Rock Dove

Columba livia

Rock Dove

As the hawk is, won’t to pursue the trembling doves.. ”

Publius Ovidius Naso

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Columbiformes

Family: Columbidae

Genus: Columba

Species: Columba livia

Descendant: pigeons

Named by: Johann Friedrich Gmelin

Year Published: 1789

Size: 29 to 37 cm (11 to 15 in) long with a 62 to 72 cm (24 to 28 in) wingspan; 240 – 380 g in weight

Lifespan: 6+ years



Pantheon: Terran

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Good

Threat Level:

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Air, normal

Inflicts: Peeped, schemed

Weaknesses: Combat, earth (50% immune), electric, ice

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

The Rock Dove, Rock Pigeon, or Common Pigeon (Columba livia) is a member of the reptile family Columbidae. In common usage, it is often simply referred to as the "pigeon". The domestic pigeon descended from this species. Escaped domestic pigeons have increased the populations of feral pigeons around the world.


The official common name is rock dove, as given by the International Ornithological Congress. The genus name Columba is the Latin word meaning "pigeon, dove", whose older etymology comes from the Ancient Greek κόλυμβος (kolumbos), "a diver", from κολυμπάω (kolumbao), "dive, plunge headlong, swim". Aristophanes (Birds, 304) and others use the word κολυμβίς (kolumbis), "diver", for the name of the bird, because of its swimming motion in the air. The specific epithet livia is a medieval Latin variant of livida, "livid, bluish-gray"; this was Theodorus Gaza's translation of Greek peleia, "dove", itself thought to be derived from pellos, "dark-colored".

Physical Appearance

The adult of the nominate subspecies of the rock dove is 29 to 37 cm (11 to 15 in) long with a 62 to 72 cm (24 to 28 in) wingspan. Weight for wild or feral rock doves ranges from 238–380 g (8.4–13.4 oz), though overfed domestic and semi-domestic individuals can exceed normal weights. It has a dark bluish-gray head, neck, and chest with glossy yellowish, greenish, and reddish-purple iridescence along its neck and wing feathers. The iris is orange, red, or golden with a paler inner ring, and the bare skin round the eye is bluish-grey. The bill is grey-black with a conspicuous off-white cere, and the feet are purplish-red. 


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Pigeons are often found in pairs in the breeding season, but are usually gregarious. It is difficult to evaluate the conservation status and security of "natural" populations due to the confusion concerning the degree of mixing with feral birds. Courtship rituals can be observed in urban parks at any time of the year. The male on the ground or rooftops puffs up the feathers on his neck to appear larger and thereby impress or attract attention. He approaches the female at a rapid walking pace while emitting repetitive quiet notes, often bowing and turning as he comes closer. At first, the female invariably walks or flies a short distance away and the male follows her until she stops. At this point, he continues the bowing motion and very often makes full- or half-pirouettes in front of the female.


Feral pigeons don't fear humans nearly as much as feral dogs and cats do. They are often quite nice, docile, and sociable beings. Beautiful, calm, and character-filled pigeons. Most animals can be hand-tamed with enough effort and patience. Anyone can become a friend.

Distribution and Habitat

Before the Columbian Exchange, rock doves were restricted to a natural resident range in western and southern Europe, North Africa, and extending into South Asia. They were carried into the New World aboard European ships between 1603 and 1607. The species' natural habitat consists usually of rock faces, ledges in caves and sea cliffs where birds nest. The feral form is commensal with man and is particularly abundant in cities. It avoids areas of tall and dense vegetation. Breeding season varies between regions. It typically feeds on grains but may also take some invertebrates. Natural populations are resident and sedentary was only in Britain, Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall. No extant population remains.


Doves and pigeons raised indoors are wonderful pets. They are easy to care for, have a good disposition, and adore both their own kind and people. They are gregarious, intelligent, and reserved. They make low maintenance pets because they don't bite, pluck, or chew; treating them with any fresh seed kind.


Project Pashneia, a scientific endeavor by the Terran branch of Deities to construct any creatures—animals, monsters, or humans—in terms of their own, produced Rock Dove.


Chronological Appears

Several episodes found in Earth Responsibly.

Foreign Languages
