Salted Okpe

Petragigantus saltpetrus

Salted Okpe

The monster journeyed from Argentina to Bolivia to find the salt, hence the name. Salt harvesters are hired hunters to take down the world's last three notoungulates.

– David Attenborough

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Notoungulata

Family: Isotemnidae

Genius: Petragigantus

Species: Petragigantus saltpetrus

Descendant: Isotemnids

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 34 meters; 5.1 meters tall; 890 kilograms

Lifespan: 60+ years




Time Period: Miocene−Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Herbivorous

Elements: Rock

Inflicts: Rockblight, stunned, saltblight

Weaknesses: Water, leaf, ice, metal, combat

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Salted Okpe (Petragigantus bestiasus) is a monster of notoungulata.


Coming soon.

Physical Appearance

Salted Okpe, with its whitish rock-like keratin hair and claws, is one of the last notoungulates in South America and the world. possessing stone ears, pale grayish translucent hooves, and pale pink skin akin to that of Caucasians. Based on eye color, these notoungulate species display sexual dimorphism; the female had hazel-brown eyes, while the male had gray ones. Sweat glands were used to build the salt armor of this mammal, hence the name.


Salted Okpe can be used to execute body slams, front flips, and explosions that produce salt dust. In contrast to the regular Okpé, the Salted Okpé has a hint of salt in it. It permits cold air to enter its body through a tiny patch of fat and weak muscle at the very tip of its wings. Like ducks, it employs countercurrent heat exchange to stay warm in these kinds of conditions, losing relatively little heat and allowing the salt to melt.

Not only does the hippo-like ungulate breathe salt modification out of its mouth, but it also secretes that water from the gaps between its stone-like scales. The salt modification that it secretes is used for creating any salty armor that further protects its body from an enemy's attacks.


Coming soon.


Okpe is very aggressive towards everything due to poor eyesight, hearing, and touch, but it excels at smell.

Distribution and Habitat

Salted Okpe's original home was in Bolivia and Argentina. Then we live in salt pans in South America.

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Coming soon


Once, Okpe kidnapped an older youngster who was smart enough to hang onto a limb above and get away from its kidnapper. The youngster fled back to his village as Okpe searched for its prey and cried out for it to return. There, the skin of a mare was spread out on the ground after it was killed, as the Tehuelche do in times of need.

It slipped on the stretched hide and fell so heavily that its granite armor shook as Okpe trundled through after the youngster! In defeat, Okpe began to sob so much that his tears created a river as high as its fangs. The Tehuelche tribe was never bothered by it again.


Chronological Appears

This species was found in every episode of Earth Responsibly Universe with the Frozen series, The Owl House, Assassin's Creed, Monster Hunter, The Avengers, Agents of Shield, Fantastic Four, Spiderman, Venom, Street Fighter, Z Nation, The Walking Dead, every movie in 20th Century Studios, Mobile Legends, and Star Wars as part of Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure and Tangled Movie.

Foreign Languages
