
Suminia getmanovi


“ Arboreal synapsid of Russia was our relative. ”

unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Order: Anomodontia

Family: Otsheridae

Genius: Suminia

Species: Suminia getmanovi

Descendant: synapsid

Named by: MF Ivachnenko

Year: 1994

Size: 30 centimeters long in length; 7.6 inches tall in height

Type: Synapsids (Otsheridae)

Title: n/a

Pantheon: Russian

Time Period: Late Permian, 268–252 Ma 

Alignment: Good

Threat Level: ★★

Diet: Herbivorous

Elements: Nature

Inflicts: n/a

Weaknesses: Fire, rock, ice, electric, metal, fae

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Drevaniz (Suminia getmanovi) is an extinct species of basal anomodont that lived during the Tatarian age of the late Permian.


Drevaniz is the combination of Russian: древо "drevo" and Permyak: низь "niz'", means "tree sable".

Physical Appearance

Suminia is a small sized synapsid with oval-shaped head, slender hand, moderate torso, elongated limbs, manus and pes, and 12 cm tall. Adaptations to arboreal lifestyle are understood to evolve through convergent evolution. However, many arboreal vertebrates share similar physical mechanisms (grasping, clinging, hooking).

Suminia belong to the monophyly/infraorder Venyukovioidea, a sub clade of basal anomodonts.


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Suminia getmanovi is the only defined species within the genus and it is known for specializations in teeth for effective, functional oral processing of plant material as well as being one of the first species with a proposed arboreal lifestyle. Adaptations to arboreal lifestyle are understood to evolve through convergent evolution. However, many arboreal vertebrates share similar physical mechanisms (grasping, clinging, hooking).

Suminia is referred to as the earliest known arboreal tetrapod due to the suggested grasping abilities inferred from the notably enlarged and phalangiform carpal 1 and tarsal 1 which indicate that they possess a divergent first digit, capable of grasping. In combination with a masticatory architecture similar to Dicynodonts (defined by sliding jaw articulation). Suminia's canineless, large leaf shaped teeth follow occluding dentition that is completely marginal which differs from other species with leaf-shaped teeth present. This provides indications not only for herbivory, but into the mechanisms of oral processing. 


Suminia is passive and runs away or climbing up to the trees.

Distribution and Habitat

Its fossil localities are primarily derived from the Kotel’nich locality of the Kirov region in Russia. However, there have been some isolated specimen found in a few different localities, all from eastern European regions of Russia. Suminia getmanovi provides anatomical evidence that it lived among the trees, stamping a significant mark in evolutionary history for arboreal lifestyle.


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Known Individuals


Chronological Appears


Two Lights

Equation the Series


Weather Dragons

No Way to Seaway

Independent Series

Foreign Languages
