Creature's Phenomena

Creature’s Phenomena are events caused by animals, guardians, and entities. These events are usually some type of natural disaster, past event, or an unnatural occurrence that can't be explained easily due to possessed by special organs or in mind. Though animals can cause these phenomenon, some of them naturally occur in the world.


Thunderstorm (Tagalog: Bagyo) is a kind of weather with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail. This kind of weather can be caused by the presence of some powerful monsters, most commonly Elder Dragons or Guardians.



Hailstorm (Tagalog: Ulan ng Yelo) is a kind of weather that produces hail during a storm.



Sandstorm or Dust Storm (Tagalog: Bagyo ng Buhangin) is a kind of weather that has a strong wind carrying clouds of sand with it, especially in a desert. This phenomenon can be caused by some monsters that are within range of powerful winds or just simply caused by the monster themselves with sands and pebbles.


Blood Rain

Blood Rain (Tagalog: Ulan ng Dugo) is a phenomenon in which blood is perceived to fall from the sky in the form of rain occurs when high concentrations of red-colored dust or particles combine with rain, giving it a red appearance as it falls. This phenomenon can be caused by some creatures that are within range of powerful winds or just simply caused by the creatures themselves with packs of particles of red stuff.



Blizzard (Tagalog: Bagyo ng Nyebe) is a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility. While heavy snowfalls and severe cold often accompany blizzards, they are not required. These blizzards can be quite severe to the point where some creatures freeze in place with little warning.



Firestorm (Tagalog: Bagyo ng Apoy) is a kind of weather that occurs when heat from a wildfire creates its own wind system. These destructive flames are constant with little signs of going out easily made by accidental arson.



Earthquakes (Tagalog: Lindol) are violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action. These disasters are usually caused by giant animals that are either roaming from one place to another or even a simple rub of the horn on an island.



Tsunamis (Tagalog: Malaking alon) are the series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or a large lake. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami.



Desertification (Tagalog: Pag-ilang, Desertipikasyon) is the series of weather and land degradation in arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid areas, collectively known as drylands, resulting from many factors, including human activities and climatic variations. These guardians causing the phenomenon is the rapid transformation of an area from a lush environment to a harsh, arid desert.



Magnetism (Tagalog: magnetismo, pambalani) is a phenomenon in both our world, from Monster Hunter, world of Marvel Cinematic universe and others. This unusual phenomenon isn't very common in the same realms, though some creatures have found ways to use magnetism to their advantage as they fight foes



Rainbow (Tagalog: bahaghari) is a phenomenon in other worlds of the same universes. This unusual phenomenon isn't very common in the same realms, though some animals have found ways to use rainbows or auroras to their advantage as they fight foes causing blindness.


Heat Waves

Heat waves (Tagalog: matinding kainitan) are a deadly phenomenon that can be quite common in the our world. Heat waves are known to make environments increasingly hotter than usual, which can be deadly for some survivors. Some fire-elemental creatures can cause or make a heat wave.



Haze or fog (Tagalog: hamog) is a phenomenon that is most commonly seen in jungles, swamps or even in low-level caverns. Haze makes it extremely hard to see objects in an environment. This is usually caused by a sort of mist.



An outbreak (Tagalog: silakbo) is the deadly spread of an infectious agent. The outbreak can affect creatures of all sorts, including survivors and creatures alike. The agent can be spread in particular ways, such as infectious hairs or virulent microbes.



Overgrowth (Tagalog: lamba) is an uncommon phenomenon. This phenomenon causes plants to grow at incredible speeds with very little warning through certain actions performed by a plant-elemental creatures.


Environmental Destruction

Environmental destruction (Tagalog: Pagkasira ng kapaligiran) is a devastating effect that has become increasingly common in recent times for the Monster Hunter world. This destruction of the environment is most commonly from the appetite of a monster.


Space Hurricane

Space Hurricane (Tagalog: bagyo sa kalawakan) is a rare phenomena found in outer space expanding from the exosphere. The space hurricane can affect creatures of all sorts, including hunters and creatures alike, fortunately, space hurricanes are not dangerous. Unfortunately to gadgets and magic energy alike, the storm could disrupt GPS satellites, radio systems, and radars, auras of magic, and could also increase the drag on any nearby satellites, as well as changing the orbits of Space debris ("space junk") of all sizes at low altitudes.



Deportation (Tagalog: pagpapatapon) is the phenomena of the expulsion of a person / creature or group of people / creature from a place or country, and sending the player back to designated location permanently. If enemies escape too far away, they will be pulled back and take damage immediately. Deportations can be caused by the presence of some powerful guardians, including some Elder Dragons.


