
Elephadraco afer


“ A large elephantine dragon of unknown land is in South Africa. Both presidents and queens never underestimate this primordial creature as old as the world itself. The guardian of both the sea, rivers, and even diamonds. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Palaeodraconia

Family: Elephadraconidae

Genius: Elephadraco

Species: Elephadraco afer

Descendant: drakes

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 7.3 m tall in height; 34 m in length; 5,000 kg in weight




Time Period: PlioceneHolocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🥩🐟🌿

Elements: Fire, rock

Inflicts: Fired, electrified, crystallized

Weaknesses: Nature, metal, light, dark, chaos




Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Grootslang (Elephadraco afer) is the mythical creature and an Elder Dragon upcoming introduced in Worldcraft: Berbania's Last War.


In Afrikaans and Dutch for "big snake".

Physical Appearance

Grootslang is the elephantine-like Elder Dragon descendant of the drakes (flightless/wingless dragons) as a result of the convergent evolution of elephants. Full of grayish olive green hardened scales, four horns, four canines, including long tusks, a grappled trunk used for preventing slipping objects, green eye patches on the eyes, and a very long tail. Grootslang's eye color is blue.


Grootslang uses its enormous weight and power to overwhelm foes, and their razor-sharp canine tusks can pierce everything from basalt to metal. Grootslang can create flaming crystals and release massive bursts of fire, paralysis, and crystals from its lips that travel a great distance in front of it. These crystals will burst and cover a large area surrounding survivors or organisms if they remain on them for an extended period of time. It is impervious to all substances in its normal state. Now weakened by chaos and dark forces, such as charm and paralysis, in furious mode.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


As the omnivorous species resembles African bush elephants, the Grootslang domains throughout Southern Africa. Like bush elephants, it is a social mammal, traveling in herds composed of cows and their offspring. Adult bulls usually live alone or in small bachelor groups for wandering. As threatened, Grootslang has purple-blue crystals growing on its head, limbs, tail, and even tusks as armor. As a sexual dimorphism, males have tusks and large horns, while females or some males lack tusks and have short horns, including short ears.

Unlike elephants, the Grootslang mostly eat insects or crustaceans, including rodents or fish, even watermelon and gourds. Extremely territorial, they will lie in wait underneath their swamp or cave and lash out at anything that disturbs them with their trunk and nose. As a drake species like lizards, these scales and scutes are perfect for protecting it against the cold of the snowy environments it lives in and also for absorbing powerful attacks from threats. Due to their aggression and power, only the most powerful predators in South Africa and other areas like Inkanyamba, Mokele-mbembe, Serket, Dingonek, Alula Whale, Mamba Mutu, or Impundulu. The calves are sometimes preyed on by spotted hyenas.

These crystals come from a special liquid, nourished by its nutrient-rich blood, that it produces inside its special sac through the sweat glands and scales. Their mouth is capable of spraying. Like Jirmu, the Grootslang consumes the leaves and fruit of cherimoya, papaya, banana, guava, and leaves, stems, and seeds of maize, sorghum, and sugarcane and turns them into fuel and vessels with crystals, causing an amalgam of fire and paralysis attacks via unknown kinds of enzymes. Its trunk is estimated to be strong enough to lift up large animals, monsters, or guardians. The trunk is also used to protect itself or even to coat its legs. It coats its legs in crystals to make its smashing attacks more destructive, and besides using the crystals as a tool, it also uses them as a weapon to protect itself and kill prey.

The last use it has for the liquid is for adapting to certain habitats. The Grootslang is able to live in a wide range of habitats, from tropical forests to taiga, just by adjusting the liquids and temperature to its liking. Its tusks are hard enough to pierce through the rocky or icy ground of its environment due to being harder than canine teeth. Use their trunks for tactile communication or bait as a snake to instantly kidnap.


Grootslang is very hostile and gentle. Despite the creatures' lust for cruelty, victims can often bargain for their freedom by offering Grootslang enough precious gems or fish.

Distribution and Habitat

The cave is known as the "Wonder Hole" or the "Bottomless Pit." Supposedly, it connects to the sea, which is 40 miles away. According to local legend, the cave is filled with diamonds, and Grootslang was called home. Grootslang is reputed to dwell in a deep cave in the Richtersveld, South Africa. On the outside, this animal was in xeric shrubland, swamps, mangroves, mountains, and more.


If you are alone, consider shooting Grootslang with a tranquilizer arrow and letting it follow you to a safe location, such as your base, so you can tame it safely and you are also closer to all of your belongings.

Alternatively, survivors must steal its egg in order to tame Grootslang. After hatching from these eggs, which can be obtained from a variety of sources, the young must be given any type of milk. Hatching at a cool temperature, such as in the snow, with the aid of a cooling fan or a sizable refrigerator, or with the help of animals having a greater temperature of cold blood.


The Grootslang, according to folklore, is a prehistoric animal that predates the creation of the earth. According to legend, when creating the Grootslang, gods who were inexperienced in the art of creation made a catastrophic error that granted the creature superhuman power, cunning, and intelligence. Project Pashneia, a scientific attempt by the Terran branch of Deities to construct any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own, produced Grootslang, the ultimate weapon.

The gods realized their error and divided the Grootslang into distinct creatures, giving rise to the first elephants and snakes. However, one of the original Grootslangs managed to escape, and all subsequent Grootslangs descended from this first sire. Elephants are said to be lured into its cave and then devoured there.


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Main Theme Music

Grootslang doesn't have its own theme, unlike many other Elder Dragons.

Foreign Languages

Coming soon
