Pink Rathian

Dilitirodispodus kokotonica

Pink Rathian

“ A subspecies with vibrant pink scales. Pink Rathians wield their toxic tails more deftly than normal Rathians, weakening prey with poison before moving in for the kill. ”

Monster Hunter World

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Order: Guivernia

Suborder: Sauroviperus

Family: Dilitirodispodidae

Genius: Dilitirodispodus

Species: Dilitirodispodus kokotonica

Descendant: Wyverns

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 8.8 meters tall in height; 37.32 meters in length; wingspan estimate to 24.4 meters in length; 5,000 kilograms in weigh




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Fire (Orange)

Inflicts: Fireblight (Orange), poison (Purple)

Weaknesses: Water, earth, electric, ice, light, fae, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: herself from Monster Hunter

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Pink Rathian ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Pink Rathian (Dilitirodispodus kokotonica) is the Azure Rathalos' female wyvern and the variant introduced in Monster Hunter. The Pink Rathian is a genetic mutation of the Rathian.


Coming from English word wrath, because of the word removes the letter W- into rath; and suffix word for feminine -ian.

Physical Appearance

Pink Rathian is a mutated Rathian who has a more heavily armored body and greater health and attack power than her green relative. She can often be found in various quests alongside her gender counterpart, the Azure Rathalos.


Her attacks are generally stronger than those of normal Rathian; they are also much faster than those of her green relative, but aside from that, the two are identical in many ways.

During near-death experience mode, she has new behavior and attacks, including a fireball so large and strong she creates an explosion larger than the creature herself, and she has a tail swing that instead of turning its body, she waves her tail around behind her, poisoning anyone to anywhere.


Rathians are weakened by poison to make fewer fireball attacks, but not poison can nerf. One of the main reasons Rathian can fall in the sky is a flash bomb that goes off. It also works to free a pinned hunter. When Rathian is low on stamina, her fire breath fails.

Weather Phenomenon


Top predator in the food chain. Along with the Azure Rathalos, they cooperate with each other by patrolling their territory. While Azure Rathalos prefers to glide through the air, Pink Rathian prefers walking on the ground.

Both Rathian and Rathalos have a spike protruding from their chin, but it grows much larger and sharper on Rathian. Rathian is one of the few monsters who sits at the top of the food chains in our world and in Monster Hunter. Some monsters like Lavasioth, Jyurantodus, Glavenus, Espinath, Diablos, Monoblos, Daimyo Hermitaur, Kushala Daora, Anjanath, Great Jagras, Kulu-Ya-Ku, Akura Vashimu, and others would try their best not to cross the line set by the female Fire Wyvern.

In cases where the mutation doesn't occur, some nutrient-rich environments can also give rise to pink rats.


Rathian is very territorial, choosing to patrol from the ground while her Rathalos mate patrols from the sky. She will become very aggressive toward potential threats, especially when in close proximity to her nest and young.

Distribution and Habitat

Rathian have been spotted in many kinds of environments, from temperate deciduous to tropical rainforest worldwide to desert.


Rathian can be a pet. The meat dropped by the survivor works when the monster has not noticed the survivor.


Coming soon

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
