
Gigantoscylla luzonica


“ Not from Indonesia, not from Australia, but the Bontoc province providing this crab was, nothing else rotated the terrain inside the energy of the epicenter crushes with this left pincer during the winter in the Philippines, was not activity recreation, is an initial. ”



Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Subphylum: Crustacea

Class: Malacostraca

Order: Decapoda

Family: Portunidae

Genius: Gigantoscylla

Species: Gigantoscylla luzonica

Descendant: mud crabs

Generic Name: Luzon gigantic Scylla

Named by: Mike Peter Vasquez

Year Published: 1998

Size: 25.6 meters in length (78.02 meters in length when experiments gone wrong), 1,000 kilograms in weight



Alias: Karkinos

Temporal Range: Pliocene to Holocene epoch

Pantheon: Filipino (Bontoc)

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Earth, electric, water

Inflicts: Splashed, wetted, watered, shocked, electrified, paralysis, blindness

Weaknesses: Electric, light, metal, water, ice


Based On: itself, Cancer

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered

Gaki or, inaccurately, Gaki Crab (Gigantoscylla luzonica; Baybayin: ᜄᜃᜒ), is the one of the mythical creature and a guardian introduced in Worldcraft: Fairytale's Ending.


Gaki is not name for this Hungry Ghost of Japanese folklore or preta, rather than from Igorot folklore was a crustacean due to different meaning of same name, but different creatures.

Physical Appearance

Gaki is the largest known crab in the world found in the Philippines, like other crustacean guardians. This crab has three forms of true colors, blue to violet shells with white on the underneath, including the tail. Their pincers are different from others, their left hand formed a sword-like, and right hand formed a scissor-like with five bioluminescent markings, the three pairs of legs have six rows of spikes in each pairs, however the last pair of legs when devolved and now removed from the evolution process.

Gaki have 6 rows of electrical spikes that connect in their back and are unbreakable, but at the same time the electric organs connect through the antenna to the spikes, and even as far as the legs and pincers. The antenna was elongated like a wire with butterfly-like antennas with three pairs of appendages resembling electrical posts. The eye color of Gaki is blue eyes as a true identity. In the conceal mode, always be covered by dirt to moss with mushrooms or fungi to prevent any predators until the covers are removed.

Queen Arianna noticed that many variations of Gaki crabs were seen. The Hybornian or Reinachan Gaki has copper green patches on its legs and in other places, including dirt cover, as opposed to the all grey color scheme and some moss of the Terran Gaki.


Gaki was able to thump between the energy of the electricity and the electromagnetic pulse in their right pincer to cause earthquakes or reshaping terrain without touches anywhere else. Gaki was now teleported via dark cave openings which is now a gateway to cause any trouble and thump their entire body. Gaki sprays their mouth with a splash of water with a jolt of electricity directly, some can perform 360° radius. Before reveal their true colors, this crustacean cover with dirt, stones, pebbles, limestones, concretes, soils, permafrost, and other terrain debris with plants as a mini-habitat and keep their secret and conceal as a camouflage until the survivors tried to clean this mess.


Weather Phenomenon


According to Igorots, that this animal is not being seen interacting with other species, it is unknown how it fits into the ecological niche, meanwhile the Russian tsar's daughter witnesses fighting between Namazu and Gaki. However, Gaki have been found to be attacked by Akkorokamui and others due to their respective destruction in their ecological balance.

Known to attack alongside Gaki crabs with black flying creatures such as crows, ravens, bats, or Remobras, they are known as an omen to disaster.


Gakis are naturally quite passive creatures. They move around without noticing survivors, but when enraged, they may try to attack them by swinging their legs and pincers wildly or by using their enormous, powerful claws, which can cause earthquakes. Gaki prefers to avoid conflict by remaining hidden in caves with their kin.

But when threatened, they will ruthlessly attack to defend themselves. It will become more aggressive to the point where it no longer relies on defense but rather attacks as a last resort to survive threats and even attack villages and cities because they are in its territory without provocation. This will happen when all of its armor is removed and all that is left is its hard outer shell.

Distribution and Habitat

Gaki was endemic in the Philippines. In the past, However, Gaki was only imprisoned in Cordillera Administrative Region where the mountains are actually sacred and never escaped for this crab.

Gaki crabs appear in the mountain ranges not far from Bontoc and other nearby provinces in the Philippines. This animal was found in Luzon Tropical Pine Forests as well for fit and often heavy condensation is persistent because the cooling of moisture-laden air currents sticks the hard shell for moisture.


Gaki was now tamed when the torpor was now completely unconscious. When the electricity was exhausted and now riding it with Marionette String Bugs (similar to Wyvern Riding from Monster Hunter Rise), it sure can control it and attack monsters or beat the walls three times to make it entrapped by Marionette Beetle's sinks stuck into the ground. Feed them with Glow-prey meat (lampreys with glowing tail resembles from Ark Survival Evolved: Aberration) or aufwuchs burger (made of algae with bacteria and any water larval like lake flies to mosquitos) to get a new pet.


Gaki is the second recently discovered crustacean in Earth Responsibly universe, the first being is Mamba Mutu, a largest semiterrestrial shrimp in Democratic Republic of Congo, the Gaki itself was from the Philippines. This crab is gigantic and fits in Greek mythology called Karkinos but is actually been extinct by overhunting during Roman empire, not be confused with this real crab with rusted pincer. Gaki's location was actually be in Eurasia to the Philippines, the last refugee of this guardian and can cause serious earthquake with their right pincer during the winter and in nighttime. Gaki charges itself to summon lightning bolt during enraged when the one of the allies die, would be not prepared and this is not yours, never fault in this action because of the intelligent rotation.

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
