Infected Malzeno

Vampyrodraco caelomiles

Infected Malzeno

Those who let themselves be lured into the trap...

Will be whisked away by a swift gale, the embodiment of darkness.

A darkness that does not let its victims go.

As they are slowly drained of their life...

The servants keep providing their master with vital essence.

And once the time is ripe, the darkness will show itself, basking in moonlight.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Vampyrodraconidae

Genius: Vampyrodraco

Species: Vampyrodraco caelomiles

Descendant: ???

Named by: Paul Grigorescu

Year Published: 2024

Size: 8.5 m tall in height; 8.7 m in length; 245 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous and Hematophagy

Elements: Chaos

Inflicts: Chaosblight, bleeding, lifebreak, leeched, bloodened

Weaknesses: Aether, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Malzeno ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Infected Malzeno (Vampyrodraco caelomiles) is an Elder Dragon appeared as secondary antagonist, first introduced in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

Malzeno became secondary antagonist in Weather Dragons: Shoahiguan the Genocidal Against Ottoman and Rewritten: Finale.


Coming soon

Physical Appearance

Infected Malzeno has a body shape reminiscent of a European dragon, similar to Velkhana, with dark scales covering its body along with swarms of small, flying leech-like creatures called Qurio on its neck, chest, and front legs. Its wings, while being dull grey when looked at from above, have a red underside.

Each wing has a single, enormous talon, and the wing membrane attaches "separately" to the wing fingers. At the end of its tail are a pair of tiny fins that are the same color as its wings. Its front legs have three fingers that join to form a long, curled claw. It has a cowl-like frill that extends from both sides of its neck and two huge, golden horns. Three sizable, moveable prongs at the end of its tail can be utilized to seize small prey. It can use its wings as a cape to completely encase its body.

When the Infected Malzeno has exhausted all of its life force, its appearance changes. Its eyes start to glow, its neck frills and wings start to pulse with light, its chest, front legs, and tail are covered in a dark crimson energy, and the Qurio on its body start to glow. Its body also gets darker. Malzeno is based on old vampire mythology, as evidenced by its gothic appearance and life-sucking propensity. Malzeno included aristocracy, nobility, grandeur, and cunningness into his design.

Despite its initial resistance to them, Malzeno gradually underwent a morphological change and became highly aggressive, becoming the new host and "master" of the parasites but driving it insane from the Qurio's relentless hunger. However, in the process, it also keeps Gaismagorm dormant by preventing the Qurio from delivering energy to the Archdemon of the Abyss. It has maintain this for 50 years. It was orignally known as a Variant called Primordial Malzeno. However, likely due to a territorial dispute.


They appear to be quite svelte, but they are incredibly strong. In their most basic form, they mostly rely on quick and strong physical strikes with their limbs, especially their agile, claw-like tail and wings. They move exceedingly quickly and acrobatically on the ground, performing barrel rolls and spins to attack and reposition, as befits their lean forms. Additionally, it is very simple to underestimate their raw force.

Although their physical attacks mimic those of other Elder Dragons (such Kushala Daora and Teostra), they seem to have a tremendous amount of force because they frequently shatter the ground and produce shockwaves, especially when they have wings. They may also breathe chaos energy into the ground, generating explosions that also cause Chaosblight, and they can stab their prey with their tails to cause Bloodblight. As long as Malzeno lands enough of these, it can shift forms, therefore it appears that this energy also transfers the targets' life power to it.

Malzeno reaches a powerful state known as the "Bloodening" when it has drained enough life. In this stage, its strength is greatly increased and it becomes incredibly agile, moving so quickly that to the human eye, it seems to be teleporting. Additionally, it has improved assaults that cause enormous explosions and shoot debris into the air. It can also chain together a number of powerful attacks. Numerous attacks also seem to be filled with its energy and leave behind dark aftershocks.

Its luminous bodily parts, however, sustain greater harm in this condition, and its tail develops a weakness. When it is in this state, Malzeno will be forced out of it, which will cause it to tumble over if enough damage is dealt to these areas. Malzeno will perform an attack where it flies into the air while firing a beam of dragon energy in a circle around itself before launching an energy ball onto the ground, which explodes violently and sends out several waves of dragon energy twice if not enough damage is dealt while Malzeno is in this state. Malzeno will return to its regular state following the execution of this attack.

Weather Phenomenon


It can command the Qurio that constantly follow it to syphon life force from enemies and prey, which it uses to strengthen itself further. These creatures can also inflict Bloodblight as well. Malzeno is highly feared in the kingdom. The reason is due to it having nearly destroyed the Kingdom several times in the past. Malzeno is bitter enemies with the Elder Dragon Gaismagorm. Malzeno will ensure there is not enough life force around the Yawning Abyss for it to absorb and by seizing control of the Qurio and forcing them to provide it with stolen life force meant for Gaismagorm.

In melee combat, Malzeno relies on fast and powerful physical blows with its limbs, primarily the hook-like spikes on their wingtips and their clawed tail, the latter of which is dextrous enough to grab and pin down foes. Because of its thin frame, it is incredibly acrobatic and will frequently spin around or do barrel rolls to reposition or attack. However, in spite of said thin frame, its attacks carry a tremendous amount of brute force, as its physical strikes commonly shatter the ground and create shockwaves, and its tail is strong enough to pick up and throw a large monster like a Lunagaron without any outward signs of exertion.

When Malzeno drains enough life force, it enters a powered-up state known as the "Bloodening"; in this form, its strength is boosted immensely and it becomes extremely agile, using bursts of the Qurio's energy to propel it so fast that it appears as if it is teleporting. Its attacks are also enhanced, creating massive explosions and sending debris flying through the air, and it can combo multiple strong attacks in a row. Many attacks also appear infused with its energy, having black and red aftershocks. However, during this state, its glowing body parts and its tail will become weaker. Dealing enough damage to these parts will knock Malzeno out of the Bloodening and cause it to topple over. Failure to do so will eventually result in Malzeno focusing all the energy from its transformation into a devastating attack, before reverting to its normal state after it finishes.


When European and Asian immigrants first came in Romania and Moldova or in Elgado, the Malzeno population began to decline. There were roughly 40,000 Malzeno living all across the planet before settlers arrived. This dragon has a 5% chance of surviving due to constant predation from pigs, cats, parrots, hawks, dogs, ferrets, skunks, badgers, tanukis, stoats, and even other Elder Dragons.

The habitats of Infected Malzeno and Primordial Malzeno have been destroyed by humans and other races through mining, logging, and slaughter of Qurios. These dragons were previously hunted by humans for their meat, scales, scutes, blood, and skin. The most endangered populations of the species are found in Romania. The major threat comes from invasive predators as mustelids, tanukis, raccoons, Trichosurus vulpecula, Antechinus stuartii, feral cats, dogs, and pigs.


Infected Malzeno is an extremely powerful Elder Dragon, and is strong enough to take down powerful monsters such as Rathalos. It can drain the life of both monsters and hunters alike, afflicting them with Bloodblight.

Distribution and Habitat

Infected Malzeno is mainly found in the ruins of the Citadel, but can also be found in the Shrine Ruins and Lava Caverns of Kamura. 


Coming soon


Malzeno is extremely sensitive to the force and conjures their own peculiar to Romania creatures, the eyeless winged lampreys known as Qurios. Vlad the Impaler turned into the first vampire and used the Elder Dragon to unleash the dark side of the force on the Ottoman Empire. The House of Romania's German ancestors, notably Helen of Greece and Denmark, a queen who was almost killed by Malzeno, injured this dragon. Due to parasitism and other unnatural events that occurred when natural science was hotly debated, some of those people developed vampire traits.

The Agents of Shield members alerted this animal against all as the most threatened creature in terms of being Gothic and malicious. Ileana of Romania, she was abducted by Malzeno and considered by biologists as Princess and Dragon theme, like all Elder Dragons.


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

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