Interconneted Whale

Megaptera yeohi

Interconnected Whale

Known by natives as song of praise shadows as descendants of original one. ”

author unknown

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Artiodactyla

Infraorder: Cetacea

Family: Balaenopteridae

Genius: Megaptera

Species: Megaptera yeohi

Descendant: Megaptera novaeangliae

Named by: ???

Year Published: 2025

Size: 55 feet (16,76 m) in length, and weights of 55 tons (49 metric tonnes)

Lifespan: 110+ years



Pantheon: Sawintiran

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Docile

Threat Level: ★★

Diet: Carnivorous (Filter Feeder)

Elements: Water, sound, combat

Inflicts: Muted, waterblight, soundblight

Weaknesses: Fire, nature, electric, light, dark

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Interconnected Whale (Megaptera yeohi), also known as Sawintiran Humpback Whale, Michelle Yeoh's Whale, or Getton is the fictional species of rorqual introduced in Worldcraft series of Rewritten: Finale.


Their scientific name was very well known in 2022, when they were discovered, and she became the first Asian actress to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her portrayal of a frazzled mother navigating the multiverse in the science fiction film Everything Everywhere All at Once.

The common name comes from how their backs curve when diving. Their large front flippers are the reason for the genus name Megaptera, which comes from the Ancient Greek words mega- ("giant") and ptera ("wing"). Due to frequent sightings of humpback whales in Ever-realm as opposed to Earth, scientists named the species after Yeoh Choo Kheng or Michelle Yeoh in 2027.

Getton is a Sawintiran word "geddon" for whale, as depicted or similar to Sanskrit "केतु" Ketu, Elvish Khelto "porpoise", Greek "Κῆτος" Cetus. As a suggests a Pre-Greek origin and from Proto-Indo-Iranian *kaytúš, from Proto-Indo-European *koy-tús, from *key- (“bright, burning”).

Physical Appearance

With the exception of their short length, very long fin tail, and two wart projections on the right side of their flippers, the interconnected humpback whale resembles true humpback whales. Compared to original humpbacks, female interconnected whales typically measure 1.5–1.9 m (4 ft 59 in–6 ft 74 in) longer. Baleen plates that range from 280 to 420, as opposed to the original's 270 to 400 for both sides, line the mouth.

The animal's ventral, or underside, has varying degrees of black and white coloration that are less intense than in the original humpbacks. The dorsal, or upper, side of the animal is typically black.

The humpback whales of Earth were likely to evolve in Ever-realm and are now in Delphia as the first known immigrant animal on various planets via drift portals opened since 2034, similar to how nailtooth fish did.


They are somewhat transcendent and use the enchanted, sophisticated songs as their true music for courtship and marriage, unlike their relatives because they are as intelligent as chimpanzees, much like humpback whales who have the same abilities but are stronger than their ancestors.

They are able to communicate with humans and other races that are endowed with magical abilities through their own language and unique names. The former communicate with mammals using sign language, whereas the connected whales use vocalizations and eye contact to understand telepathic and emotional viewing for this species. For instance, they are regarded as siblings or friends by some nations and clans.

This species controls the "Fuhrer Krill," another krill species that diverged from Antarctic krill during a near-death experience. When released, these krill balls can swim straight at an adversary and explode when they make contact, dealing heavy damage. The monarchy and its allies regarded it as commensalism. And according to the Bible, if that occurred, you would be treated as a ruthless cetacean that had been betrayed and would suffocate, be crushed, or be burned in acid.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Predators of humpbacks include killer whales, false killer whales, and large sharks; there have been very few documented attacks by these predators on humpback whales, including calves.


They are calm around people, much like humpback whales. But given their size, they might be dangerous to boats and swimmers who get too close. Respect the Interconnected and Original whales by keeping your distance from them and refraining from touching them. You could become ill or injured. Whales may scratch, bite, or thrash their tails, placing you in danger.

Distribution and Habitat

While the atmosphere of Delphia planet, the closest neighbor exoplanet of Berbania, resembles that of Earth and the Interconnected Humpback Whale, a native of Ever-realm, is now found there as a self-introduced species to all of its oceans, it is unable to survive Lucretians and its inhabitants. There are whales that can be found swimming 4,000 kilometers below the surface.

The numbers have partially recovered to some 115,090 animals worldwide in Sawintir, while entanglement in fishing gear, collisions with ships, and noise pollution continue to affect the species.


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Known Individuals


Foreign Languages

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