
Thalassomegalopteryx shetlandica


“ It was quite unlikely that their predecessors were giant flying and aquatic salamanders. seizes the big boat using their own hands and wings, pretends to be alive without anyone noticing, and survives over a corpse in opposition to the Shetland Islands' amphibians. ”

Sea Mither

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Amphibia

Order: Urodela

Family: Salamandridae

Genius: Thalassomegalopteryx

Species: Thalassomegalopteryx shetlandica

Descendant: Newts

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 25 m in length; 19 m tall in height; 4500 kg in weight



Pantheon: Scottish

Time Period: Pliocene - Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🥩🌱

Elements: Fire, water, earth, electric (near-death mode)

Inflicts: Fireblight, waterblight, mudblight, blindness, electricblight, scalded, paralysis, oilblight, bleeding (by a debris)

Weaknesses: Time

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered

Bregdi (Thalassomegalopteryx shetlandica) is one of the mythical creatures introduced in Weather Dragons: Beyond the Despaired of Isabella of France.


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Physical Appearance

Bregdi is the largest member of the salamander family in the world and a mythical species of salamander in Midgard. Speckled blue spots that emit bioluminescent lights on these spots cause dull grayish cyan to lighten on the underbelly, which causes countershading and camouflaging their upper body to make it look like water. Bregdi have sets of large wings with five fingers and the same finger posture as theropods do, and they also have legs for swimming and walking.

Bregdi have lower, long fins and several sturdy tail spines that are able to cut glaciers or wooden ships. Like some salamanders, the Bregdi have sets of gills like axolotls and salamander tadpoles, and despite being in water, they also survive in water by covering them with prehensile muscle ear-like projections. Bregdi also possess short to long necks that are very stretching like turtles, unlike the salamanders.

The eye color of this species was dull blue-gray. The tadpoles of these animals resemble anchovies without any fish until they grow their limbs in the next 2 days. Grayish blue scales like their adult stage.


Bregdi is very scary and elusive, as the fifth fastest of all known amphibians in Earth Responsibly universe, both on air and water, or combined with leaping, diving, or dive bombing by their unique body. Bregdi can shoot mixed heated fire, water, mud, sand, ship's debris, and even their own teeth. It is the deadliest abomination attack breath, but it does moderate damage.

Bregdi can glide after leaping like a flying fish, releases a heated smell, and touches enemies to scald and burn skin. Bregdi was very closely related to Firemander, a fire elemental salamander from volcanoes, and both have pyrokinetic abilities, but Bregdi is not, due to his mastery of aquakinesis and skills.

During the near-death experience mode, the Bregdi became mad and could create a mixed fire and electrified field that acts similarly to a force field, which is now immune to amber and pollution. While doing so, the amphibian closes its wings around its body and swings its tail upward. It then forms a small electrical field that can be used to block projectiles, similar to how some species protect themselves from predators.


Bregdi was very sensitive to loud sound objects, unable to fly despite their large wings and pollution; unlike their relative to Firemander, this salamander is also immune.

Bregdi is weakened by calcium, iron, amber, and thermites, much like a science that reacts to skin, destroys some bioluminescent markings, and is heat resistant. Unlike the salamanders, this animal was calmed and attracted to magnets like lodestone, not only for distraction but also attractive to metals like iron, gold, silver, bronze, and copper made out of these weapons and tools.

Weather Phenomenon


Bregdi is feared for its habit of chasing boats, whales, sea serpents, and even giant sea animals. Once it has caught up with an object or entity, it wraps its long wings around it, putting them up over the gunwales, and dives with the object or entity in its deadly embrace.

The killer whale is Bregdi's most prevalent predator. Sharks, sea lions, and terrestrial predators like wolves, bears, and coyotes, as well as bald eagles, which may eat adults or young, are some other predators. Though researchers have not yet determined the exact mechanism at work, Bregdi is believed to have discovered that the behavior is a means of communication. It might be a show to entice additional Bregdi to a mating event or to frighten off prey or predators in the manner of a flying fish, or it might be a way for a lone wolf to hunt alone.

If a Bregdi sees a fishing lure, it may gently hold it with its claw to simulate a fish being caught on the line. The bregdi plays along once a fisherman is "hooked" and begins to reel in, slowly moving toward the beach while simulating sluggish struggle motions. Once it is close to land, the bregdi pulls ferociously on the bait to drag its unwary prey into the water. Only the most desperate bregdis hunt on land, yet they can survive out of the water for brief periods of time.


Bregdi is a wary and possessive creature that seizes some of those ships, whether they are old or new. The intelligence of these amphibians is also on par with that of their salamander forebears. Bregdi, like any wild creature, may retaliate aggressively by attacking if cornered or feel threatened using their wings, which could cause significant human injuries necessitating medical attention.

Distribution and Habitat

Bregdi was native to seas at Shetland Islands in Scotland where the only one was endemic species and a special species.


The tadpole of this species was untamed until reaching adulthood. The Bregdi, however, has been seen to prefer being free rather than being trained like other animals and monsters. When trained, this animal displays immense loyalty towards its trainer, willing to fight alongside them even in the face of death. This amphibian was only a special tame and now a pet after solving the problem.


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Foreign Languages

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