Freshwater Butterflyfish

Rubiesichthys gregalis

Freshwater Butterflyfish

If I made fins and eyes and scales, I would arrest its movement, give a pattern or shape of reality. I want just the flash of its spirit.

Constantin Brancusi

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii

Family: Pantodontidae

Genus: Pantodon

Species: Pantodon buchholzi

Descendant: Pantodontidae

Named by: Wilhelm Karl Hartwich Peters

Year Published: 1877

Size: 5.1 inches (12.95 cm) in length

Lifespan: 5 to 6 years

Type: Bony Fishes (Pantodontidae)

Title: n/a

Pantheon: Terran/Gaian

Time Period: Late Cretaceous–Holocene - (Cenomanian–Recent) 100.0 to 0 Ma

Alignment: Good

Threat Level:

Diet: Carnivorous 🐟🥩🥓🦀

Elements: Water, air

Inflicts: Waterblight

Weaknesses: Electric, fire, leaf

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Freshwater butterflyfish (Pantodon buchholzi), also known as African butterflyfish, is the only extant species in the family Pantodontidae within the order Osteoglossiformes. It is not closely related to saltwater butterflyfishes found in sub-Saharan regions with water resources, mainly freshwater.

People commonly confuse this species with saltwater butterflyfish. This only happens in writing, though, because they look absolutely nothing alike. Their close relatives to this species were arowanas and arapaimas during prehistoric times to antiquity.


Pantodon: Ancient Greek, πᾶν (pan) = all + ,ὀδών (odṓn) = tooth; buchholzi: Named after Professor Dr. Buchholz, collector of the type specimens.

Physical Appearance

Everything about this fish is geared toward their ability to hunt and thrive at the surface. Their eyes are upward-facing, and their body is mostly flat on top as well. Their mouth is positioned at an upward angle too. This allows the fish to easily scarf down any small prey it finds and breathe air from the surface (they have a swim bladder).

Their dorsal and anal fins are average in size, but their caudal fin is rather large. All of these fins are partially translucent with evenly spaced darker lines. The pectoral fins are enlarged and extend outward from the side of the body, suggesting the “butterfly” part of its common name when seen from above.

The ventral fins of this fish are quite interesting. They look a lot like thin barbels and don’t serve much of a purpose in terms of mobility, but they likely aid them in their ability to feel for danger below.


One of the most interesting things about the African butterfly fish is their ability to jump through the air. While many fish can break the surface of the water if they want to, this species can actually glide!


This is made possible by their large pectoral fins, which resemble butterfly wings. When they’re in the air, they’ll fan these out to get as much surface area as possible so they can stay airborne longer. They rely on this handy trick as a way of escaping predators in the wild.

It is carnivorous, feeding primarily on aquatic insects and smaller fish. When freshwater butterflyfish spawn, they produce a mass of large floating eggs at the surface. Fertilization is believed to be internal. Eggs hatch in about seven days.

Because their build allows them to be efficient hunters and avoid being eaten, they have remained largely unchanged for millions of years. The butterflyfish is a distant relative of arowanas and other bony-tongue fish.


Freshwater butterflyfish are kept in large aquaria, although a single specimen should be kept as the only top-level fish, as they can be aggressive to their own kind and others at surface level. The tops of the tanks must be tightly closed because of their jumping habits.

Distribution and Habitat

No data are available on the population. Eastern distribution limit seems to be the Ouémé River in Benin, although it is also reported from the Jong River in Sierra Leone. It lives in swamps, creeks and backwaters, and inhabits the calmer parts of rivers, where it can be seen on the surface waters.


Freshwater butterfly can be 'tamed' using Fish Trapper. While they can level, they do eat from the feeder.


Coming soon.


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