
Idwalafudu umkhulu


As the two lone survivors from ancient times, the couple lushes across the landscape when viewed together as a natural greenhouse. The pair separates from their belongings because they both require self-defense but cannot afford it. This aspidochelone crushes everywhere without warning together with the lava and earthquake. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Family: Idwalafudidae

Genus: Idwalafudu

Species: Idwalafudu umkhulu

Descendant: Pantestudines

Named by: Rachel Cruickshank

Year Published: 2005


Lifespan: 300 years



Pantheon: Zulu

Time Period: Early Triassic-Holocene, 251.90 MYA BCE

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Rock

Inflicts: Fireblight, waterblight, rockblight, poison, stunned, bombed

Weaknesses: All

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Usilosimapundu and Ugungqu-kubantwana (Idwalafudu umkhulu), the only known couple of Zulu superlative tortoises, are one of the mythical creatures found in South Africa. Both Usilosimapundu and Ugungqu-kubantwana are African mythical creatures outside of planet Berbania that are found in Reinachos and Earth (their couple, from which they originate).

The United Nations, CIA, DEA, FBI, IUCN, and G7 all used the name Idwalafudu for the couple as a single species.


Usilosimapundu is a Zulu word for "rugose beast" or "the nodulated beast". While Ugungqu-kubantwana, the mother of animals. Her name refers to the sound she makes when moving – gungqu, gungqu.

Idwalafudu is a scientific name from Zulu "Idwala" and "ufudu,"  for "rock tortoise."

Physical Appearance

There is a male counterpart known as Usilosimapundu and a female counterpart known as Ugungqu-kubantwana. In reality, both are there simultaneously with their enormously powerful earthquakes and deafening roars. All Aspidochelones share the same skin type, with the exception of Ugungqu-kubantwana and Usilosimapundu. While the Usilosimapundu has andesite skin, the Ugungqu-kubantwana has basaltic skin. However, the Usilosimapundu has glowing blue-green bioluminescent eyes, whilst the Ugungqu-kubantwana does not.

Their limbs are covered in mosses and lichens and feature andesite and stone textures that resemble cliffs. Both have their own savanna environment, grasses, freshwater (Ugungqu-kubantwana) and mineral (Usilosimapundu) rivers, and even one to four Imidoni trees. They also have circular, spike-free mace tails. Both have clouds beneath their own mountains, and their carapace, which is covered in basaltic lava, functions as a living continent.


Poison-coated acacias are thought to be personifications that function as bodyguards but are more prickly than regular acacias; both are hosted by Imidoni. There will be up to four Imidoni trees planted. Both aspidochelones exhale a potent lava that resembles a continental drift in addition to the strongest and heaviest weight known to have ever caused landslides, avalanches, and earthquakes over their stumps.

Ugungqu-kubantwana roars deaf and breathes strong lava. The Usilosimapundu flashes their bioluminescence in the eyes at night, roaring less than she would to quiet you but never having as much hot magma. All the residents were disturbed as she thudded their limbs, triggering both earthquakes and tsunamis.

Lahar, which has the ability to devastate entire communities in a single night, can damage both tortoises' limbs or breathing apparatus. The life force rises and the traits stated are probably sexual cannibalism, as they become the leader and impervious to chaos elements if the superior tortoises, such as Usilosimapundu or Ugungqu-kubantwana, are murdered by them. The Superlative Tortoise is the only mythical creature with devoted followers; these creatures are called Forestry Guards, and they are planted animals that belong to the turtle. It appears that the Superlative Tortoise is a kind leader who does not punish the creatures under its care.


Since juvenile Usilosimapundu and Ugungqi-kubntwana are rarely observed, especially at this stage of their existence, a great deal is unknown about them. Upon birth, the young do not have a shell and will remain in the vicinity of their birth. After developing their fire carapace, they will be able to consume energy effectively and, throughout the following six years, will travel in quest of food. With age, their weight will require more food, and they will expel waste from their back to form the outer shell that covers them, which will eventually become a landmass of chuck crust.

The Idwalafudu can effortlessly destroy any impediments in their path, including ships and forts, thanks to their enormous size. Idwalafudu, like Caicai Vilu and later Tren-tren Vilu, is capable of causing crustal deformation solely with its physical strength. By simply passing through the Great Ravine, it opened up other parts of the various realms, allowing other monsters to freely roam into strange places. Moreover, Idwalafudu has the ability to cause earthquakes of massive magnitude and to form volcanoes.

The energy that Idwalafudu accumulates and unleashes within its body has overtaken the long grasses and Imidoni trees, encompassing a natural waterfall, making it the most threatening element of the creature. Due to their teeth that mimic human teeth, both omnivores cause catastrophic destruction when they eat the entire land, including its hapless inhabitants. However, this is never a concern.

Idwalafudu is a subterranean creature with limited vision; thus, it relies mostly on its sense of hearing for hunting and hibernation. As a result, the creature is immune to sunlight, nearly blind, and unable to detect items even that are close to its face despite having adapted to the surface. In South Africa, the only creatures that could readily destroy a village were those that belonged to Idwalafudu. The Yoruba people, Zulus, Afrikaners, and other groups are also considered living natural catastrophes.


Ugungqi-kubntwana and Usilosimapundu are placid giants who are not troubled by most other species. Though smaller species have been found to follow it and even live on the shell covering its back, both species are fearless and never give up on the possibility of spending time on the mountain's back as future parasites.

Distribution and Habitat

Both are endemic species in South Africa, according to Zulu Nation.


Both tortoises are untameable except for one thing, says Isabella Morrison's real legitimate mother, Queen Arianna Morrison.

They must instead rely on sound because their taming techniques are foolish. This makes the Superlative Tortoises incredibly sensitive to loud noises, but it also gives them a sharp sense of hearing that isn't useful for sonic explosives. The Yoruba people advise against using loud noises, such as Gowrow's loud scream or Archie Buenaventura's Ancient Wristwatch, as they can hurt and disorient Usilosimapundu or Ugungqi-kubntwana and hinder their ability to hide or dig. Instead, they advise stunned and feeding in areas with lots of trees and computers that resemble microchips or other technological materials.


No Way to Seaway Prologue - 200,000,000 BCE-2019 AD

The origin of Idwalafudu is by far evolution and descended from the Pantestudines, far back from the Triassic. The Idwalafudu appears to be able to survive for millions of years while dozing off inside of shells with continental skin. Long ago, before the Saurfolk race appeared, the Fomorians brought Idwalafudu to live in the Pangea. According to common opinion, this species was driven extinct by overhunting; it is also believed that it was caught up in seismic upheavals that happened roughly 201.4 million years ago. As for the reason behind the Triassic-Jurassic extinction, the most popular and well-supported theory points to the beginning of the volcanic eruptions in the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP), which released a significant amount of carbon dioxide into Earth's atmosphere and caused profound global warming.

Nonetheless, a male and a female species that are known to exist made it through by secretly hibernating in the Republic of South Africa and petrifying their own bodies. The Aesirs of the Pleistocene could not even alter this as an act of animal servitude to the gods.

Known Individuals


Foreign Languages
