Greater Krayt Dragon


Greater Krayt Dragon

The dragon of Tatooine, once imported into your world, is now under my thrall and, as such, will do only my bidding. Svartalfheim to the horizon, a dark elemental creature was uninterested in the zero dawn. ”

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: ???

Kingdom: ???

Phylum: ???

Class: ???

Order: ???

Family: ???

Genius: ???

Species: ???

Descendant: ???

Named by: n/a

Year Published: n/a

Size: 27 m tall, 35 m long, and 250 kilograms




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Territorial

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🌿🥩🥓🌑

Elements: Rock

Inflicts: Rockblight; poison

Weaknesses: Light

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: 

Greater Krayt Dragon, also known as Great Krayt Dragon in Earth Responsibly universe, was a large species of krayt dragon, predatory reptile-like alien from Tatooine. It was introduced in Rescris series, as a non-indigenous species that not in the Earth Responsibly universe and our universe.

Also known by Romanians as Craita Drac (Cyrillic: Краита Драк; Delphian language: Hămarerm / Ҳа̌марерм).



Physical Appearance

The greater krayt dragon was one of several species of giant carnivorous reptilian extraterrestrials found on Tatooine, and they exhibit a sexual dimorphism. Male great krayt dragons lack jagged spikes on their backs, and only females do. They were characterized by male and female, their long neck, whip-like tail, horns, sharp teeth, and five pairs of legs.


Greater Krayt Dragon used its ten strong legs, it literally swam through the shifting sands for ambush preys. It also breaths both roars and sand to blind enemies and deaf. These Krayt dragons, despite their fierceness, were hunted for the precious powerful pearls found in their bodies. Any krayt dragon with the ability to spray acidic venom from their mouths.


Those krayts were also known to burrow beneath the sand close to the surface, disrupting nearby objects that it passed. Some Tusken Raiders studied the digestion cycle of krayt dragons for generations, and fed Bantha, Sarlacc, Porg, and others to them, to protect their settlements and make the dragons sleep longer.


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Distribution and Habitat



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Foreign Languages

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