
Balaevora indica


A shark strikes through the east, while the crocodilian vahana in the west duels without reason. Hiding in the moonlight's reflections until doomed in mess. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes

Subclass: Elasmobranchii

Infraclass: Euselachii

Superorder: Selachimorpha

Order: Lamniformes

Family: Balaenivoridae

Genius: Balaenivora

Species: Balaevora indica

Descendant: Mackerel sharks

Named by: Francisco Ahluwalia (Fictional) - India (2590-2681)

Year Published: 2677



Pantheon: Hindu

Time Period: Pliocene to Holocene

Size: 23.9 meters in length; 9.99 meters tall in height; 4000 kilograms in weight

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Water, combat

Inflicts: Bleeding, sundered

Weaknesses: Electric, leaf, light, fae


Based On: itself from Mahabharata

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered

Timingila (Balaevora indica) is a huge legendary creature that is appear in Mahabharata, Ramayana or other Indian literature series. That's is a guardian of Gorrajera, introduced in Snegurochka.


From the word timingilam is as follows: in Sanskrit तिमि "timi" is the word for ‘whale’ and गिल​ "gila" means ‘to swallow'. Thus timingila literally means ‘to swallow a whale’ – not just to swallow, but to swallow in one huge bite! In Tamil people: translated as whales in general.

Physical Appearance

Timingilam's color body is countershading species, the bulky, stocky build, and the colors are based on the oceans from Berbania and Earth. The edges of the fins have black gradient ‘shading’. Unless otherwise, Timingilam have bioluminescent round shapes on this from the torso to tail, otherwise it is not near the tailfin. The eye color is blue based on the countershade.


Timingilam was very difficult to spot due to countershading. Can form in enraged turn into megalodon-sized and squirts water a lot.


Weather Phenomenon


Timingilam was the nemesis of beaked whales to pygmy right whales and other Hindu mythical creatures. According to the Indian philosophers, Timingilam was ‘invisible’ in the ocean when the Timingilam ate the whales, not rorqual whales only but also dolphins; beaked whales; pilot whales; orca; all sharks excluding whale shark; excluding the blue whales, sei whales, and sperm whales are also avoiding the large size. Timingilam was surviving in any biomes from the temperature of 39°C to -50°F, so we cannot survive in very hot or cold regions like the polar regions. Merlion is the only predator of Timingilam to keep shut the ecosystem against the large modern and mythical shark.


Unlike there relatives and megalodon, Timingila is instantly violent and vicious towards any who approaches it from open ocean, attacking mercilessly and being even more aggressive than isonade and other mythical sharks.

Distribution and Habitat

Although widespread across most temperate and tropical oceans, Timingila is most frequently found in temperate waters and was first found in Chennai, India. According to estimates, the Timingila is increasing in the Indian Ocean and decreasing from historic levels in the Northwest Atlantic, South Pacific, and Northeast Pacific. The trends between oceanic regions vary greatly, and they are primarily based on extensive Timingila datasets.


Try to lure them into shallower water because Timingila likes all waters between them, though it is very difficult since they turn around when they get to the edges of shallower land. Knock them out with either the slingshot (number currently 40 times) or tranquilizers (have at least 20 on hand) feed them with any meat to blubbers; and hypnotized with Ganga's Necklace.


Bereshit - 300,000-10,000 BC

This animal was created by Project Pashneia, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Deities to create any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own.


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