Thomas Nawondembi

Thomas Nawondembi

Wilderness is the new scene of our lives. ”


Background and Character Information

Full Name: Thomas Milles James Nawondembi

Other Names: Tom

Born: May 14, 1999

Species: Terran Human

Nationality: Shoshone American

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student, activist, writer, rider

Language Spoken: Shoshoni, English, Spanish, French

Alignment: Good


Powers and Abilities: 

Partner(s): ???

Relative(s): ???


Likes: ???

Dislikes: ???

Inspiration: fictional

Thomas Nawondembi is the fictional character introduced in No Way to Seaway series, as first ever character introduced in new series and fictional character of Native American descent.


Coming soon

Physical Appearance

Coming soon


Nawondembi is a skilled healer and now middleman of marksmanship for his late friend during deportation to the Late Cretaceous incident. He believed that his father was the leader of new territory as barriers against wild dinosaurs under the Nawondembi family, descendants of Sacagawea due to mystical magic for natural selection and magical realism altogether.


He was only Native Indian befriended by the student turned warrior and a princess, including the friar and student's twin brother for gaining reputation of Hell Creek Formation and other allies. The student turned warrior was Ronaldo Galicinao Kealani, the only princess in the Hell Creek Formation was Margaret, Countess of Pembroke; the only friar from El Filibusterismo was Padre Florentino de Dios, Juliana's lost cousin; and student's twin brother was Paulo Galicinao Kealani.

Nawondembi was formerly skilled from horse training due to fear of large animals, but later was able to remove his fear and take personal care of large animals like Tyrannosaurus or Edmontosaurus during the Late Cretaceous period. He was very skilled and lazy depending on his energy we loss or refilled, due to unique bioenergy and qi energy stores his own

Nawondembi in school since childhood before met Kealani and his allies, he was tranquil and antidepressant people who believe that he was hated bullying either Asians or Blacks, due to being as Shoshone tribe, most common are friendly and innocent, comical and anti quarreling tribe against bad situations. Tom was very mock to his sister and his father, but his mom blames him for false tricking and it was very funny for his rest of family and allies as part of Ohana.


Coming soon



Chronological Appears


Weather Dragons

No Way to Seaway
