
Megalocristarhinos agarthica


“ Mole-like unknown mammal found in Agartha to have fighting skills and digging everywhere without its eyes. Sense of its star nose and wields will never die. Watch out to activate the spike fur on its tail unmatched to defeat you. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Metatheria

Family: Megalocristarhinidae

Genius: Megalocristarhinos

Species: Megalocristarhinos agarthica

Descendant: Metatherian

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 7.4 m tall in height; 24 m in length; 450 kg in weight

Lifespan: 6 to 17+ years




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Earth

Inflicts: Earthed, mudded, blessing

Weaknesses: Water, nature, metal, fae, time

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: 

Qatrsheta (Megalocristarhinos agarthica) is the fictional species of large mole-like metatherian introduced in Bagani: Agartha's Last Episode.


Qatrsheta is the combined words from Akkadian language for "earth hand".

Physical Appearance

Qatrsheta is the only (fictional) metatherian that resembles larger star nosed mole and binturong altogether, as a result of convergent evolution. Blindness and deafness, without eyes and ears.

But excellent senses of smell and touch are based on skills. Dark brown to black fur, a central yellow vertical line from neck to tail, dark brown skin, and star-nosed moles Their whiskers are used for detecting hearing and are sensitive to moisture. Their hands are the same as moles, and their feet are considered to resemble anteaters and ground sloths.

Qatrsheta was known by the Sumerians as forbidden to mixed pigs, moles, lions, and even warriors.


When enraged, Qatrsheta uses iron fragments and prickly tails. Snorkeling or sensing the aura of the enemy is done by using the tearing-up teeth and the nose.

Because of the name in Akkadian, the beast farts nauseous carbon gas and exhales excrement odours while coating its hands with calcite, andesite, soil, and conglomerate.

Weather Phenomenon


It possibly helps the creature retain heat in the cold night and release it on the hot day, and it can also serve as camouflage in the rocky parts of the desert. The fur is also remarkably compact, probably to fend off surprise attacks from theropods, cats, hyenas, mongooses, ducks, herons, pterosaurs, and other predators. Its facial features change, sporting longer tusks able to cut through the hard shell of any armored creature. It is carnivorous, and it is an insectivore that uses its long, sticky tongue to feed on bugs and meat.

Two ferocious claws are the primary weapon used by Qatrsheta. Qatrsheta's scales on its hands and feet may glow in red to yellow colors, which are fire, earth, and metal, depending on which two elements it is presently employing. To ambush prey, they have the ability to bury themselves in the sand and pass for sand dunes.

After spending most of their lives in the dark, their eyes have regressed greatly, though they make up for this with a superb sense of smell and hearing. In contrast to the other metatherians, Qatrsheta has the ability to move at a moderate speed, swim quickly on rock or sand, make incredible leaps, and even climb vertical hillsides.


When any item moves, the fearsome and highly sensitive animal, Qatrsheta, feels threatened and reacts violently. Utilizing one's sense of smell to attack through smell and detect an enemy's presence

Distribution and Habitat

Qatrsheta was found in Agarathos in all biomes.


Coming soon


Bereshit - 300,000–70,000 BCE

Qatrsheta was also introduced to the Earth in ancient times in the Fertile Crescent. The Qatrsheta are hostile to humans and Agarthans that are exiled from Agartha to Iran and Iraq as well.

Weather Dragons event - 1999–2030 CE

The Israelis and Arabs warned this animal would attack Tel Aviv and Jericho at some point, destroying both cities and habitats in havoc. Joszef and Heloise, including Cruella de Vil, Sofia, and Cedric, who are half Agarthan born in Hadriana, Qatrsheta did not become aggressive towards half-Agarthans like Sofia of Enchancia. It was considered by many people in Lebanon to be "Mole Never Die".


Foreign Languages

Coming soon
