European Unicorn

Monoceroequus eurasica

Eurasian Unicorn

“ Everything today has been heavy and brown. Bring me a unicorn to ride about the town. ”

Anne Morrow Lindbergh


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Perissodactyla

Family: Monoceroequuidae

Genus: Monoceroequus

Species: Monoceroequus eurasica

Descendant: unicorns

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 1.5 – 1.6 m tall in height; Length: 2.8 – 3.8 m; Mass: 800 – 1,400 kg

Lifespan: 60+ years



Pantheon: Terran/Gaian

Time Period: Pliocene - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Herbivorous 🌿🌱🌸

Elements: Fae, combat

Inflicts: Bleeding

Weaknesses: Fire, air, electric, ice, arcane

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

The European Unicorn, Eurasian Unicorn, Common Unicorn, or Scottish Unicorn (Monoceroequus eurasica; Scottish Gaelic: Aon-adharcach) is the mythical species of unicorn, the horse-like tapir relative introduced in Worldcraft: Swan Princess's Story and Weather Dragons: Beyond the Despair of Isabella of France.

Unicorns are an uncommon topic, after the dragons of the fairytale and fantasy themes in the science fantasy romance action and speculative evolution novel called Earth Responsibly.


The species and entire members of unicorn from Latin “unicornis” for "single horn".

Physical Appearance

Unicorn is a horse-like, odd-hoofed ungulate with horns that is made of keratin like rhinoceros, ivory manes to fur, white skin with some gray grizzle on the waist down, gray snout, and hazel eyes.


The European unicorn is a neutral animal that possesses a single twisted horn, which makes it not as sharp as a sword but as a stick. Unicorns are immune to fae elements produced by natural bacteria on their entire body in a symbiotic relationship. Unlike their relatives, the rhinoceros and tapirs use the hook tongue to lick your life, causing you to immediately mat another of the opposite gender, as well as a kind of curse rather than a normal blessing. European unicorns, immune to azalea as a sign of aposematic ability, warned against lynxes, stoats, crocodiles, monk seals, and even dragons causing hallucinations made by azaleas and other poisonous plants, unlike horses.


It is a selective browser, and grass plays a minor role in its diet. Where succulent plants, such as euphorbias, are abundant in dry habitats, they can survive without flowing water. Where water is available, drinking is regular and frequent; unicorns also dig for water in dry riverbeds. They are normally ill-tempered and unpredictable and may detect any unfamiliar sound or smell. Four subspecies are recognized, including one from North Africa that lives in near-desert conditions.


European unicorns live alone or in a herd, led by the alpha bull, who has a longer mane and tail instead of being the same size. The unicorn charges its own horn to pierce through the body, even the hardest materials like diamonds or ceramic armor. The mares, however, ran away from the bullshit.

Distribution and Habitat

In ancient times, the unicorn dominated Eurasia in all biomes until decreasing the population as a result of the population bottleneck effect of overexploitation and habitat loss, including competition from predators like us. Now endemic species in Scotland, the last refugee for the last species. Called by Scottish people as aon-adharc.


Unicorn is fearsome, foursome, and hostile to humans and most races, like fairies, elves, fomorians, angels, demons, and others, due to being mistaken for a horse rather than a saola. Tamed after being tired or stuck in the wall or obstacles, and fed with herbs or berries. If you do not work, use tranquilizer darts as a result and feed harmlessly with berries or veggies until you gain respect.

The unicorn in mythology is also said to be extremely wild and can only be tamed by the pure of heart; this group of mammal is noted to be very aggressive, and only the graceful, either Conservationist Hunter, Assassin Order, or Templar Knight, was able to tame it.


Bereshit - 300,000-74,000 BCE

The European Unicorn was created by Project Pashneia, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Aesirs or Deities to create any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own. In order to enforce their control over humanity, monsters, animals, and others, various technologies were created by the Isu—the artifacts that mankind would later name "Pieces of Eden" or "Terran Ancient Artifacts". It is believed that there were certain types of these Terran ancient artifacts that were able to tap simultaneously into a network of Aurorium neurotransmitters located deep within the human or creature brain, ensuring total obedience through means of remote mind control via adamantium.

2000 BCE

A creature with a single horn, conventionally called a unicorn, is the most common image on the soapstone stamp seals of the Bronze Age Indus Valley civilization ("IVC"), from the centuries around 2000 BC. It has a body more like a cow than a horse and a curved horn that goes forward, then up at the tip. The mysterious feature depicted coming down from the front of the back is usually shown; it may represent a harness or other covering. Typically, the unicorn faces a vertical object with at least two stages; this is variously described as a "ritual offering stand", an incense burner, or a manger. The animal is always in profile on Indus seals, but the theory that it represents animals with two horns, one hiding the other, is disproved by a (much smaller) number of small terracotta unicorns, probably toys, and the profile depictions of bulls, where both horns are clearly shown. It is thought that the unicorn was the symbol of a powerful "clan or merchant community", but it may also have had some religious significance.


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