Legacy of River

“ The river is a life. ”


Worldcraft: Legacy of River

Ang Huling Tao sa Mundo: Pamana ng Ilog

Written by: Ognimdo2002

Release Date: 

Based on: n/a

Genre: Science fantasy, dark fantasy, speculative evolution, horror, war, romance, comedy, action, tragedy, adventure, mystery, drama, historical, epic

Age Advisory: 16+

 Rivers Stops Flows or Ifa lomfula is the fourth Worldcraft story made by Ognimdo2002. This story is mostly for black people.


Pre-Reboot (2020)

Jessica "Jessie" Asuncion was a beautiful female professor who examined the unknown river that appears at night when gives the light show. She encountered a new species, the Mokele-mbembe means "rainbow" in Lingala and "one who stops the river's flows" in Congolese language. She was exploited by jealous scientists who tell Jessie is warned, but the Queen consort gave her respect that the river was pure of life.

The descendants of Sumerians are Inothakkesh, the new nightmare of Africans that make ethnic cleansing, even the animals and indigenous extraterrestrials live here. The Lukwata, Dingonek, J'ba Fofi, Mamba Muntu, Alula Whale, and Alarikitesha attack the Inothakkesh tribes but it is too late. Jessie was killed by ancestor of Feliciano Nikorelan, Alberto Chavez Nikorelan nee Imotallpov and Daniella Nikorelan nee Hijheboor that hate her by misunderstanding; self-respect; and make her stoned to death, and therefore the LGBT community and other Science and Technology professors and mathematicians are warn the couple to make them drowned in Asuncion River which is derived her surname. The evil couple are now officially death by death penalty by United Nations of Berbania. The Mokele-mbembe and Lukwata suffer and make their professor forlorn.

The first born of only modern were-leopard were Farhan Jonavalya Ngatharu, also an incarnate African leopard that became extinct in Morocco. Farhan was cursed by Mngwa, a large cat that resembles a gray tabby cat scratching his back to turn into leopard-man of black, dubbed as “Black Panther”. with his cousin Ajibola Hillapa Namalo also quarterstaff user but his quarterstaff turn into his bow and arrow; causing the unknown mineral contained by their coordinate in this radius nearby or farther away, to detect the main enemy. Their cousin saved the river from Nihorelan.

In 3015 AD, Zhangima was abolished by Order of King William II. The Thongamerai family are playing rock paper and scissors by Clarissa and Paschal. Even the Ghinang Qiloe to Jydong Gjarg are choosing the first to win this game, that goes to the Hirojafza as free tickets are held on from Ilowa Vjaro. But once in the blue moon, Leonardo warns his girlfriend was a cousin because of taboo.

Ongoing thing is that Nicolette joins the game, and she won because of unknown manner. Nicolette takes the tickets to trip the Hirojafza. When the relationship between the Dinojerulla and other countries like Esmeraldia, Xorethajio, Gishiowar, Odimbelekhiz, Ablangor, Elengora, and others like New Qafar have the largest and longest river in the world, the Asuncion River connects the Dhokorakha and New Breton but as far as Gishiowar and Xorethajio too. The missions are going to stop the dam construction by Feliciano with his pet, a Dingonek.

King Usman Bingolok is a leader of the Legacy Empire of Odimbelekhiz and helps Thongamerai and Ferasothar when the Dirthsan Alliance Administration returns. The Auwharosh-Rijheshoth family trip to the Republic State of New Qafar by President Nour Imangka to help the problem from Feliciano against the drainage system centralized water distribution system based on the bioluminescent river. While the Vinjawholl family traveled to the restaurant to eat and watch the Broadway show with Glow-wolves (wolf-like extraterrestrial larger than bear). Lusiya "Lucy" Mae Chanyaroth and her boyfriend was the senator named Kiko Hilario Ngatharu, the invite to all including King Usman Bingolok but Rachelle Imadingma was weaken but want to wish her is will she became a human, as the granted to use Usman to magic to Rachelle became a white haired girl and she dressed by Benesha Malambaro Bingolok, the majesty of Odimbelekhiz. As the incident is now continued, he met with Andrew Vinjawholl and Andrea Vinjawholl. However the truck filled with already cooked meals is detected by giant spiders. The driver encounters the giant spiders eating the food.

The mother of all giant spiders was J'ba Fofi and terrorize because of reason habitat destruction. Everyone ran away from J'ba Fofi. Kiko startled him to J'ba Fofi. But the spider queen attacked but it started to battle. But the Dirthsan Titanios protects and attacks the giant spider queen. But the soldiers confront the monsters fighting each other and then the arrival of Rompo, the giant ratel-like guardian that starts at hates two of those guardians here. Three guardians are retreated by the mysterious roar coming from the river.

Feliciano noticed that he heard from the monster that that's from this creature. In the fog, not for Rachelle Imadingma. Not created by herself, but the neck of the sauropod with glowing rounds while sprayed it the steamboat and river cruise ships hitted by hot boiling water. Any rebellions and policies are hurting from scalding. Feliciano uses the flashlight to light but is gone. Some of the sailors are attacked by Marshland Knightscale (fictional extraterrestrial looks like an alligator).

In the news report from New Qafar, the light show of Asuncion River came from the bioluminescent alien algae. Lucy's steamboat with her father was Gaddo Chanyaroth and her mother was Fayidah Minaloh Chanyaroth where she is a rich woman and former fisherman. Besides invited Isabella and Archie with her friends. To the conversation with Lusiya, the watching in Bioluminescent Show of Asuncion River where is the elegantly and brightly river, she told to Isabella is the river named after the Jessica Asuncion.

" Long time ago, many scientists discovered the largest and longest river everytime, since then the beauty scientist from America and Spain have found a mesmerized river that was very sacred. Jessica Annaliza Peterson Asuncion, the most important scientist since 2609 AD. However when she saw the sauropod guardian Mokele-mbembe was named for her, this guardian was Gowon, which means rainmaker from Hausa language."

Isabella was interested in the true name of Mokele-mbembe where find the guardian six hundred decades ago. Koko met with Lusiya and his best friend: Farhan and Ajibola to talk. Lusiya saw the Marshland Knightscale attack her. When she was kidnapped by the one of the Knightscales and dragged her into the river, meanwhile Koko and Leonardo but unfortunately cannot be following the alien. The Alula whale saw her dragged by knightscales.

Beside the next day, Sebastian; Stephanie; Jeremiah; Lizannie, Nicolette, and Andrew are in Republican State of Gishiowar, found the savanna where lots of the Parekitesha species and other extraterrestrials like Xeno-cattle, Xeno-giraffe, Xeno-gibbon, Ancestrape, Nerve-antler, and even the leader of the Yarokitsha was the Alarikitesha. Lizannie was abducted by Alarikitesha, Sebastian was afraid to abduct her by this creature. Sebastian fired the shotgun to alarm all lifeforms to repel. Stephanie got an idea on how to tame the Yarokitshas and some Asuncionese Parekiteshas. The Djoreshun and Ferasothar flew out through the sky and found Alarikitesha and Lizannie. Isabella, Archie, Leonardo, Andrea, Andrew, Koko, Farhan, Ajibola, and even the people allied to find Lusiya but it was reached in the habitat of the Dingonek, pure swampland with mangroves and willows, with mixed water hyacinths and American lotus. The three Glowwolves stare Isabella's friends from trespassing. But it was saved by Abiodun Jonas Wakalura, the poacher who prowls around the jungle using Metalized Orichalcum Claws (Thigjerzh in Nova Californian language). But the glow-wolves retreated to see the Dingonek. The Dingonek attacks Isabella's and Archie's friend in double cross. He turns into Zaphnath to enraged him and takes down Dingonek but is slapped by this tail. But the Dingonek was dragged into the river by a Lukwata and made Dingonek retreat.

Lukwata was named by Isabella as Nabilah, classified as a female species. She found that Lukwata has her family because is likely to help to find Lusiya. The First Class Dirthsan Alliance Administration rode with Nabilah into the Asuncion. When Lusiya was in the cavern filled with all species of Knightscales and Xenoseals. But she was shocked at the first encounter of Mokele-mbembe again. Told Lusiya is incarnated by Jessica Asuncion because of tragedy. When Feliciano found the river system of this cave. Feliciano was attacked by Alula whale, he summons the tamed Dingonek named Zaki and repels the whale from ramming. The whale is feared. The whale called Gowon to swear Feliciano for his bad idea.

Feliciano found Lusiya and the Mokele-mbembe to abduct and kidnap. Gaddo and Fayidah find the daughter but in the news report, Lusiya is holding from Feliciano to want him to kill Lusiya. The Mokele-mbembe is feared by another monster named Mamba Mutu, the whale helps him against the crustacean.

Meanwhile in the Allah's Valley where the nests of Yarokitshas and Alarikitesha landed the Djoreshun and Ferasothar. Elizabeth found the babies of Yarokitshas but the adult Alarikitesha wanted to kill her. Sebastian throws the pebble to the back of Alarikitesha and this creature sees it was nothing but the pebble hits this creature. Making the Djoreshun brothers quiet walking to the way releases Elizabeth from young Yarokitshas. The Alarikitesha alarms and attacks the Second Class Dirthsan Alliance Administration but it was going to be attacked again from Kongamato is a member of the surviving pterodactyls. Alarikitesha uses the deadly roar beam to knock Lizannie's friends and Kongamatos. The Alarikitesha was leashed by Sebastian that he was not knocked and he wants to tame it. Surprisingly, Sebastian's friends are lifted and ridden by Sebastian's Alarikitesha. The Kongamatos respect him. He noticed that Lusiya was in danger of being abducted by Feliciano for the sacrifice as voodoo.

Koko entered the Drainage System Area or simply dam. Feliciano and Koko with Farhan confront him to make battle. He summon Zika to attack the Isabella's friends but Archie with Rachelle from crafting station throw the smoke bombs. All the sailors attack but all are blinded by a smoking area. Lusiya called the "Boomerang Darts" (Eklasherob) to release herself and she released Gowon and attacked but joined by Nabilah and the Alula Whale named by Lusiya as Bondeko attacked the Mamba Mutu. But Gowon roars to call all native species in Asuncion River to kill Mamba Mutu as an act of drowning. Alarikitesha attacks Feliciano at arrival time in their battle.

Clarissa, Joanne, Paschal and Katherine watch the television but are too spoiled from guerrilla monsters from the cryptids.

William called the police from Thirenha and traveled to the New Qafar. The dam was destroyed by Lukwata by hip check. Feliciano jumped but he shot Lusiya with her dart. But Feliciano and Zika jumped out in the river and Lusiya was saved by Koko in leopard form. Feliciano and Zika were attacked by Gowon and Archie as Zaphnath.

Feliciano is now enraged by the merman and Archie and Feliciano fight with Gowon and Zika. Isabella starts with Rompo and She commands Draco and Stephan from Inorthia into New Qafar riding with Ghinang, Illowa, Fengqa, Jydong, Keljar, and Og'hari flight to the New Qafar that are going to join forces. Archie helps Ajibola by using Bow Staff (Wakla'nop in Dermochlory language) to shoot Feliciano from and Abiodun shoots by using Saucer Glaive (Eklawong in Qafarian language). Feliciano manipulates the water element to make Abiodun and Archie drown but Archie is angry to possess the magic and Comiean Medallion overloaded. The river glows where Archie starts and he calls Yahweh and Yeshua by passing through his Horus' powers.

Gowon saves Farhan, Abiodun, and Koko from drowning and Draco shoots him, but Archie can control the fire, Stephen shoots him but can himself control the air element.

Isabella shoots the "500999 Volts of Lightning" from Elizabeth into Feliciano and is paralyzed.

Archie and Gowon surprisingly turn the signs of Black Nazarene into the Feliciano that disintegrates him called "Nazarene of Blood's Laser" and “Rainbow’s Revenge” destroys force fields first. 

Feliciano furiously angered to kill him, Farhan in his leopard form punches him unconscious. Some of Feliciano’s fellow allies were unable to escape by Lusiya and Ajibola, including the Alarikitesha to make them surrender.

The drainage system has now collapsed, the animals now started to migrate again from Archie, but he is now unconscious and he saved him by bringing Nabilah into the shore. The people prouder to save it for Archie and his friends from destroying the ecosystem.

Gowon sprayed him with cold water into Archie awakens.

Gowon, Nabilah, a Rompo, an Alarikitesha, Bondeko, and a J'ba Fofi are going to Zika to apologize for this incident. Isabella and Archie kiss, but the guardians and monsters, even animals, are roaring in victory. Deserves to Koko, Farhan, Lusiya, Abiodun, Ajibola, and others are granted to the knighted by King Usman and Queen Benesha but includes for Dirthsan Alliance Administration and Archie as most likely perpetual help from habitat destruction.

Animals want a peaceful life and the people are in peaceful life again too. Joined Koko, Lusiya, and Farhan as part of Dirthsan Foreign Alliance Administration by King William II.

Established the book by Farhan as new life and the picture captured by Isabella, but the signature is from Archie Buenaventura, even in the kissing scene in the Asuncion River at midnight. The sky moons of Nestor and Eurydice always show with some stars in the Southern Hemisphere. The notice invited us from Dermochlories named: Verde Goutan, Lush Nilae, Wat Wijaoi, and Kiaxo Bisak for a new visit with a new alien race. The story now continues with this journey.

Archie rings the phone that he needs the problem is the other chapters being by Gino Shiyeruthi.

- The End

Post-Reboot (2023)

Coming soon




Support Characters

Minor Characters


Theme Songs

