
Lupoherperops malumadvena


“ He is one of the last surviving metatherians and the seventh son of an evil god born during the age of Holocene. With the blessings, the gliding but lethal weapon against all, even his kin, warned the Guarani people of Paraguay that this animal was the only real werewolf—that is, a marsupial. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Sparassodonta

Family: Lupoherperopsidae

Genius: Lupoherperops

Species: Lupoherperops malumadvena

Descendant: Sparassodonts

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 7.4 m tall in height; 34.2 m long in length; wingspan estimate to 21.4 m from hand; 100 kg in weight

Lifespan: 10 to 18+ years



Pantheon: Guarani

Time Period: Pliocene–Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Dark

Inflicts: Darkness, lifebreak, sundered, bleeding, wither, poison, gnashed

Weaknesses: Water, light, fae, chaos


Based On: 

Conservation Status: 

Luison or Lobison (Lupoherperops malumadvena) is the one of the mythical creatures and a guardian introduced in Worldcraft: My Last Blessings and Weather Dragons: The Second Gift.


The name wolf, Lobisomem, more literally wolf-man.

Physical Appearance

Luison is a bipedal, ugly metatherian that resembles a werewolf, with very sharp furs and quills on its tail, long claws on its hands like anteaters, a rib-like belly, long digitigrade legs, dark gray to black fur, dog-headed, wolf-shaped ears, an opossum nose, a patagium between elbows and knees, and even reddish brown eyes.

Luison is the best example of a mythical creature that is mistaken to be mixed with a maned wolf, opossum, anteater, monito del monte, flying squirrel, porcupine, and werewolf altogether.


Luison is a dark element of the Horatio continent on planet Reinachos. Luison unleashes uncontrollable dark energy from hands or mouth, including rattling around the tail to release energy to shoot and explodes on impact. Luison is a very unlikely monster that uses their patagium that glides and these two strong legs to double jump or even jump on water or lava, unharmed, shoots itself, and dives or swoops while gliding.

Without any dark energy, the Luison releases a foul smell in its mouth that causes stun and nausea. These two claws are causing sundering, breaking through armor of any kind, and piercing through the body. These quills are very sharp and cause withering and poison.

Weather Phenomenon


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Luison is very elusive and changes their fourteen behaviors, which means between the representative of the seven virtues and the seven deadly sins. These seven pairs of alignments are based on their own brains between left and right ideas for switching this behavior as a strategy. Considered the only elemental and the most intelligent of all them.

Distribution and Habitat

Luison was a native species in Paraguay's dark forests. Another population of Luison was found in Corazones Labyrinth Forest, the abandoned civilization with kauri and monkey puzzle trees planted by Monegasques, Spaniards, and Guaranis before the event.


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Luison was considered extinct by the Ascunsian Empire before the event due to the eradication of Jews and others under Roxana Maldado, the last remaining fallen angel. Luison is finally discovered as two individuals, while a few individuals remain hidden in the habitat called Corazones Labyrinth Forest, the religious place for the Guarani people of South America under the Romanians and Portuguese.

Back to the history before the 21st century and beyond, the Luison was created by Chang'e and Quetzalcoatl after the moon rabbit and considered not created by the god Tau and his wife Kerara, but Tupan, a god in Guarani mythology, wants to evolve the last remaining metatherian resembles a werewolf from Europe into his own, but the first name of this species was forbid. Due to many loanwords from Spanish to Guarani, the Amerindian language was a spoken language and didn't have its own script or records; thus, no written record of his original name would have been made.

Luison is the deadliest assassin and the most intelligent of all elements under Saint Dymphna, the poetess and princess who commands similar to Welsh, Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Jewish, Islamic, Christian, Abenaki, Shishalh, and Guarani mythologies: Y Ddraig Goch, Cadborosaurus, Behemoth, Wuchowsen, Mothsol, and Luison. Dymphna, as Nicolette Andreponte of France, for simply calming Luison and the rest of them before joining forces with Mothsol larvae. Luison has always been a bouncer against Isabella Morrison and her allies, Archibald Buenaventura (or short name Archie) and Nicolette Jorelavo.

Luison is the convergent evolution of wulvers and werewolves, very unmatched to them and very unique to Luisõ due to seven numbers. It has a bad luck number by some populations, but it was a very lucky number when tamed or trusted as a seven number.

Known Individuals



Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

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