
Daemonogallo lithuanica


“ At midnight, commotion breaks out, and this evening, this man wasn't being made fun of. The dragon's fiery farts burn everything in its path as they ignite embers near the house. Since the dragon in question is a wyvern and not a very enormous, black chicken, the devil has nothing to do with it. Never give money to a charred animal, Hades, or Lucifer. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Subclass: Ornithopodia

Order: Pseudogalliformes

Family: Daemonogallidae

Genius: Daemonogallo

Species: Daemonogallo lithuanica

Descendant: theropods

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 13 meters (42.66 feet) tall in height; wingspan of 45 meters (49.2126 yards) in length; 28.4 meters (31.05 yards) in length; 350 kilograms (12345.9 tonnes) in weight




Time Period: Paleocene - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Fire, combat

Inflicts: Fireblight, bomblight, stunned

Weaknesses: Water, ice


Based On: 

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Aitvaras (Daemonogallo lithuanica) or sometimes called Pukīs, is a mythical creature introduced in Worldcraft: Fairytale's Ending and Weather Dragons: Horvath.

Physical Appearance

Aitvaras is a giant black chicken-like dragon mistaken for a rooster with a trail of fire as a propeller-like vehicle and space rockets. Aitvaras have several smaller horns ranging from the forehead to near the ears. Their legs are like those of chickens, colored yellow with charcoal claws. Their beaks aren't real; they have teeth the same as their ancestors.


Aitvaras may fly at great speeds by ejecting fire elements from their anus, like a jet plane. Aitvaras frequently lunges forward and tries to bite or swipe at hunters with its legs. Aitvaras fires a variety of weapons, including a coating of fire that covers its entire body, a flamethrower, a fireball, and a fire beam. It also frequently uses its wings to distribute this powder, which generates a powerful wind that temporarily paralyzes hunters. A fire assault will damage the sodium fire and intensify the wind when it comes into contact with it. Any water weapon and a level 2 fire extinguisher can put out sodium flames.

The duchess believed that ecological equilibrium was related to extraterrestrial worlds like Sawintir, Reinachos, Agartha, Jotunheim, and Delphia that are unable to generate supernovas due to the loss of their lethal capabilities in their distant birthplace. They are able to perform a unique bond assault. No other creature possesses it, and it erases traces and proof in a way that Aitvaras's heat wave and the star's supernova never could.


Weather Phenomenon


Aitvaras was a top predator in Lithuania, whoever is not challenged among denizens to prevent their motherland, or the rich family or poor family destroys everything their society under the protection without warning, even kills both demons and humans daring to extremism. 

Aitvaras use their feathers for temperature like volcanoes and tundras.

Aitvaras like chickens but then eat everything because they are omnivorous and near sapient level because of their madness and wickedness against poverty and the society, that's unfair for ecological niche. The main predators of Aitvaras are Titanios, Samjoko, Bulgasari, Buraki, Seiryu, and other larger animals in single battle. Muertagallo is the worst enemy of Aitvaras because of the convergent evolution of roosters. Muertagallo is in a reptile group like birds, while Aitvaras is under Borona (Avalonian or Encantadia language for large birds that weren't waterfowl, is bird of prey like) evolving from the dinosaurs.


Aitvaras was very docile when you didn't believe in society under their life, aggressive towards their political and social life and social values that is the reason for this being as an Elder Dragon-level threat.

Distribution and Habitat

Aitvaras originated in Lithuania and Latvia as an endemic species in the future.


Aitvaras likes mulberries, because then can many survivors have tranquilizers that Aitvaras was vulnerable to sleepiness and very active to restless. With moose kibble and mulberry juice or berries for eating.


Bereshit - 30,000-10,000 BCE

Aitvaras was created by Project Pashneia, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Deities to create any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own.

Known Individuals

Foreign Languages

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