Blue Yian Kut-ku

Cuculovivernus baxendalei azuralis

Blue Yian Kut-ku

A Yian Kut-Ku variant is protected by a blue carapace. They share the same weakness for loud noises that ordinary Yian Kut-Ku have, but when angered, they display significantly greater physical strength. Unlike their cowardly cousins, they become increasingly dangerous when angered and should not be underestimated.

– Maine Perbhurka

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Order: Aviopoda

Suborder: Avioguivernia

Superfamily: Aphticuculoviveridea

Family: Aphticuculoviveridae

Genius: Cuculovivernus

Species: Cuculovivernus baxendalei

Subspecies: Cuculovivernus baxendalei azuralis

Descendant: theropods

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 7.7 m tall in height; 8.67 m in length; wingspan to 21.4 in length; 56 kg in weight




Time Period: PaleoceneHolocene

Alignment: Curious

Threat Level: ★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Fire, air

Inflicts: Fireblight, airblight

Weaknesses: Water, rock (50% immune, on wings), ice (on head)

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Blue Yian Kut-ku ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

The Blue Yian Kut-ku (Cuculovivernus baxendalei azuralis) is the fictional species of saurischian bird wyvern introduced in Monster Hunter G. It was introduced in Two Lights: Fourth Ice Wars.


The name "Kut-Ku" may come from the word "cuckoo" for its bird-like characteristic and appearance.

This scientific name of this species was named after Helen Victoria Baxendale, an English actress of stage and television known for her roles as Rachel Bradley in the British comedy drama Cold Feet and Emily Waltham in the American sitcom Friends. As well known for laying their eggs in the nests of other birds, called brood parasitism, and the problematic binomial name that Baxendale didn't share enough chemistry with David Schwimmer's Ross and that she wasn't 'funny' enough.

Physical Appearance

Although the blue kut-ku are usually smaller than their pink counterparts, they are stronger and more aggressive. They are covered in an indigo carapace, and blue streaks can be found on their beaks and ears.


Blue Yian Kut-ku is different from a normal one, except for their blue-colored scales and other parts of the body that are fire-resistant. Blue Yian Kut-Ku can shoot flaming projectiles from its mouth and is capable of moving and attacking at quick speeds.

During near-death experience mode, the Blue Yian Kut-ku has been seen to lay pitfall traps for hunters making pits with its flame-coating beak, which melts surfaces like Lavasioth and Agnaktor.


With its sensitive hearing it dislikes loud noises.


Blue Kut-Ku possess the same adaptations as the Yian Kut-Ku. The only real differences between the two are their color and fighting styles. Blue Yian Kut-Ku have a blue-colored shell that is more resistant to fire. Unlike Yian Kut-Ku, they have a stronger fire sac and better aerial abilities. Blue Yian Kut-Ku are also physically stronger than Yian Kut-Ku, while enraged.

Although the Blue Yian Kut-Ku are stronger than the normal variation, they are still pretty low in the food chain. Though still weak, Blue Yian Kut-Ku are known to occasionally scare away Yian Kut-Ku. When not being preyed upon by large predators, Blue Yian Kut-Ku feed on insects, honey, and nuts. Just like Yian Kut-Ku, its biggest threat is Yian Garuga.

Some rare individuals have greatly enlarged orange beaks used in deadly scooping and throwing attacks, more vivid blue coloring, increased flying abilities, and a uniquely developed flame sac that is used to create an unusual rolling fireball possibly mixed with mucus. It is unknown if these individual traits are extra mutations or traits of old age. In the Val Habar region the Blue Yian Kut-Ku have four toes instead of three.


Blue Yian Kut-Ku are very cautious and wary creatures that are easily startled by sudden loud noises. Blue Yian Kut-Ku are very cautious and wary creatures that are easily startled by sudden loud noises. When undisturbed, these monsters spend their day foraging for food, but if confronted they will flare out their ears and spread their wings while making loud shrieks.

Distribution and Habitat

Blue Yian Kut-Ku inhabit temperate forests, swamps, grasslands, and jungles.


Yian Kut-Ku were tranquilized by bullets and made unconscious, feed it while unconscious and used narcotics to continuously overdose. Yian Kut-Ku are immediately domesticated when they hatch from an egg because the survivor is always within 17 radii of the hatching egg. If Yian Kut-Ku isn't already tamed, you can train it with a whip for whipped, or eating some eggs, or bugs.

Since the survivor is always within 16 radii of the hatching sac, Yian Kut-Ku are automatically domesticated when they hatch from an egg.


Past and Present Incidents - 75,000 BCE+

Back in the 21st century, the Yian Kut-ku and this subspecies originated in Eurasia (from Western Europe to Southeast Asia) and North America, including northern portions of South America via drift portals or Stephen Strange. Kut-kus were ridden by humans and Wyverians a long time ago as a test rider against other riders and hunters in their Monster Hunter universe. Bruce Banner is a former scientist who studies Yian Kut-ku with Ryu Hoshi and his allies. He noticed that Blue Yian Kut-ku is even more aggressive than her pink cousin.

The Recollections of Queen Arianna - 2500s AD+

It has to be Ryder Johansson's participation as one of Tanglaw's enemies, a group that includes Queen Arianna Morrison and Lord Jericho Morrison, in the Two Lights incident during Tangled that Ryder ruined Antarctica for the lush forest in the past. Jericho is not an aggressive person in general, but he is an extended family man who will go to any length for his brother and his mother's grandmother. Ryder was an aggressive classmate who lived together with Arianna and Jericho during high school in the 2980s.

Ryder abandoned Jericho because he was hungry and ambitious, generating bullying in high school and against his advisor, Jane Kelly, who claimed that she used Yian Kut-kus to shield Arianna, Mellow, Linnalyn, and Jericho from Ryder. Gabrielo, one of Jericho Morrison's enemies, tried to persuade Ichika and Marama to join the battle from the beginning, but Ichika betrayed him as Hafu continued to resist because he was destroying communities and planned to create climate change in Antarctica, flooding the entire world in exchange for the prehistoric times of rainforest in Antarctica and killing an unanticipated Dairk community on the planet Earth.

Ryder and his previous comrade Gabrielo are dishonest law enforcement agents who employ the couple to perform crimes on their behalf in order to further their careers, only to betray them and murder Jericho's valued ex-girlfriend Mellow Sander, a crippled girl infatuated with Sundrop and Moonstone magic. For protection, he utilized Blue Yian Kut-ku, which survived in cold locations because to its coated beak and was unaffected by flames.

After Ryder's death by Jericho Morrison or death by traffic collision, as Jericho's precious parents die by the same traffic collision as Linnalyn's parents in the first novel, the Blue Yian Kut-ku was transported to Reinachos and Delphia, respectively, making the Terran population extinct by deporting. During the Worldcraft series, Isabella Morrison and her mom, Arianna, noticed that Blue Yian Kut-ku had forgotten the history, but Jericho's notes that were recorded in his diary in his room were shared with Arianna. Blue Yian Kut-ku now resides in Amazonia, Pascua del Desierto, and Horatio continents of Reinachos.

Known Individuals


Foreign Languages
