Rocky Fasizakazaka

Harenamonias saxopedis

Rocky Fasizakazaka

The mesite outside Madagascar, lived among us.

Asad Marianto Iqbal Bautista

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Mesitornithiformes

Family: Mesitornithidae

Genius: Harenamonias

Species: Harenamonias saxopedis

Descendant: mesites

Named by: ???

Year Published: 2007

Size: 1.01 meters tall in height; 55 cm in length; wingspan estimate for 135 cm in length and 60 kg in weight

Lifespan: 7 to 10 years




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Shy

Threat Level: ★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🌿🌱🥩

Elements: Earth

Inflicts: Rockblight

Weaknesses: Water, ice, leaf, metal, combat

Casualties: n/a

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Rocky Fasizakazaka, Stone Fasizakazaka, or Stone-footed Fasizakazaka (Harenamonias saxopedis) is the fictional species of large mesite bird introduced in Thalath Lakoduna, the 2000s event of spin-off series from Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure.


Fasizakazaka is the borrowed from Malagasy: "fasika mihazakazaka", which means "running of sand".

Physical Appearance

The Rocky Fasizakazaka are a larger-than-their-ancestor group of desert-dwelling mesite. This species is a medium-sized terrestrial bird that is frequently compared to a rail. Rocky Fasizakazaka has brown eyes with one brown streak extending to the beak, orange blush marks, and is only distinguished by a somewhat contrasting fleshy eye-ring surrounding a relatively large eye. The bill is short and straight with a black tip. The bird's upper parts are rufous brown, while its underside is tawny without any barring or marking. They have longer, scaly legs than mesites.


A large amount of sand that Fasizakazaka can shoot causes a sanded and earthed effect that is very difficult to erase until struck by another strike. The only mesite bird species with magical abilities is the fasizakazaka. Mesites are the pigeon's closest relative due to their ability to navigate. Fasizakazaka can use their mantras and thoughts as a compass and a map to locate their way home since they are a living GPS.


Rocky Fasizakazaka, a species that lives in both wet forests and deserts, forages by strolling on the forest floor and kicking over leaf litter in search of insects and mice. The name comes from the bird's rufous brown plumage, which offers adequate camouflage on the shadowy woodland floor or on hidden rocks.

The ideal habitat ranges from sandy dunes to 1,200 meters (3,900 feet) above sea level in undisturbed deciduous forest. In a nest, consisting of a loose platform composed of twigs and coated with plant fiber and leaves or with dead shrubs, one to three to ten eggs can be placed. The eggs have brown patterns on one end and are dull white overall.


Fasizakazaka is a shy and cautious animal that hides in sands and savanna biomes. Even the largest creatures share the same biological niche as the geese, so don't be fooled. The birds live in communal groups called Chores and make a loud "nak! nak!" alarm call when disturbed.

Distribution and Habitat

The only mesite species found outside of Madagascar was the Rocky Fasizakazaka, which was native to Africa, Mauritius, the Comoros, the Seychelles, Gibraltar, and Madagascar. Despite the moniker, this species survived throughout all biomes, was elusive, and was not in danger of extinction. From Enchancia to Rabugia, this animal dwelt in the desert and was carried to Sawintir.


Fasizakazaka was fed with seeds as a poultry or for the children's ride.


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Foreign Languages

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