
And they live... happily ever after! . ”

after Dlerraz-Gutierrez's marriage

Background and Character Information

Full Name: Thumbelina

Other Names: ???

Born: Early 19th Century

Species: Nephilim (human-fairy)

Nationality: Danish

Age: 20s

Gender: Female


Language Spoken: English, Danish, Irish, others

Alignment: Good

Paraphernalia: ???

Powers and Abilities: Flight (when she gains wings); fae element

Partner(s): Prince Cornelius (husband)

Relative(s): unnamed mother (adopted mother); King Colbert (father-in-law); Queen Tabitha (mother-in-law)

Affiliate(s): others

Likes: Singing, the sun, spring, summer, autumn, raining, birds and insects, flying, Cornelius

Dislikes: Grundel Toad, being kidnapped, old languages, getting lost, being forced to marry, winter, otters (formerly), being away from home, Balaur, enemies, Agarthans, Agartha, bashers, King Rat

Inspiration: herself from Han Christian Andersen

Thumbelina is the main protagonist in her same film in 1994 and from a fairytale from Han Christian Andersen. She is only human-fairy (nephilim) was very tiny like a flower and adopted child of unknown parents and her ancestors of likely unknown and controversial.


Thumbelina's name was in English term for her same name.

In Earth Responsibly universe, her full name was Tommelise Idablomäst or Thumbelina Idabloomas, according to Roberta Warren and Obi-Wan Kenobi's journals. Coincidentally, three of them are non-Disney.

Physical Appearance

Thumbelina is a sweet and very beautiful teenage girl with long, strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes and glossy pink lipstick. 


Cornelius and his allies, including Thumbelina, unknown to us, into the same size as us, her wings are same as her size like her mom by Avalonian bioenergy and qi energies using sneeze by aurorium dust and fairy bacteria reaction, turned into either tiny or human sized.


Despite her small size, she has a big heart and is a romantic. She can easily be brought down by the world but is known for having good friends to keep her afloat.


Thumbelina and Cornelius are part of Earth Responsibly, mentioned that Princess Belle and Varian both exist but actually cut due to Ognimdo's contrast time.

Appears on Weather Dragons Wonderland vs Neverland due to warfare from Captain Hook. Chameleos and Espinas, the Elder Dragon and Flying Wyvern that were kept as her servants and unknown to Romanovs as main allies. Thumbelina is the best ally in Denmark for Daniel Peterson to Joszef Horvath for past, present and future eras from Elder Dragons and guardian's damages.

She shown in flashback that Thumbelina was born in Sjaelland, Denmark by unknown.



