Nailtooth Fish

Neohydrocynus goyai

Nailtooth Fish

A bullet-tooth fish of Africa was unleashed.. ”

– Nathan Lee

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Characiformes

Family: Alestidae

Genius: Neohydrocynus

Species: Neohydrocynus goyai

Descendant: Hydrocynus goliath

Named by: Marcus de Cuvier

Year Published: 1960

Size: length of 2.02 m and a weight of 70 kg

Lifespan: 20 years




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Territorial

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Water, combat, dark

Inflicts: Waterblight, bleeding

Weaknesses: all

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN

Nailtooth Fish, Francisco Goya's Fish, or simply called Nailtooth (Neohydrocynus goyai) is a fictional species of tigerfish, descendant of goliath tigerfish introduced in Worldcraft: Scorched Earth.


Nailtooth is named from their long, sharp teeth, either un-pointed or pointed, used for bowguns, a native weapon combination of machine guns and crossbows, of Pascua Delos Desierto during the Berbania-Reinachos war. This fish was possibly the oldest known Earthling fauna in the universe and was not brought by humans; it may be from Dark Elves. This tooth, as an alternative, is used for metal nails for crucifixion, for carpentry, or as a bullet for a sniper or bowgun.

Physical Appearance

Nailtooth Fish is the largest known fictional tigerfish. They evolved from their ancestors' teeth into larger, but more useful, teeth into a bullet. Their skin colors are red, orange, yellow, and two black horizontal lines; their eye color is hazel; their fins are edgy black with brownish yellow fins between the dorsal fin, forelimb, and hindfin.


Despite possessing water elements, Nailtooth has no magical abilities other than biting more quickly than a lion's force bite to stop bleeding, which is how it gets its name, "can pierce more than a spear." Nailtooth is 2.6 feet taller than their progenitor when they jump.


Nailtooth is in the middle of the food chain in Pascua Delos Desierto in Reinachos to Balasir Regions in Sawintir, preventing any animals from making this species abundant due to overpredation. Humans and other races want to cut their teeth instead of killing them; the dentist will remove the teeth if the fish wants to break instead and grow up to 3 weeks.

Bunyip is the main predator of nailtooth fish in shared rivers or lakes. The main prey of this species were various seed shrimps, catfishes, sardines, guppies, gobies, doctorfishes, and others like seabirds, platypi, and others between the shores or in the air because the nailtooth can jump up to 2.6 feet tall in height due to the convergent evolution of salmons, can perform a death bite jump, and instantly kills both humanity and Elder Dragons, either through this fish solidarity or social life led by their alpha male in groups called the Mafia of nailtooth fish.


Nailtooth fish are very aggressive species towards everything on sight. Confused, the young maidens are afraid of this ferocious fish in the desert lake.

Distribution and Habitat

Nailtooth fish was an endemic species of Pascua delos Desierto on planet Reinachos, from lakes to rivers. Originally, Jeremy Wade traveled deep into the jungles of the Congo to the dry lands of the Sahara desert in search of a little-known predator that may be the most terrifying monster from Sawintir's eastern hemisphere. This species originated in the Khaldoun Kingdom.


Nailtooth fish can be tamed in a fish basket used for petting and put in your own artificial lake.


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