Silver Tirisuk

Cryoplesiodraco arctica

Silver Tirisuk

The regal and watchful animal in the Arctic Ocean is no better than a thing with dancing whiskers that are full of control, like the octopus. This animal survives very well, and nothing is going to be impossible.

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Family: Aquanodraconidae

Subfamily: Cryoplesiodraconidae

Genus: Cryoplesiodraco

Species: Cryoplesiodraco arctica

Descendant: water dragons

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Type: Elder Dragon

Title: Arctic Dragon

Pantheon: Inuit

Size: 18 - 44 meters in length, 6.4 m tall in height; 4,666 kilograms in weight

Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Water, ice

Inflicts: Freezed, frostbite, splashed

Weaknesses: Fire, electric


Based on: itself, inspried by Ivory Lagiacrus and Silver Rathalos

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) - IUCN Red List

Silver Tirisuk (Cryoplesiodraco arctica) is the Elder Dragon introduced in Weather Dragons: Ahtohallan's Recollection.


Unknown name from Inuit origin.

Physical Appearance

Unlike common (teal) Tirisuk, it sported silver gray skin with rigged gray stripes. In addition, the various knobs, whiskers, fin shoulders, tail fluke, cheeks, spines, and horns on its body are white, and some are bioluminescent. A rare species of Elder Dragon that is the mutation of Teal Tirisuk has an unusual white color except for its silverish-gray horns and spikes.


Unlike their relatives, the Silver Tirisuk has more enhanced and powerful ice attacks than the two of them. Silver Tirisuk is much better adapted to fighting on land than two of them, and even in underwater combat too.


On Sawintir, like on Earth and Agarathos, the Silver Tirisuk animal was an apex predator, unlike the other two Tirisuks. They tend to be scavengers when given the chance and hunt on a variety of species. using their prehensile whiskers as a lure in arctic locations during the dead of night. It can modify itself to be more terrestrial on glaciers in order to escape direct competition with its teal relative. In the snow, their skin served as cover. to keep it from being classified with other powerful predators on three planes.

More than 5,000 non-hatchling Tirisuk are thought to be in existence overall. Because of its enormous populations, vast habitat, and successful management in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and, to a lesser extent, Siberia (mostly Korea to Hokkaido), the Tirisuk has a secure world population as a whole. Due to strong protective measures, Tirisuk populations are developing in the ABC Islands, a rare region of Southeast Asia. Future management may call for incentives generated from sustainable use to combat growing public hostility due to the human-dragon conflict (HDC).


This animal enjoys a terrestrial lifestyle and spends little time in the water, in contrast to normal and abyssal ones. The shy and ungainly-appearing Silver Tirisuk is a reptile. The Glacial Surtsaydum, on the other hand, is Silver Tirisuk's sworn enemy and the reason the two races could battle in the past.

Distribution and Habitat

Silver Tirisuk was located in Earth, Sawintir, and Agarathos in polar to taiga.


Coming soon.


Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of Deities to produce any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own, was responsible for creating the three species of Tirisuk.


See also: 

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages