Mongolian Saiga

Saiga tatarica mongolica

Mongolian Saiga

“ The unknown species of antelope was widespread worldwide before its death. ”

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Bovidae

Subfamily: Antilopinae

Genius: Saiga

Species: Saiga tatarica

Subspecies: Saiga tatarica mongolica

Descendant: Antelopes

Named by: A.G,. Bannikov

Year Published: 1946

Size: 100 and 140 centimeters (39 and 55 in) long in length; 61–81 centimeters (24–32 in) tall in height; 26–69 kg (57–152 lb) weigh

Lifespan: 6 to 10 years




Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: Loyal

Threat Level: ★★★

Diet: Herbivorous

Elements: Ice

Inflicts: Iceblight

Weaknesses: Fire

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

The Mongolian Saiga (Saiga tatarica mongolica; Mongolian: Бөхөн; boekhoen/bökhön) is found in a small area in western Mongolia around the Sharga and Mankhan Nature Reserves.


From the word in Russian origin; via possibly either Turkic or Uralic words called сайга́к/сайга́.

Physical Appearance

Saiga is a deer-like antelope that size of poodle; pair of closely spaced; bloated nostrils directed downward; brownish twisted, thick and slightly translucent male horns measure, reach a maximum length of 22 cm (8+11⁄16 in). in length; the Mongolian saiga can develop a sandy color, fading toward the flanks to ventral parts are generally white and black hooves. The eye color of Mongolian Saiga was brown.


Despite never utilizing it for combat, it has some Ice Element energy stored in its body, hence it often being Ice-elemental


Hit it or shoot it, nothing much to it. Due to their herds, are might attract other predators.


They can cover long distances and swim across rivers, but they avoid steep or rugged areas. November is the best month for saigas for stags to fight for the acceptance of females, the winner leads a herd of five to ten females or more. Saigas are extensive migrations across the steppes that allow them to escape natural calamities like Asian antelopes. Saigas are targeted by foxes, wolves, minks, lions, tigers, orcas, steppe eagles, golden eagles, dogs, and ravens.

This horn of the saiga antelope is used in traditional Chinese medicine and is illegal.


Saigas are passive defenseless one at that, so it is quite flighty when danger approaches. Males however, are territorial for mates and against predators. Saigas are extremely social animals that gather in very sizable herds. They are active during the day and spend the most of their time grazing on steppes and grasslands, where they consume a variety of plants, some of which are deadly to other animals. They frequently get along well with people, which is in large part due to the fact that they are herbivores. If there's one thing you can rely on, it's that saigas won't try to eat you.

Distribution and Habitat

Saigas form very large herds that graze in semideserts, steppes, grasslands, and possibly open woodlands ranged from the British Isles through Central Asia and the Bering Strait into Alaska and Canada's Yukon and Northwest Territories in the past. Now in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Mongolia, China, Ukraine, and Turkmenistan.


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