Kushala Daora

Siderodraco ferrophonias

Kushala Daora

“ An armored tempest calls the wind for protection, and one strikes with metal and chaos due to harm to the royal family under the knights of Ahtohallan. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Infrafamily: Siderodraconidea

Family: Siderodraconidae

Genus: Siderodraco

Species: Siderodraco ferrophonias

Descendant: metal dragon

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 10.1 meters tall in height; 32.3 meters long in length to wingspan estimate to 78.4 meters in length



Other Names/Alias(es): 


Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Air, metal, chaos

Inflicts: Airblight, fireblight, waterblight, rockblight, chaosblight

Weaknesses: Fae, electric, fire, poison, dark, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Kushala Daora ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Kushala Daora (Siderodraco ferrophonias) (Sanskrit and Hindi: कुशला दाोरा​; Japanese: クシャルダオラ; Russian: Кушалаь Даора) is one of the Elder Dragon species that appears in Monster Hunter 2. This is my favorite elder dragon in this game because of their speculative evolution. This is a hard sci-fi fantasy genre of this kind. This creature was introduced in Weather Dragons: Ahtohallan's Recollection.


These words are of Indo-European origin. In Persian, "کوه" (kush) means "open or mountain," likely kush grass; other means "rubber bands" (this wings are flexible while it was metalized) was "کش", global translation is "killer"; and in Latin, ala, means "wing."

Derives from portmanteau words between Persian and Ancient Greek words. Persian: "درجه" (dareje), means "degree"; others: "فلزدار" (flezdaar), means "metalliferous"; and in Ancient Greek: οὐρά (ourá), means "tail."

Physical Appearance

Kushala Daora is an elder dragon known for being tougher than stone. It is protected by wind around its entire body and has blue eyes like Caucasians. Kushala Daora is an European dragon with metallic-like scale skin made of natural mercury-manganese keratin. Its large wings connect at the base of its tail (hence the Ancient Greek name), making them seem even larger in proportion to its body. Two backward, curving horns lie on either side of its head, blending in with the spikes that line its back. It has visible wind streaming around its body. Kushala has a slightly reddish nose, a sign of rusting.

It seems like the rusted nose is actually no longer rusted. In Pre-MH:World, these wings are unlike the world. In the Post-MH:World, it seems revamped by developers who liked the wings a little bit more. Eostre metalizes the keratin in bat-winged and never-folding elder dragons with sustainable wing membranes, such as Teostra and Chameleos.


Kushala Daora is a wind manipulation in nature used for defense and offense. This terrain will add elements like water terrain and ice terrain that cause blight elements as well as snowman status. This skin was developed by metals from an unknown origin for this species, which is a special taxonomy of this dragon caused by a knight in a metal suit.

The most insane thing for this animal was a double stomp that releases dark energy and is able to inflict Chaosblight, and the stationary tornado will now suck in hunters before it is unleashed.


Kushala Daora's wind barrier and its relates can be weakened or dispelled altogether by applying Pure-Seal. However, poisoning or flashing it to stun can weaken this wind barrier.

Weather Phenomenon


Kushala Daora possesses some of the largest wings of any monster. It uses these to sail effortlessly in the air. It can hover off the ground and blast hunters with wind. It uses a special organ to produce its famous wind-based attacks and abilities. When hit with poison, its organs will be weak, and its shield will disappear for a short period of time while fighting the toxins.

Kushala Daora have tough, metal-filled skin but suffer from a severe weakness to poison, which can easily enter the bloodstream through cracks created in the skin. Kushala Daora must infrequently shed their trademark skin (which is made of organic metalized scales) as they grow, due to contact with iron-filled particles for shine, as a result of sharing with Scaly-foot gastropod, the only nonfictional animal. Both animals have shared an outer layer consisting of iron sulfides. This can easily be spotted, as the once-shining silver scales will rust over due to oxidation with air. Kushala is one of only a few vertebrate species that have undergone biomineralization.

The most well-known ability of Kushala Daora is the storms it summons via these special air-filled sweat glands. These storms can easily destroy whole regions, varying from region to region. Kushala Daora can cause sandstorms, hurricanes, and snowstorms, though it is unknown how, possibly through the mechanization of special organs and the brain working together like a natural air conditioner or gas-exchange cycle on the sweat glands and nervous system. Smoke indications on its large wings produce natural wind-causing leading-edge vortices on each wing pair. This animal triggers itself with the diaphragm to expel wind from sweat glands on large, metallic scales on its belly for release as part of territorial marking behavior or defense as an intentional explanation.

These ventral pockets on its chest and belly disperse an aerosolized protein mechanism like an air conditioner that warns any creatures in its presence. Or maybe used for courtship or communicating with other Kushala Daora to help each other in breeding season. This dragon possesses the Chaos Element, which is an overcharged immune response due to their blubber. Something unique to each individual and voracious enough to act even in another organism's body. The scientists think it being expelled from the body could be a similar mechanism to dissolved fats and hormones leaving the body through regular breathing, but on a much higher scale.

Like most other Elder Dragons, the status of Kushala Daora in any food chain is relatively top predatory and very mysterious. It is more researched than most of its brethren, however, and is known to be a predator. They likely sit atop many food chains in both the Earth and Monster Hunter universes and are feared by many, including some royal families. Kushala Daora are also known to feed on ore and other mineral resources. As with other elder dragons, their presence in a locale causes lesser monsters to flee. Even apex predators will often make a break for it when Kushala Daora has raided their turf. Only certain monsters will stand their ground against the Steel Dragon.


Like other Elder Dragons, Kushala Daora are highly aggressive. Interestingly however, in the Earth and Reinachos, they are normally calm, even when hunters approach and get close to it. Only when attacked, will it become aggressive.

Distribution and Habitat

Kushala Daora found between this all of known habitats except volcano unlike Elder Recess. This dragon was located in northern portion of Norway to Eurasia countries, migrate in Americas. Some individuals found elsewhere in realms such as Sawintir and Agarathos.


Kushala can be tamed via babies, to hatch the egg to the incubator. Normally hatched at the warm temperature.


Pre-Weather Dragons

This is one of the mythical creatures and invasive characters from the Monster Hunter series, along with Velkhana and Chameleos. It was confirmed that Kushala was male, while Velkhana was also female for the protectors of Ahtohallan, a phantom island called by ancient times the home of Coincidentally and Purity. Ahtohallan was located in the northern portion of Norway and near the center of the Arctic Ocean.


Both Austin and Cristine are actually descendants of Loki and Sigyn, as well as Lancelot and Guinevere, and Kushala and Velkhana always act as protection for Princess Isolde. This elder dragon never struggles against the Nuckelavee and the Fomorians (including Balor), caused by the destruction of the Titanic sinking and killing the well-known couple by Satan's rule and Hades' command against Chang'e and Quetzalcoatl.


Kushala Daora and Velkhana are the only characters who also protect the main characters like Joszef, Dorottya, Bartal, Daniel, Generosity, Leonardo, Arleigh, Emmanuel, Francisca, Tzipporah, Jerry, and others; other historical characters like Empress Sisi, Napoleon Bonaparte, King Mihai I of Romania, Simon Bolivar, Manuela Saenz, and others for Eostre and the rest of the world.


The only individual of this species was Khiya; from Nepali, खिया (Khiyā) means rust due to his nose always rusting.

Known Individuals

Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents - Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna - Individuals

2020 Version

2022-2023 Version

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
