Dreadqueen Rathian

Dilitirodispodus kokotonica

Dreadqueen Rathian

“ Every rose has its thorns. The "Dreadqueen's" thorns are barbs full of deadly venom, and they can scatter a purple cloud of suffocating death in any area she alights. She blooms proud and alone amidst her own desolation. ”

– Monster Hunter Generations

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Order: Guivernia

Suborder: Sauroviperus

Family: Dilitirodispodidae

Genius: Dilitirodispodus

Species: Dilitirodispodus kokotonica

Descendant: Wyverns

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 9.9 meters tall in height; 41.54 meters in length; wingspan estimate to 30.4 meters in length; 5,000 kilograms in weigh




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Fire (Orange), dark

Inflicts: Fireblight (Orange), fatal poison (Magenta)

Weaknesses: Water, earth, fae, light, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: herself from Monster Hunter

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Dreadqueen Rathian ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Dreadqueen Rathian (Dilitirodispodus kokotonica) is the deviant version of Rathian introduced in Monster Hunter Generations.


Coming from English word wrath, because of the word removes the letter W- into rath; and suffix word for feminine -ian.

Physical Appearance

Dreadqueen Rathian tends to be bigger than normal Rathian while also having a purple tint on her scales, as if poison had been seeping through all parts of her body. Hazardous poison liquid can be seen secreting from a Dreadqueen's tail whenever she attacks with it.


Dreadqueen Rathian has the same moveset as their relatives; however, they also have new attacks. They often use their poisonous tails to attack hunters and inflict either poison, noxious poison, or deadly poison. Also, much like Gold Rathian, Dreadqueen Rathian are capable of combining a flame bite and a poisonous tail attack, making them even more dangerous.

In near-death experience mode, Dreadqueen Rathian shoots five to seven times of mixed fire and poison flames, causing fatal poison, like Espinas. Dreadqueen Rathian and Dreadking Rathalos are now omnivores; they only eat like poisonous plants, and azaleas store their own poison in their sacs at the feet of Rathalos or tail and mouth of Rathian.


Rathians are weakened by poison to make fewer fireball attacks, but not poison can nerf. It also works to free a pinned hunter. When Rathian is low on stamina, her fire breath fails. Wounding the tail weakens the poison's power. Cutting the tail prevents it from leaving poison spikes.

Weather Phenomenon


Dreadqueen Rathian has many of the same adaptations as Rathian; however, there are a few differences between them. Dreadqueen rats are known to have purple-colored scales, giving them their additional name, Dreadqueen. Their scales are tainted this color due to the immense amount of poison they produce, making their scales and shells deadly to touch with bare hands.

This overflow of poison is due to them living in certain environments, which have altered their poisons. Unlike normal Rathian, Dreadqueen Rathian are able to scatter the thorns on their tails onto the battlefield, like rose pedals, making an area hazardous. These thorns leave behind poisonous clouds on the ground. If this wasn't deadly enough, Dreadqueen Rathian poisons come in three different forms: poison, noxious poison, and deadly poison. Much like Dreadking Rathalos, Dreadqueen Rathian has stronger fire-breathing abilities.


Dreadqueen Rathian are truly dangerous monsters and a lot more lethal than normal Rathian, being much more territorial, and they're ultra-aggressive, attacking hunters mercilessly with extreme graphic violence. She hated the normal one and red, pink, and azure, gold and silver, and even the apex one; she never hated her own husband due to her enemies. Dreadqueen was very aggressive towards Kushala Daora, who is weakened by poisonous contact.

Distribution and Habitat

Rathian have been spotted in many kinds of environments, from temperate deciduous to tropical rainforest worldwide to desert.


Rathian can be a pet. The meat dropped by the survivor works when the monster has not noticed the survivor.


Both Dreadqueen and Dreadking live in the world of Monster Hunter and our world before the Monster Hunter movie and same as The Swan Princess. However, the two dinosaurs were called by noblemen and noblewomen, as well as philosophers called "Violent Flame Prince" and "Evil Poison Princess" before the Silk Road event.


Foreign Languages
