Black Mngwa

Megalocaracal leo

Black Mngwa

I'm black foe, I'm death for desire. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Feliforma

Family: Felidae

Genius: Megalocaracal

Species: Megalocaracal leo

Descendant: caracal

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 2.0 meters long in length; 1.9 m tall in height; 290 kg in weight

Lifespan: 12 to 22+ years



Pantheon: Tanzanian

Time Period: PlioceneHolocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Leaf, dark, combat

Inflicts: Bleeding; gnashed, darkblight, darkness, fired, watered, poison, paralysis, sleep, bombed, nausea

Weaknesses: Fire, ice, air, fae, sound, dark

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Black Mngwa (Megalocaracal leo) is the variant species of Mngwa introduced in Worldcraft special spinoff series called Ngatharu: Child of Decide.


From the Swahili word for "strange cat".

Physical Appearance

Black Mngwa covers whole fur are completely black for camouflage at darkness. Their eye color was green or mixed blue or yellow depending on same genes or partial heritability.


This organ contains special enzymes that decompose the mushrooms and berries, including veggies unlike their relative, allowing it to use whatever toxins were contained in them into an inflicted breath attack. Though it is able to use the poisons, paralysis, sleep, stunned, frostbite, burned, bombed, erupted, malaria and even wither to its advantage in battle, unlike normal Mngwa, there are immune to them due to superhuman endurance and durability.

According to the Western superstitions, which was considered to be an omen of bad luck (in most Western countries, contrary to Japan's viewpoint in which it is considered lucky) and can be interpreted as the reasoning behind as only mythical creature as threatened as bad luck and holds Dark type element.


Unlike their ancestor, the serval and caracal. The Mngwa is the top predator in Tanzania and nearby countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Mngwa's natural enemies are jackals, spiders, and other Elder Dragons.


Contrary to both Eastern and Western traditions combined, this creature was ferocious and aggressive toward everyone, including humans, using extremely keen claws for single strikes as well as putting dread in the hearts of anyone close during a 12 a.m. strike.

Distribution and Habitat

Native to Berbania, Black Mngwa lived in the Hirojafza Dark Forest. This forest had a mixture of native extraterrestrial trees that looked similar to Earth plants due to convergent evolution, but was unconnected to existing Earth trees and bushes. With several ancient ruins left behind by Dermochlories and Dairks thousands of years ago, this is quite appropriate for this species and has adapted to the New Johannesburg and New Lagos Rainforest. The Black Mngwa should not be taken as prey, say Hausas in modern-day Tanzania.


Mngwa cannot be tamed when is an adult stage. Only in baby one was notable exceptions. Can be tamed the abandoned kitten using any raw fish or milk.


The Black Mngwa's habitat through Nueva La Trinidad at the Odimbelekhiz Kingdom is shortly destroyed by religious fanatics, "Reborn Lutheran Paladins," but the central character introduced is Farhan Ngatharu, is offered to Farhan to curse him as a punishment, beginning a conflict to save its kind and so many animals from an extinction-prevention conflict from habitat loss. When their campground and inns got dark during the party, one of Farhan's friends was killed by a demon.

When one Black Mngwa was a demon attacked Farhan as he was younger, he fought but was punished to got a curse. Afterward, after consuming a heart-shaped herb that was affected by the vibranium's substances and achieving superhuman abilities, Farhad was transformed into a humanoid black leopard who attacked him out of fear and killed and eaten alive the enemy's blood and meat.

Farhan accepted to this animal as now as a starter menagerie or first pet, reminiscent of Starter Pokemon as this animal was follower against the Lutheranism controlling corruption from between Catholic and Lutheran churches, to save his family, his girlfriend, his denizens and netizens to animals and monsters from his former bestfriend was betrayed as descendants of Otto Octavius called Octagon del Oliva, he turned into were-leopard unlike his great ancestor of his ancestor of this villain.

As Farhan is a descendant of Barack Obama, he rechristened the creature to be called Azizi and fought alongside his friends and allies against Octavius's ambitious plans to deport black people and native wildlife without giving them any rights.



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