
Argentofalcodraco stratorex


“ An elder dragon that soars at very high altitudes far from human habitation. Its flaming red wings are often the only visible sign of it, giving rise to its nickname, the Argent Comet. Those wings aren't just for flying, though, and are easily used to stab, rend and blow away its enemies. Occasionally, one can find the scorched shells it has left behind. ”

MHGU Description

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Infraorder: Erucaladraconia

Family: Argentofalcodraconidae

Genius: Argentofalcodraco

Species: Argentofalcodraco stratorex

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 12.45 meters tall in height; 75.4 meters long in length; wingspan to 39.42 - 48.75 meters in length; 6,000 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Holocene (Greenlandian–Meghalayan) - 100,000 BCE–present

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Chaos

Inflicts: Chaosblight, bleeding

Weaknesses: Fire, water, earth, air, electric, nature, ice, metal, sound, arcane, time, light, dark, aether

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself from MHGU

Conservation Status: Data Deficient (DD) – IUCN Red List

Valstrax ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Valstrax or Valphalk (Argentofalcodraco stratorex) is the one of the Elder Dragon introduced in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, it was later introduced in Weather Dragons.


Valstrax's English name was compound words valor and strikes. Valstrax's Japanese name, Barufaruku (バルファルク), is a combination between baroru (バロル) which is "valor" translated to Japanese, and farukon (ファルコン), meaning "falcon" in Japanese.

Physical Appearance

Valstrax is a slender Elder Dragon covered in gleaming silver scales that avoids the greenhouse effect and reduces the amount of UV rays its body receives. Its most notable features are its trident-shaped wings. wings, which have fused into a trident-like structure, each segment ending in an opening designed to expel dragon energy. Its back is lined with fin-like projections. The wings of a Valstrax are versatile and flexible, being able to stretch the arm appendages to hit far-reaching targets. These scales are like ceramic tiles on the heat shield of the shuttles, which are used to resist the heating caused by the friction of the air.

Its head has a small crest, and its eyes have red irises and blue sclera. Its chest has three horizontal gaps that are used to take in and pressurize air like a jet engine. Its snorkel-like nostrils are positioned behind its head so it can breathe efficiently, even while flying fast. The rivalry of their convergent evolution of these two animals resembles that of Valstrax: Gaasyendietha of the Iroquois Confederacy and Valorstarx of Berbania.


Valstrax is able to fire dragon beams from the tips of its wings or mouth, depending on their combat. Like birds, vultures have air sacs and gills on their chests. This elder dragon breathes in air through its mouth, nostrils, and chest vents before releasing it out of its wings in the form of chaos energy. In this form, the wings are able to swipe like a massive claw and slam down into the ground as if it’s a giant palm, and Valstrax can ignite the tips of its wings to add Chaosblight to these attacks as well as deal additional damage.

Valstrax flies at high speed by discharging mysterious red-black energy from its wings. It can manipulate the alignment and shape of its wings to vary the attacks it uses. When its wings are in their usual backward-facing position, Valstrax will commonly lunge forward and swipe at hunters with its front claws or try to take a bite at them. It can also jam the trident-tipped appendages into the ground and rip up some dirt along with the hunter. Much like falcons, this animal has excellent eyesight that allows it to pinpoint its prey from the sky while in the troposphere or stratosphere.

Valstrax performs a rocket-like maneuver to become a meteor form in the sky as soon as possible before hopping up with a small blast and then rocketing off into the horizon. Here it will become enveloped with crimson dragon energy, becoming the red comet once more and causing massive damage to all life at cost, while Valstrax was unharmed. Valstrax is capable of firing a large draconic beam from its mouth in near-death experience mode.


If enough damage is dealt on the chest during this period, its chest will explode with dragon energy, dealing huge damage to Valstrax, toppling it, and making it unconscious.

Weather Phenomenon


It is said that Valstrax appears once every few hundred or thousand years, heralded by a series of comet sightings. Many reports claim by tribes in mountainous areas like Tibet, Peru, or Puncak Jaya that it portends a black future where the heavens and earth shall crumble into nothing. But it was always mistaken for a red comet by eyewitnesses in the Iroquois Confederacy.

Since no actual records of Valstrax existed, it was considered an extinct species by the conservationists and queen until they started exploring the skies with the airships on Earth, Avalon, and their home, the world of Monster Hunter or Jaddo. While many see Valstrax as an evil omen, an ancient civilization that once lived at this highest pinnacle saw it as a deity or god. Valstrax are said to be predators, but it's unknown what kind of species they commonly prey on thus far. However, they eat various terrestrial or aquatic animals on the surface before taking them to their nest. Similarly, when it blows out hot air to fly fast, we took inspiration from NASA rocket shuttles before 1945, after Hitler’s death. There were no predators of this species until the current investigation.

Valstrax's origins were located at high altitudes, like mountains such as Mount Everest or other mountains. It was very interesting to see people's efforts to make it more destructive and destroy the entire scale. And humans should swear revenge against the ancient species. Many people were extinct during World War Two until the next event in Weather Dragons of Bagani. Much like fish and birds, this chest has holes to mistake the real gills for. Its chest has three horizontal gaps that are gills used to take in and pressurize air like a jet engine.


Valstrax was relatively calm and neutral until threatened.

Distribution and Habitat

This is a dragon-type animal that has been confirmed to live in ultra-high-altitude areas across the world on Earth, Sawintir, and Agarathos.


Valstrax cannot be tamed, but only in baby can.


Bereshit - 30000-10000 BC

Project Pashneia, a scientific endeavor initiated by the Terran division of Gods to create any creatures—animals, monsters, or humans—in terms of their own, produced Valstrax.

Ancient civilizations showed the others, and archaeologists found the fallen star in the written rocks as a sign of a moving red comet. Many indigenous peoples and other nationalities in other countries with high altitudes found several allegations of moving red comets across the world. This is a big controversy about Valstrax. Since this dragon was extinct in World War II, other kinds were spotted in Pakistan, and some were evacuated from this animal, which started to be the Lazarus taxon. Never before should many animals from the Monster Hunter universe enter our world, like Elder Dragons and Rathalos, according to Varian and Princess Rapunzel.

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
