Independent Stories

Each independent stories from either Weather Dragons or Worldcraft that are prequels of the story before, during or after the main events.


Finale (Tagalog: Pangwakas)

The last chapter goes after World War II after death of Adolf Hitler by execution, ordered by King Mihai I meets his allies Lyudmila Pavlichenko; Magda Lupescu (before Anne of Romania); Constantin Sănătescu; Nicolae Rădescu; Margaret of Snowdon; Peter Wooldridge Townsend; Napoleon Bonaparte; Simon Bolivar; Manuela Saenz; Inés Suárez; Pedro Gutiérrez de Valdivia; Felipe Lautaro; Empress Sissi; Maria Goretti; Dominic Savio; Wendy Darling; to Cinderella are going to the secret mission in the Greco-Buddhist after Princess Anastasia Romanov's reign that are shocked that are connected by a Twin Serpents of Gandhara before were captured by Horned King Arnoldus and his former menagerie, Narwa and Ibushi kidnaps Cinderella and Anastasia before the awakening of Shoah Drakon of Avalon.

Princess Nicolette and Archie Buenaventura once arrive hates both Evil Queen to Horned King's last evil plot and the home of Weather Dragons for Nine Realms alliance from Evil Weather Dragon ceased for Archie Buenaventura and Nicolette Andreponte's beautiful life for finished the monsters and the history from a bigamy and a decline of Greco-Buddhist in Avalon, Hell, Svartalfheim, Berbania, Reinachos, Delphia, Jotunheim, Heaven, and Earth.

Phase 1 - 2023

List of these stories

Phase 2 - 2024

List of these stories

Phase 3 - 2025

List of these stories