Tatiana's Dollar

Clypeaster reticulatus

Princess Tatiana's Pebble Dollar

A living terrestrial sand dollar, what is that?!

unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Echinodermata

Class: Echinoidea

Order: Clypeasteroida

Family: Clypeasteridae

Genus: Clyperotula

Species: Clyperotula tatianai

Descendant: Clypeaster reticulatus

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 75 mm (3.0 in) long in length; 0.075 kg (0.1 grams/mL) in weight

Lifespan: 18 years

Activity: Crepuscular 🌇

Thermoregulate: Ectotherm


Title: none


Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Good

Threat Level:

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🐟🥓🪲🦀🍺

Elements: Rock 🪨

Inflicts: none

Weaknesses: Fire 🔥, Water 🌊, Rock 🪨, Air 🌬️, Electric ⚡, Leaf 🌿, Ice ❄️, Metal 🔩, Dark 🌑, Light 🔆, Arcane ✨, Fae 🧚, Sound 🎵, Spirit 👻, Time 🕛, Aether 🌌, Chaos ☣️, Cuncta 🌈, Poison 🤢, Paralysis 😣, Sleep 😴, Stunned 😵, Blastblight 💣, Sundered 💔, Leeched 🦟, Bleeding 🩸

Casualties: none

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

The Princess Tatiana's Pebble Dollar or Tatiana's Dollar (Clyperotula tatianai) is the fictional species of sand dollar introduced in Weather Dragons and Worldcraft.


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Physical Appearance

The only real echinoderm that lived on land and was the sand dollar is called Tatiana's Dollar. With the exception of its star-like center, rough upper body spines, inflamed pinkish feet, and brownish gray skin, this sand dollar mimics other sand dollars. The countershading monster, Tatiana's Dollar, may completely hide from predators by blending in with the mud and earth.


Sea biscuits, a kind of echinoderm closely associated with starfish and sea urchins, including sand dollars. Some people think they represent rebirth, renewal, and transformation because to its unusual life cycle. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are shown in some ancient cultures.

The first terrestrial echinoderms are called terrestrial dollars, which hide from predators by having skin that looks like stones and is grayish brown. The particular organ that could store water allowed terrestrial dollars to live for many minutes without any problems. The skin and mucous membrane in their mouths and bodies are how terrestrial dollars breathe; in order for these surfaces to collect oxygen, they must always be moist.

Due to several feet on below that are producing body irritability and skin rashes, only one individual is extremely irritated by Tatiana's Dollar. The Tatiana's Dollar won't bite people.


Sand dollars can't last more than a few minutes without water. If you come across a live one, make sure to put it back where it belongs on the ocean floor so it can keep on contributing to the ecosystem of Sanibel. Because the sun bleached these dead sand dollars, you can take them home and enjoy them.


Sea biscuits, a type of echinoderm related to starfish and sea urchins, are what are known as sand dollars. Because of their unusual life cycle, some people think they represent rebirth, renewal, and transformation. In some cultures, they represent the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The star-shaped sign on top of the shell serves as a reminder of the Star of Bethlehem, which guided the wise men to the Christ Child. An Easter lily's outline surrounds the star as a symbol of the Lord's resurrection. A sand dollar has five holes: one in the middle and four around the star's ends.

Sand dollars are not dangerous at all, whether they are alive or dead, despite the fact that they occasionally produce a harmless yellow substance called echinochrome. However, live sand dollars should be left alone and returned to the water. The mucous membrane in their mouth and body, as well as their skin, are how terrestrial dollars breathe; in order to receive oxygen, these surfaces must always be moist. A terrestrial dollar's spines help carry food particles to its bottom-side mouth in its home of forests and mountains with the help of small hairs called cilia. It catches earthworm eggs in isopods (pedicellariae) with spines and pincers on its body surface.

Wolves, cats, ravens, eagles, crabs, snails, and deer are some of their main predators, and because they move slowly and have basic defenses like body spines and microscopic stinging cells on their tube feet, terrestrial dollars are quite straightforward to trap.


When in contact with skin rashes, terrestrial dollars are highly passive and defensive.

Distribution and Habitat

The most common terrestrial echinoderm that was present in Sawintir, Agartha, Berbania, Reinachos, Vanaheim, Alfheim, and Delphia was known as Tatiana's Dollar. This species, which was nearly terrestrial and was found in forests, marshes, hills, cliffs, and other locations, was irresistible and suffered no harm when it fell from great heights because of its extremely soft skin, which was similar to gelatin.


Terrestrial Dollars from the Earth can be kept as pets. They are forest creatures, thus their main requirement is water. Additionally, since they naturally receive food from the habitat you have created, growing them in a terrarium or tank with other pets eliminates any feeding duties.


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Known Individuals


See also: none

Foreign Languages

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