
Maiasaura peeblesorum

Yukitashke (Maiasaura peeblesorum)

The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation. ”

James E. Faust

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Ornithischia

Suborder: Ornithopoda

Family: Hadrosauridae

Subfamily: Saurolophinae

Genius: Maiasaura

Species: Maiasaura peeblesorum

Descendant: Brachylophosaurus

Named by: John Robert Horner and Robert Makela

Year Published: 1979

Size: 2.5 m tall in height; 9 m in length; 4 metric tons (4.4 short tons) in weight

Lifespan: 10–20+ years



Pantheon: Terran

Time Period:  Late Cretaceous (Campanian), 76.7-65 Ma

Alignment: Loyal

Threat Level: ★★★

Diet: Herbivorous

Elements: Fae

Inflicts: Charmed, tagged

Weaknesses: Fire, ice, electric, metal

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Yukitashke (Maiasaura peeblesorum) is the one of the extinct species of ornithosaur found in Western Interior Seaway regions during Late Cretaceous period.


Maiasaura is from the Greek μαῖα, meaning "good mother" and σαύρα, the feminine form of saurus, meaning "reptile." Alternative for Maiasaura was Yukitashke, from Lakota word: Unci tatanka agléška or simply portmanteau Uncitaška, which means "mother bull lizard."

Physical Appearance

Large in size, Maiasaura is a hadrosaur with duck-billed characteristics, a long tail, four long hooves on each leg, an s-shaped neck, and a tiny horn on its forehead.


Yukitashke/Maiasaura's unique ability was the pheromones that can be released by the Yukitashke/Maiasaura can either calm enemy creatures or enrage enemy creatures.

Yukitashke/Maiasaura itself is not a danger, however, when attacked it will release a pinkish white pheromone substance into the air or waters, causing nearby wildlife to become aggressive and whore for a whole minute.


Maiasaura lived alongside the ceratopsid Centrosaurus, the tank-like Euoplocephalus and an earlier relative of Tyrannosaurus rex, Daspletosaurus torosus. It was among the latest dinosaur species to evolve, prior to the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction of 65 million years ago. What did a Maiasaura consume, then? It consumed leaves, ferns, pine needles, and other types of plants.

Maiasaura lived in herds and it raised its young in nesting colonies. The nests in the colonies were packed closely together, like those of modern seabirds, with the gap between the nests being around 7 metres (23 ft); less than the length of the adult animal. The nests were made of earth and contained 30 to 40 eggs laid in a circular or spiral pattern. The eggs were about the size of ostrich eggs.


Before fairies were established, Yukitashke/Maiasaura was thought to be one of the first known fae-type elementals. Yukitashke/Maiasaura was a gentle but fiercely protective dinosaur, especially toward her young. When her egg was threatened and later vanished, she fought predatory animals and attacked others, displaying her strength by easily defeating them with her perfume-like pheromones.

Distribution and Habitat

The middle section (lithofacies 4) of the Two Medicine Formation contains the distinctive fossil Maiasaura, which dates to roughly 76.4 million years ago. Along with the basal ornithopod Orodromeus and the troodontid Stenonychosaurus (previously Troodon), Maiasaura also coexisted with the dromaeosaurid Bambiraptor and the tyrannosaur Daspletosaurus. Hypacrosaurus fossils have been discovered lower in the Two Medicine Formation than previously thought, suggesting that Maiasaura coexisted alongside another species of hadrosaurid for a period of time. The boundary between the presumed separate faunas in the upper and middle is less defined than previously believed, as demonstrated by the discovery of another hadrosaur, Gryposaurus latidens, in the same area as Maiasaura. Following the emergence of Maiasaura within the Two Medicine Formation, ornithischian taxa appear to have undergone a significant diversification.


When assaulted, Maiasaura run considerably faster than other races can, making it difficult to knock them out. One of the finest tactics is to simply punch the Maiasaura once it is wedged between some rocks or trees. After it has been knocked unconscious, take care to avoid hurting it because doing so will reduce the effectiveness of bolas and other taming methods.


Despite the fact that many people in Sawintir or North America are viewed as an alternative source of meat made of Maiasaura, which is said to be aphrodisiac because it is an elemental of the fae variety. The Maiasaura, unlike its real-life counterpart, was both male and female. This animal was known as a hermaphrodite because, if it was male, it would change into a female once a female died from a natural predator.

The Maiasaura was first discovered in 1978 by Laurie Trexler, since then hundreds of specimens have been uncovered. It was later described by Jack Horner, known for his work as the paleontologic advisor for the Jurassic Park movies, and Robert Makela. On how the Maiasaura perished, paleontologists disagree. However, many people believe that an asteroid that struck the planet close to the end of the Cretaceous Period is to blame for the extinction of these dinosaurs. Six miles was estimated to be the asteroid's width. It launched a large cloud of dust into the earth's atmosphere when it touched down. Because the sunshine was obstructed by the dust, plant life slowly withered away. The Maiasaura also perished when its food supply was cut off.

Maiasaura are some of the rare dinosaurs that have survived into the modern age, which is similar to the 20th and 21st centuries ago. They were rediscovered somewhere in the United States and Mexico, and they may have traveled to Guatemala and Colombia as a result, just like we did during the Great American Interchange. Using drift portals, Maiasaura was successfully created in order to prevent extinction due to meteors. The Two Medicine Formation and the Oldman Formation are where the Maiasaura once resided.

The Recollections of Queen Arianna, the Worldcraft, Regalia Students, Two Lights, Equation, and Rewritten series will all start with this work of fiction in the future. Some princesses believe that some Maiasaura are the living descendants of dinosaurs. Predatory animals found in Maiasaura include lions, tigers, leopards, wolves, theropods, big eagles, cranes, crocodiles, giant reptiles, snakes, regular dragons, humans, and elves. Because of the rare non-avian dinosaur, the United Nations and United Alliance of Planet Earth have listed it as an endangered species.

Known Individuals


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