Brown Rukh

Megaloactiornis aquilos

Brown Rukh

“ An unexpected thing where an enormous bird lifts heavier than a big obelisk or an elephant? Attacks their speed, their echoes through the enemies, or being bitten by a pseudo-tooth—this is not even happening in Arabian stories until rediscovered by Marco Polo. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Odontopterygiformes

Family: Megaloactiornidae

Genius: Megaloactiornis

Species: Megaloactiornis aquilos

Descendant: Pelagornids

Named by: Arnold Anderson

Year Published: 1982

Size: 10.4 m long in length (wingspan); 6.3 m long in length; 5.4 m tall in height; 700 kg in weight

Lifespan: 12 to 56+ years



Pantheon: Persian

Time Period: PlioceneHolocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Water, air

Inflicts: Waterblight, airblight, confused

Weaknesses: Electric, nature, ice




Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Brown Rukh or Brown Roc (Megaloactiornis aquilos; Persian: رخ قهوهای; roḵ qahve'i) is the one of the mythical creatures and guardians introduced in Worldcraft: Mission of Siblings and Weather Dragons: Steal Scene of Gaugamela War.


The English form roc originates via Antoine Galland's French from Arabic ruḵḵ (Arabic: الرُخّ, romanized: al-ruḫḫ) and that from Persian ruḵ (Persian pronunciation: [/rux/]).

Physical Appearance

Brown rukhs are a common variety of rukhs that, when paired with nightjars and rockhopper penguins, resemble crowned eagles and African fish eagles. With these fake teeth on its bill, a black to yellow, yellowish face, brown to light brown feathers with black tips, and two longer tails with tails resembling peafowl's eyes, their beak had already been destroyed. Their 56-meter-long wingspan, which can produce tornadoes and waterspouts, and yellowish-white for speed flying are tied to their crests. The eyes were hazel in color.


Brown Roc possesses water and air elements, which are useful during attack. Even bashing with a screech beam is deadlier than roars; from their distance up to 12 miles away, their roaring like rape intensified. Despite their wings being fanning, you are blinded and mudded if from the tropical regions.

Brown Roc flaps the wings to summon a tornado or waterspout during the battle. It's prone to retreating at the first sign of danger, so use that to your advantage. When enraged, the head and wing feathers of the Roc will turn their face flushed into red as a sign of scare or threat.


Weather Phenomenon


Brown Rukh is the top predator in Iran. Rocs are an innocent and insensitive species; those people stole the elephant as their main prey. Roc hatches one egg in their large nest to protect them from poachers and mainly weaken the predator, but the predators themselves are unable to eat because of their large size, like elephant birds. If the wedding bride with a bridal shower was started, either any species of rukh disturbs the wedding and kidnaps her as bride to their caring the egg without their parents. As the results of an ecologist called "Princess and Dragon," a related in Elder Dragon-Level Monsters that related "Abduction" moves, show, only a few birds or dinosaurs try to steal your girlfriend.


Despite its large size, the Brown Rukh cannot attack humans or all races on the site and remains docile until provoked by attackers. Rukhs are hostile to elephants, hippos, horses, elephant birds, crocodiles, whales, sharks, and others.

Distribution and Habitat

Brown Rukh was found in Arabia and Madagascar as well, also located at the shores with trees or mangrove forests, xeric shrubland, Mediterranean forest, tropical forest, temperate deciduous forest, and even taiga.


The Rukh chick was neglected and left; however, there is a very low chance to feed it harmlessly with fish or fresh meat for feed and tamed.


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