
Gogirosaurus japonica


“ The largest specimen frequently faced natural forces opposing its longer existence. The largest and deadliest living organisms on Earth are, to put it another way, in a danger zone. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Rhynchocephalia

Family: Gogirosauridae

Genus: Gogirosaurus

Species: Gogirosaurus japonica

Descendant: Tuatara's relative

Named by: Takahiro Yamatashi

Year Published: 1950

Size: 50.69 meters tall in height (330.350 inches long); 18006 kilograms in weight

Lifespan: 150+ years



Pantheon: Japanese

Time Period: Triassic - Holocene

Alignment: Curious

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous




Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Honengyo (Gogirosaurus japonica; IPA: /(h)ɔnəŋˈɡj-(dʒ-)əː/), is one of the mythical creature and guardian introduced in Life for Bogatyr and Mahabharata and Persistence of Sengoku


Hōnengyo and Godzilla is only one, from Kanji instead of Hiragana: ほうねんぎょ / Kanji: 豊年魚, means "fruitful year fish", because is not a real fish in make sense for salamanders from Japanese giant salamander an indigenous salamander of Japan than China. Another word is "Gojira" which means "Godzilla", a monster in the main series from Showa to Legendary Pictures, because it was part of inspiration or loosely based on this kaiju as a yokai.

Physical Appearance

The largest legendary species of reptile in the universe of Earth is called Honengyo. Their tails were shaped like tuataras and crocodiles, and their skin tone was moss green with gradient yellow rings that resembled blue-ringed octopuses. The tail fluke to the neck was supposed to be covered in 32 spines that resembled huge shark fins. The belly is peach-colored; when I was a teenager, it was apricot. The claws are gray, the eyes are blue, and the tail is lengthy and has a mosasaur-like appearance.


For non-Japanese and Europeans, Honengyo is regarded by the Japanese, and this future Japanese prefecture from Hawaii, Kiribati, Samoa, Aotearoa, Rapa Nui, the Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Cooks Island, and other all Eurasia countries claimed by the Japanese Emperor as good luck or bad luck. Speaking of this, Honengyo relies solely on its enormous physical bulk and strength, being able to easily break through large forts, barrel through villages and towns without pausing, and possess sulfuric antimatter-fire (an unknown type of element with radioactivity) to disintegrate everything with a single breath.

Their spines, which resemble dorsal fins, glow as they charge a radioactive sulfuric fire element to sever and cause harm. Due to their size, the claws, feet, and tail can be employed for self-defense and can cause the ground beneath them to tremble. Honengyo, who has an EMP field and is able to produce electromagnetic interference, may stomp and emit EMP shockwaves. Romans from Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo, and Palawan called it "Hades' Great Ruler of the Pacific" before the event, despite his having survived fire and sun eruptions to wield both magical abilities and physical attacks. claimed by some royal dynasties was created with the intention of evoking the "last daimyo" in the nine cosmological realms of Earth, Berbania, Reinachos, Delphia, Jotunheim, Hell, Asgard, Svartalfheim, Sawintir, and Agartha.

When the female Mothsol passes away, Honengyo enters his thermonuclear condition; cracks start to emerge all over his body in orange and yellow, and his eyes begin to shine orange. When the nuclear pulse is charged up, everything beneath the holiness and radiation combined disintegrates.



The dragon's sonic roar, which had developed to reverberate at a frequency potent enough to break Honengyo's dorsal plates, eyes, and ears, struck it directly due to the small, delicate ears on its head.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Honengyo fights for the protection of marine life and against laws that discriminate. However, it is quite difficult to imagine how its guardian could both need and provide protection for itself. Honengyo consumes enormous animals as their main source of nutrition and absorbs potent atoms and nuclear energy to stay undetected.

Zmey Gorynych, a descendent of Orochi, and Gashadokuro, an enormous, ancient skeleton in the shape of war dead and wounded, serve as Berbania's principal antagonists. In addition to being enormous and destroying humans and other creatures for this justice, Honengyo is a former yokai in Japan and this prefecture, owing to similar destructive mayhem globally.

Honengyo was allied with Taniwha, Kirin, Poreskoro, Navagunjara, Iracunto, Vritra, Rompo, Talos, Ningen, Timingila, and others. Honengyo is the original version of Godzilla, the monster of Japan, and his first debut in Yodo River, which is coming from Maoris and Japanese people called tarakona/riu (たらこな/りゅ) or ryū/doragon/tatsu (竜/どらごん/たつ).

Despite its vast size, Honengyo can protect smaller living forms, such as ourselves, as well as other Elder Dragons, with the exception of the Radachalog, such as Drakolossia, Kanglasha, Ra'thiqumor, Sarkany, Solnatos, Fafnir, and Selinala. His body develops orange and yellow fissures in his thermonuclear condition, and when he charges a nuclear pulse, his eyes shine orange. Because Mothsol's ash and soul combine with Honengyo to form the King and Queen of the Titans, they can mutually benefit from each other's life force to gain an advantage in battle.


Honengyo fights for the protection of marine life and against prejudice, yet it appears that the giant isn't particularly aggressive and becomes incredibly submissive in the face of numerous adversaries. They mostly overlook survivors and other creatures on their way to the same location, suggesting that they don't give a frick about them.

Distribution and Habitat

Four realms—Berbania, Reinachos, Earth, and Avalon—have Honengyo dispersed throughout the earth. Sawintir has a smaller population. By ingesting geothermal radiation while in a state resembling slumber at the bottom of the sea, this species has survived multiple extinction events.


Honengyo was very hard to tame, because adults cannot tame. The hatched one to feed and have "Radioactive Fire Topaz" (rare sapphire colored topaz with radioactive chemicals and fire aura on inside). When baby Honengyo devours this large topaz to make respect for you.


Bereshit - 300,000-74,000 BCE

The real story of Honengyo is unknown. This creature was described in Historya Davvun, the prequel to Weather Dragons, as the ancestral form of this species, hypothesized to be an ancient life form from the Late Triassic Period by saurfolk-like godlike precursors that resemble deities and having survived various extinction events by consuming geothermal radiation while in a state resembling hibernation at the bottom of the sea.

Project Pashneia was started by the Terran Deity Company's Aesir division as a research project to create modern-day creatures like humans and monsters. It started out with the sole intention of using people, elves, animals, and other creatures as a form of worship for the beings that created them, including Yahweh, Gaea, Phanes, Mikhael, Samael, Eostre, Chang'e, and Quetzalcoatl.

The Project was initially regarded as a success, despite Phanes' eventual expulsion from Eden and flight to Old Atlantis after falling in love with a human named Ehmeu, his half-sister Eostre, and the surgical modification of Eve's aurorium neurotransmitter, an act that saw all mention of his name erased from Isu histories and restored from any individual to the age of 18, but also resulted in the birth of Eve, the first demigoddess-cavewoman. At Mikhael and Gabriel's request, Eostre made Honengyo, which is now located on the coast of Japan, for Zeus, Themis, Ares, Hephaestus, Odin, Hathor, and other deities. The strongest creature in our world, Honengyo, defeated Typhon and Tiamat, along with their offspring. The ancient peoples who may have known about their thermonuclear state may have inspired the orange-colored Honengyo, which Hera and Alethea modified and combined with the powers of Surtur and Satan.

Historya Davvun - 1990-1999 AD

In 1999, a mining operation in Cagayan, Philippines, delved into a cave that contained a massive egg with a mess of radioactive radiation linked to it, one of which had already hatched. This is when the Honengyo eggs were found.

Honengyo's prior memories suggested that he was formerly a younger person who might have lived before, during, or after the Eocene epoch. Any Japanese scientist, but especially Ishiro Takayama, proposed that it was the top predator in its habitat, preventing other species from overrunning the globe and functioning as a natural force that preserved equilibrium and was employed by gods. Hunters who practice conservation worshiped Honengyo and the other guardians as godlike beings in ancient civilizations. When Typhon and Tiamat invaded Earth with their progeny, certain Honengyo that the gods had left behind developed a symbiotic relationship with the helpful lepidopteran Mothsol. They fought alongside human fighters who were decedents of Adam and Eve.


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

Coming soon
