
Daemonelephas indicus


This big bad boy of India, I need assistance!

– Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Proboscidea

Family: Elephantidae

Genius: Daemonelephas

Species: Daemonelephas indicus

Descendant: Elephas ekorensis

Named by: Francis Corõa Valavaraiyar

Year Published: 1988

Size: 6.8 m long in length; 3.4 m tall in height; 4,670 kg in weight

Lifespan: 40 to 80+ years



Pantheon: Hindu

Time Period: Pliocene – Holocene, 2.5–0 Ma 

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★

Diet: Herbivorous 🌿🍇🌱

Elements: Water, fire, combat, dark

Inflicts: Waterblight, scalded, stunned, mudded

Weaknesses: Earth, electric, fae, dark

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself 

Conservation Status: 

Gajasura (Daemonelephas indicus), also known as Titan Elephant, Devil's Elephant, or Demon Elephant, is the guardian and mythical creature, the minor antagonist introduced in Kumar: Surgical Soldier of Luzhora and Historya Davvun. It is the only species in the genus Daemonelephas.

In Hindu epics, Gajasura is a generic name given to an asura (demon), who assumes the form of an elephant.


Gajasura is from Sanskrit: गजासुर, lit. 'elephant demon'.

Physical Appearance

In contrast to Sri Lankan elephant subspecies, the Gajasura has tan skin with yellowish wrinkles on its trunk and ears, and it has gripping extensions on its trunk to help it grapple. Gajasura had powerful legs that could outlast stumps. They differ from their ancestors in that each set of two fangs and one of their tusks has changed due to being cut off in the past. Reddish brown eyes can be found in Gajasura.


If Gajasura did not become enraged, his trunk may spew hot water. If a Gajasura is struck by an obstacle and becomes momentarily trapped with its tusks generating an earthquake, it will charge towards the foes being slammed. It also exhibits another furious state. When extremely agitated, Gajasura trumpeted and yelled that its intense body temperature would cause its expelled bodily fluids to start evaporating, resulting in a kind of steam spreading from its body.


Elephants are considered megaherbivores and are crepuscular animals. They are both grazers and browsers and are generalist feeders. Cows and calves travel in herds, but bulls separate from their mothers as they get older. Bulls either live alone or occasionally form "bachelor groups". Rarely have tigers been observed murdering or assaulting calves, especially when the calves are orphaned, abandoned, or separated from their mothers. Natural predators largely have no effect on adults. A mother Asian elephant and her calf may have been slain together, according to a single anecdotal case, but this claim is disputed.

Bulls will engage in physical conflict in order to approach oestrous cows. Strong disputes about female access are incredibly uncommon. Bulls mature sexually between the ages of 12 and 15. Bulls go through an annual event called "musth" between the ages of 10 and 20. They become violent during this time because their testosterone levels are up to 100 times higher than during non-musth periods. The paired temporal glands, which are situated on the skull between the lateral edge of the eye and the base of the ear, secrete pheromones during this time.


Gajasura was said to be Sri Lanka's strongest animal up until the Veddas, when nationalities desired to vanquish this evil elephant. It is a social elephant species that is territorial and cooperative.

Distribution and Habitat

Gajasura was situated in Sri Lanka's steep, forested mountains. Rare encounters have been observed on mainland China, India, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In actuality, these demonic elephants were eradicated locally through a deal involving Malays and Filipinos in preparation for Southeast Asia's Indianization, from the Philippines down to the Republic of Indonesia.


Elephants and mammoths are tamed by feeding them ten sugar lumps or five cakes, or twelve kibbles. This only works on calves; if the calf is an adolescent or has grown into an adult, it will not accept the food. When the calf has accepted the food items, the naming screen will appear and it will become tamed to the player.


Bereshit - 300,000–69,000 BCE

Project Pashnea, a scientific project by the Terran branch of Deities to produce any creatures—animals, monsters, or humans—in terms of their own, was where Eostre modified Gajasura. Elephas ekorensis, an extinct species of elephant, is where Gajasura and Asian Elephant evolved. Before traveling to Asia, Early Pliocene fossils have been discovered in East Africa. 

Historya Davvun events - 1990-1999 to 2000 AD

Although the Templars, Assassins, and Conservationists argued that what exact species from which the Gajasura descended is unknown, Elephas ekorensis, the ancestor of both Asian elephants and the Gajasura, is the most likely candidate. Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex gave Nilan Punzalan the go-ahead to visit Chennai and spread the idea that the Gajasura had fled there under the auspices of Abstergo Industries in order to wipe out Templar and Assassin strongholds. Nilan consented even though he was aware that doing so would require killing the guardian in order to stop Abstergo from seizing control.

When Nilan and his friends asked him, pleased with his Dharma, what boon he wanted, he replied that he wanted his Gajaratna, or elephant gem—one of Eden's Pieces connected to Princess Rapunzel's powers—to be remembered by everyone and that they should all worship Nilan, despite the fact that he was an atheist and a hunter of conservatism. With the Gajasura gem in his possession, Nilan, who is in the temple in which all Abstergo members are killed thanks to Nilan's vampire abilities as an aswang, immediately revives the statue of Ganesha and grants him the blessing that everyone will worship him in memory of that day.

Daniel Cross and Nilan Punzalan were at odds until one of Daniel Cross' allies, Gardo Lebbai, falsely accused Cross and, in accordance with the oath and promise, joined forces with Nilan. Gardo and Nilan are attacked by Cross's summoned Gajasura, who then transforms into an enormous elephant and assaults them before being stopped by Adelaide Hoffman and Nilan's mother, Lesley Punzalan. However, the Gajasura was murdered by a member of Shiva's cult, and Cross was able to make a daring escape through the haystack. However, it was transferred by Nilan's best buddy Tom Avagyavishap and almost killed Cross in a high spot before fleeing with a limp.


Evil counterpart of the Asian elephant in Sri Lanka associates with them, demons. Larger than normal elephant with unstable tusks for aid from battle. Shiva and Vishnu didn't know that this animal had no virtues.



Foreign Languages
