm in length; 70 kg in weight

Lifespan: 4 to 80+ years



Pantheon: Japanese

Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: Curious

Threat Level: ★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🥩🌿🪲🐟🔥

Elements: various

Inflicts: various

Weaknesses: Water, earth, ice, time

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) – IUCN Red List

Kitsune or commonly Kyubi (Japanese: キツネ / キュウビ - 九尾 / ; Novecaudulpes japonica) is the one of the mythical creatures introduced in Worldcraft: Berbania's Last War as the last known Nine tailed fox in Worldcraft series before Albmansaypo, Kumiho and Jiuweihu.


In Japanese word: キツネ, kitsune; means fox.

Physical Appearance

Kitsune is similar in appearance to the more common Kumiho, although often noticeably smaller in size and more intelligent. Like two species, it also has eight appendages resembling the'real' tail in the middle of the real tail. The fur is paler, lavender-ish gray with adjacent red and pale pink on their necks and fuchsia on their elbows and hips. Their face was white, and it had markings of three to two red lines near the eyes and a red dot on the forehead. The feather-like fur is almost the same as Kumiho. The tail tip was brown or orange. Unlike Jiuweihu and Kumihos, the Kitsune was naturally blind in some populations due to the genetic mutation.


Normal Kitsune can release sweat from their one tail; it forms eight appendages, resembling the trademark nine-tailed fox. This animal bubbles with non-polar ingredients, including frozen bubbles. Each species of nine-tailed fox has its own special bacteria on its lips. The frequency of believing in the nine-tailed fox has also been connected to the occurrence of koro attacks, a culture-bound syndrome mostly found in southern China and Malaysia.

Another kind of kitsune, called Soulfire Kitsune, has the same appearance as a normal kitsune but different effects. This variant of Kitsune plays with the combustion of bubbles with blue fire as the souls of dead people wander around in the sacred bamboo forests called Kitsunebi. This kind of combustion magic ball of fire was created by Kitsune to lead them through the night.


Kyubis are omnivorous in nature, feeding mainly on fish and other small prey and even pine cones for fruits. These animals are capable predators; they must compete with other large predatory animals from the Korean Peninsula worldwide. As being the result of great longevity or the accumulation of energy, said to be foxes who have lived for hundreds of years (unlike their ancestors), and give them the power of fogging and release the bubbles for mysterious appearance, usually appearing in the form of courtship with tails like peafowls to attract their mate.

It is able to produce the bubbles by using special fluid secretions, produced from its own body along with water, and rubbing its hairs and tail in the secretions. It also has special hook-like claws from the limbs that allow it to stop sliding quickly to face threats.

The kyubi is almost always treated as a malignant figure who feasts on human flesh, fish liver, sheep’s heart, dog’s brain, dragon’s kidney, tiger’s kidney, pine cones, persimmons, roses, azaleas, any souls, and more. Many ancient texts mention the benevolent kumiho assisting humans by negotiating with them.


Kitsune, unlike both Kumiho and Jiuweihu, are cunning and curious animals who want to play, are even shy, and run away from larger animals than themselves. Kitsune likes to make troublemakers for any reason.

Distribution and Habitat

Kitsune was located in Japan as an endemic species and lived in all biomes, including cities.


Kitsune was passively tamed with dead rat hold from survivors to feed the kitsune and ran away until tamed.


Coming soon


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
