
Nigrodraco obscura


“ A unique black dragon, unable to breathe fire, inflicts pain and damage to all organs through his black abilities. The death element's powers have more lethal and powerful applications. The queen or empress has given this species the moniker "Dark Tangent Foreshadow" because they are moved by your identification. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Nigrodraconidae

Genius: Nigrodraco

Species: Nigrodraco obscura

Descendant: dark dragon

Named by: Yosef Andrei Normstorm Gmelin

Year Published: 1895

Size: 8.9 meters tall in height, 13.6 meters in length, wingspan estimated to 19.94 meters in length, 6,000 - 7,000 kilograms in weight



Pantheon: Terran/Gaian

Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🥓🐟🪲🦀

Elements: Dark

Inflicts: Darkblight (Black), gnashed, wither

Weaknesses: Light, combat, fae, chaos




Based On: 

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Nigrostra (Nigrodraco obscura; IPA: nɪˈɡɾɔːstɾɑ) is a fictional species that introduced in Worldcraft: Mission of Siblings. Nigrostra is always neither a minor antagonist nor an antihero.


Nigrostra names are a combination of words from "negro," which means black in Spanish, and Teostra from Monster Hunter series, because, however, it was not related to the accident.

Physical Appearance

Nigrostra was a dragon with black skin. The legs and horns are darker than the scales, which are black. The fire was distinct from regular fire, though, because it had dark features, such as crimson eyes and a belly that was somewhat flesh-colored. Their skin was incredibly good at both countershading and camouflaging against the dark, especially in dimly lit environments such as tunnels and gloomy forests that were magically created.


Nigrostra is the most well-known black dragon in the universe. If Nigrostra uses the dark magic to weaken the enemies in this possession, However, the Nigrostra was now enraged; its wing membrane was shown glowing like stars at night. Turn your eyes glowing at midnight or in the darkness with little or no light.

According to ancient texts from Europe, Nigrostra was enraged at night to summon plague that unleashes either gas when the people cause Black Death or even Black Friday events at times. Even by gangsters from known, Nigrostra was hatred to profanity as called "nigga" for short name. As suggested, the attacking non-black people to death by both withers and darkness known by the royal family is "The Dark Tangent" or "Midnight Protector", because it was only active from post-dusk to pre-dawn because it was too unfair for criminals like overthrow the presidential or royal family for many reasons. If you touch your hiding identity without being exposed, your identity will be prophecy, and your nightmare will exist as their bad omen to bad luck against racism and discrimination against criminals because this dragon is restricted to blacks.

Black magic is the main weapon for Nigrostra to quarrel, battlefield, guerrilla warfare, combat, and self-defense when the royal family or noble family deal serious damage against all more than Elder Dragon, including Heliondros, Snallygaster, Drakolossia, Mireu/Yicheo'tang, Kanglasha, and others.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Nigrostra was a top predator in whole regions without permission. Then hunts without black color/melanism as in case against non-black colored, are only in the following order: voles, ducks, swans, hamsters, stray dogs, chickens, pheasants, wildcats, polecats, minks, macaques, ants, bisons, cattles, sheep, deer, mammoths, elephants, stegosaurus, caecilians, frogs, salamanders, squids, jellyfishes, starfishes, anchovies, dolphins, porpoises, humans (except for Africans, Aeta, Moors, black people, Aboriginals excluding for Arrerntes, Papuans, Melanesians, and Congolese ethnic groups because it was taboo by witches), crocodiles (except for prehistoric crocodilians), and small dragons (except for have black color and/or melanism) as their main prey when non-black color as the coding. Nigrostras were threatened by all Elder Dragons, including Elder Dragon-Level Monsters like Ropen, Akkorokamui, Gaki, Poreskoro, Vritra, Basiliorgos, Kulshedra, and Navagunjara.

Nigrostra hunts alone to find their parents and only finds her mate. Each egg hatched three to five to two weeks ago, incubating for 16 hours without predators. Only hatches are at a mild temperature when the only way to hatch is neither too hot nor too cold, just right for the real temperature up to below 25°C.


The neutral, nocturnal dragon Nigrostra is only seen during the day. However, because Nigrostra are unaffected by sunlight, they become extremely hostile at noon or during a full moon.

Distribution and Habitat

Nigrostras are found in boreal forests, temperate forests, chaparrals, Mediterranean biomes, and monsoon forests. Can survive below 39°C or -40°F. This is the only species that adapts to darkness, which is shadier.


The only way to tame this creature is with the egg of Nigrostra. If you steal the egg without the parents getting a chance to tame the baby, Feed the hatched Nigrostra using either raw or cooked meat. Another Nigrostra that kills the criminal for justice is easy to adopt, like feeding them kibble or meat as their pet.


Bereshit 300,000-10,000 BCE

Nigrostra and other dragons were created by Eostre under Project Pashneia, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Deities to create any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own.

Worldcraft Series - 3000-3020 CE+

Another imposter, Duke Jacob Poniatowski from Diemoblash, looked a lot like Lawrence Thongameray, the King of Dinojerulla Kingdom. Hustle Lee, a sniper and second-in-command of the Thirenhan Templar Order, shot Poniatowski because he had an unfair relationship with Lawrence's wife, Joanna Jorelavo, and because of this, he committed sexual promiscuity. His vilification was a crucial part of the reports written after the battle. Hustle Lee is a descendant of George Henry Moore. As vindication, Lee was eaten alive after being killed by an invading wild Nigrostra.

2019/2020 Version

2023 Version

Foreign Languages

Coming soon
