Chestnut Duggisilay

Dracoglirus rex

Chestnut Duggisilay

No one other than rodent flew around the distance. Scattered embers on their saliva. That enemy with wings spreads fire and shoots like a silencer pistol of fire without a bullet as evidence.

unknown author


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Rodentia

Family: Guivernogliridae

Genius: Dracoglirus

Species: Dracoglirus rex

Descendant: dormouse

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 6.34 meters in length; 4.58 meters tall in height; wingspan estimate to 14.5 meters length; 610 kilograms in weight

Lifespan: 9 – 13+ years



Pantheon: Sawintiran

Time Period: Eocene–Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Diet: Omnivorous 🌿🥩🧂

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Affiliates: others

Elements: Fire

Inflicts: Fireblight (normal/orange colored), bleeding

Weaknesses: Air, water, ice, sound

Casualties: ???

Based On: n/a

Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) – IUCN Red List

Chestnut Duggisilay, Common Duggisilay, Common Orshalorra, Chestnut Orsholorra, or simply as Duggisilay (Dracoglirus rex; IPA: /dʌːɡɪˈsiləɪ/) is the one of the fictional species of flying rodent upcoming introduced in Worldcraft: Scorched Earth and Weather Dragons.

In Sawintiran languages, this native name for this species was forbidden by elven princess called Orzhalorthë.


Duggisilay is a combination word from the Ibanag language: tuggi silai means fire lizard; it can actually be a rat-like winged dormouse with a wyvern feature. Duggisilay is a flying dormouse with a pistol bullet of ember.

The Elvish word for "spraying spice" is Orzhalorthë, however there is no link between spices and capsaicin's illusion name, this species's ability, which can produce a considerably more intense burning or biting feeling.

Physical Appearance

Chestnut Duggisilay is a wyvern-like rodent known as duggisilay, descendants of hazel dormouse. With four-digit wing fingers and thumb fingers grappling, their wings are bat-like. Chestnut Duggisilay have pointed ears with the same characteristic tufts of black hair on the tips of their ears, like lynxes, furless legs, scorpion tail covering on the tail, and flint-like incisors.

Body color varies from medium white to red to mahogany brown, with black eye patches, a blackish brown nose, brown eyes, and brownish gray claws.


Chestnut Duggisilay stores in their cheeks are actually storing bullets. Because he can't normally breathe, flamethrowers include attacks and can shoot like a pistol bullet or sniper rifle bullet. It can use the sharper hooked tail on this tail club to inflict blunt-force, bleeding wounds on foes, even if Chestnut Duggisilay's tail is cut off.

Chestnut Duggisilay can fly and hover with their wings to shoot a repeating flame bullet like a machine gun, which is actually flammable saliva from nuts and seeds. Chestnut Duggisilay loves both sulfur and seeds of any choice, converting them into flammable bullet-size saliva. In near-death experience mode, Chestnut Duggisilay performs a true color revealed that can generate an aura of flame around himself, which will burn away at those who get too close. Alongside this, Duggisilay possesses mass quantities of explosive powder made from its own hairs. With just a gnash of its flint-like incisors, it can create sparks and trigger explosions in mass; it can even cover itself in the powder to help spread it more easily, or it can ignite it all at once for a massive explosive fittingly known as the SUPERNOVA.

Weather Phenomenon


Chestnut Duggisilay is a diurnal creature and spends most of its waking hours among the branches of trees or sand dunes looking for food. It also flies the highest among bats, at altitudes around 3,300 m (10,800 ft). It will make long detours rather than come down to the ground and expose itself to danger. Like other Duggisilays, Chestnut Duggisilay will shoot flames at attackers in self-defense. Breathing is their signature move, however, and the dormouse are crack shots from the flaming sac.


Chestnut Duggisilay is neutral towards everything and rather peaceful. Once it attacked this dormouse, it also became aggressive. In the future, this wyvern-like dormouse confronts you, a scientist, and a princess, becoming very aggressive and territorial.

Distribution and Habitat

Chestnut Duggisilay is the top predator in any realm like Earth, Sawintir, and Reinachos. Duggisilay was very rare in Pascua Delos Desierto, and only one of the four insular species survived in the future; the other three are extinct or in Sawintir only. Duggisilay was brought by French people and Spaniards for party hunting but is unintentionally invasive.


Duggisilay is very difficult to tame; you can feed some mulberries or roses while unconscious.


Known Individuals


Main Theme Music