
Cosmimopteryx siberica


The region of enormous clusters of crystals is home to a living machine. Sweat and crystals served as their primary defenses, and their skin was symbolic. In the caves, a wing shines like a star. Nothing compares to their wretched dragon, the indigenous crystal-bearing beast from Mexico to Russia, with its hollow mythological burden.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Cosmimopterygidae

Subfamily: Cosmimopteryginae

Genus: Cosmimopteryx

Species: Cosmimopteryx siberica

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 9.55 meters tall in height, 42.6 meters length per wingspan, 26.02 meters in length including tail, 800 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Pleistocene–Holocene (Chibanian–Meghalayan) - 300,000 BCE–present

Alignment: Territorial

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Earth, light

Inflicts: Crystallized, blindness

Weaknesses: Metal, dark, time

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Samotsala (Cosmimopteryx siberica) (Russian: самоцала; Serbian/Croatian: самоцали) is a fictional species of Elder Dragon introduced in Snow Maiden.

Samotsala is the only few animals possessed by the surrounding crystals made of unknown materials. These creatures were once thought to be a myth due to the bright crystal dust surrounding them obscuring the vision of others much like a stars.


From the word Samotsala wasn't Russian in origin, from Serbian: самоцвет (samocvet) means gem and Latin ala means wing.

Physical Appearance

The body of a Samotsala is gray with pink feather-like pycnofibres that are jagged and have spikes on their elbows, knees, and neck. Crystal-coated feathers that stick out of their wing membranes reflect light. Its head, feet, tail, and wings are covered in blue to purple crystal protrusions. It has a lean and svelte overall body shape.

Actually, their horns resemble crowns. Samotsala is a sexual dimorphism; females are more attractive than males, have more crystals than the majority of males, lack sword crystal, and even have different eye colors. Similar to calico cats, females have different eye colors on the left and right, whereas males do not. Males have darker scutes than females but are larger.


Samotsala works with crystals, breathes miasma, and blasts crystals until they explode. Additionally, it has the ability to upchuck a sizable crystal shard that lands on the ground and remains there for a while. Their unbreakable tail could pierce through both armor and flesh. If it reflects light, transforming into a light element, it releases crystals and a rainbow, which illuminates the person's head.

Weather Phenomenon


Like most other Elder Dragons, it is hard to say where Samotsala fits in with the ecological niche that abducts any princesses. It is covered in crystals to protect mostly females as a queen, whereas the males as dukes. The colorful quartz crystals on the heads, claws, wings and tails of the creatures are very translucent and are able to release a large amount of light. Samotsala are carnivorous, rarely fighting any ancient animals and humans before they coexist with Ket people of Russia.

Believe that this dragon migrates from Mexico to Russia because this not a native species, affects their native species and the ethnic groups. Some female one build their own throne made of natural crystals by crying or sweating in forlorn. Samotsala fought with Grootslang, a native dragon but flightless competing in their crystal caves due to more abundantly above the resources that reason this animal always symbiosis with unknown bacteria helps to feed some crystals made turn translucent to transparent.


They are very territorial and very aggressive, sending other organisms and large aircrafts crashing to the ground without a second thought.

Distribution and Habitat

Samotsala was located in their caverns with crystals worldwide.


You wait for it to land before climbing onto its back. It will take off if you feed it some delicious crystals, but don't worry—you won't fall. NEVER LOOK DOWN! Turn to the third person. Wait a short while before feeding it again after the initial feeding.

Alternatively, survivors must steal a Samotsala's egg in order to tame it. When these eggs hatch, the babies must be fed any type of milk, which can be gotten from a variety of sources.


Coming soon.

Known Individuals


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Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
