Aesir's Devices

A Piece of Eden, Terran Ancient Artifacts, Aesir's Devices, or Isu's Devices is a type of sophisticated technology created by the Deities that reacts with the network of neurotransmitters engineered into human brains. With the notable exception of the Shrouds of Eden, the majority of the Pieces of Eden (including the Sundrop Flower and Moonstone Opal) were designed for the primary purpose of mentally and physically controlling human thoughts, emotions, and behavior. They served as the Isu's primary tool for making humans and all other creatures on planet Earth into slaves.


Deities from Italy named Juno or Hera and her spouse Aita created hybrid monsters for Project Olympus by using Atlantean artifacts on people and various animals. When Poseidon and Amphitrite discovered this, he exiled them from Atlantis so they would never cause trouble again, but they carried on their experiments covertly. The ancient Terran artifacts, according to the Templars, Assassins, and Hunters, are to blame for a number of historical tales and miracles that took place throughout the Nine Realms, including the parting of the Red Sea by Moses via Hathor's Cobra Staff, the Trojan War through the use of Zeus's Invisible Wand, the healings performed by Jesus Christ, and a Biblical plagues that decimated Egypt. The use of Terran Old Artifacts by some of the most influential historical or fictional figures, including Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mahatma Gandhi, Theodore Roosevelt, and others, has therefore had a significant impact on human history in nine realms: Terra/Earth, Berbania, Reinachos, Sawintir, Agarathos, Vinohia, Jotunheim, Thatrollwa, and Asgard.

The Aesir's Devices' abilities have confounded humanity for millennia, to the point where they have been confused with "magic" and "science" throughout history. As memories of the gods faded into legends and myths, with the exception of surviving Aesirs and other god tribes like Quetzalcoatl, Chang'e, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Demeter, Persephone, Aita, Juno, Hades, Loki, Sigyn, Thor, Sif, Balder, Heimdall, Marduk, El, Hathor, Horus, and Yahweh, this was further reinforced by the extinction of the deity's civilization following the Great Catastrophe and Bereshit Wars by Eldritch Terrors and Elder Dragons.

Others strayed from this goal, despite the fact that the majority of the Pieces of Eden—including the Apples and Staves of Eden—were used as tools for controlling humanity. The Shrouds of Eden are medical devices intended to treat even the most fatal of wounds, but the Swords of Eden, or Weapons of Aesir, are essentially energy-blasting weapons. The gadgets' wide range of capabilities goes even further: many of them have the ability to project illusions, hide the user's existence, or even change the thinking of one or more people to match their own.

The Sundrop Flower was a heavenly, magical yellow flower that lived within the long-lost Princess of Corona, residing within her impossibly long blonde hair, which is its reborn form. The sundrop flower was once known by Hephaestus as simply "the sun's flower" or the sun jewel by the Greco-Buddhists. As Rapunzel proved, it has the power to cure any disease or injury, including fatal ones. As proved by Gothel, Arianna, Varian, Frederic, Eugene, Shay, Lance, Faith, and others, this talent can also slow down the aging process; however, it necessitates regular application of the ability that keeps life alive.

The Moonstone Opal, also known as the Moonstone or the Stone of Moonlight by the Vanirs and Angels of God, is an extraordinarily potent, ancient opal gem that came to Planet Earth with its heavenly counterpart of healing and light thousands of years ago. Its devastating abilities are enough to completely destroy and decimate an entire kingdom, bringing death, ruin, decay, disintegration, emptiness, and devastation to those around it. Similar to the mythical golden sundrop flower, its abilities may only be summoned by chanting the ephemeral incantation. It represents death in its entirety as a result.

The Precursor boxes can interpret samples of Isu script, such as the Voynich manuscript, and imprint the memories of their users onto others when powered by other Pieces of Eden. Others, like the projection of holograms or the Crystal Skulls, which serve as long-distance communication tools, are more commonplace in terms of modern human technology, yet to ancient peoples, their capabilities still seemed otherworldly.

If even Christians, Muslims, or Jews, only those descended from gods or demigods from Eostre used the Latin phrase "Ora Pro Nobis," which means "Pray for Us," which activates magical powers or unique abilities without any unique organs, such as humans, denisovans, neanderthals, elves, goblins, and others.

Since the god's civilization came to an end, those devices, which occasionally turned up in the hands of humans and other races, have earned the reputation of legendary artifacts with extraordinary abilities. The Aesir's Devices greatly surpass the technological level of human civilization, even in modern times, and endow their owners with enormous social influence. The most notable leaders of demigods or standard humans, including Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mahatma Gandhi, Princess Rapunzel, and many others—both historical figures and fictional characters—were helped by their use of an Aesir's Device. Their use has therefore had a significant impact on both the history of humanity and that of other planetary bodies or realms.

Understanding their importance, the Templar Order has placed the Aesir's Devices at the center of its objectives for millennia in the hopes that they can work with their former factions by exploiting the artifacts. Abstergo Industries, a former Templar company and current opponent, might bring about their desired New World Order and annihilate all life beneath the supremacists. A defining feature of the Templars' millennia-long conflict with the Assassin Order, their archrivals and protectors of the Aesir's Devices, has been the competition for them. Other than the Templars and Assassins, there is another group that has archenemies: the Conservationist Hunters made by Michael the Archangel. These demigods undertake hunting-related tasks, including some that call for special permission, and they employ Aesir's devices as tools for maintaining peace. The Hunters, who are descended from Genghis Khan and the legendary Lancelot and Guinevere, are actual peacekeepers and protectors of mankind; anytime the Templar Order or Assassin Order's established hierarchy is upset, they launch an attack.

The Deities created humans and modified all creatures to be their slaves, and throughout history, the Assassin Order believed that the Templars intended to return humanity to that state, and the Conservationist Hunters wanted to become more organic than slaves. These gadgets have long been the focus of numerous battles between competing humans and other humanoid races wanting them for their own purposes because neither humans nor other humanoid races possess the technological know-how to replicate them. In particular, the Templar Order, Assassin Order, Conservationist Hunters, and their subsidiaries have made finding and capturing these relics a top priority in their pursuit of not only global dominance but also peacekeeping.

The Conservationist Hunters, after the hunting, come to unleash their wrath on two factions. These three factions, according to Professor Fatima Sycamore of the Templar Order, are "incarnations of nature that take care of the planet after measuring the population for a vendetta or for nature's health". Due to their extradimensional origins, most Aesir devices have trouble identifying extraterrestrial life of the constellations Ursa Major, Cygnus, and Delphinus as creatures in the Worldcraft series and higher. As a result, they have a higher resistance to Apples of Eden's mind control when used against them, making it harder for them to be effectively destroyed. Aurorium was incredibly rare on Berbania, Reinachos, and Thatrollwa, and as a result of natural evolution, it is not naturally present in extraterrestrials.

Humanity has been perplexed by the abilities of the Terran Ancient Artifacts for millennia to the point where they have confused them with "magic" and "science" throughout civilization on the Earth, Berbania, Reinachos, Sawintir, Thatrollwa, and other worlds. As recollections of the deities left their legacy into stories and myths, the extinction of god civilization following the Great Catastrophe of the Pleistocene Period and Human-Creature War only reinforced this. Recognizing their importance, the Templar Order, Assassin Brotherhood, and Conservationist Hunter have placed the Terran Ancient Artifacts at the forefront of their objectives for centuries in the hopes that by utilizing the artifacts, they will be able to realize their vision of a New World Order, either to seal it or to use on a daily basis to combat evil. A defining feature of the Templars' millennia-long conflict has been the struggle for the Terran Ancient Artifact with their traditional opponents, the Assassins and the Hunters, who work to protect them.

Known Devices

According to Jeremy Jones of Conservationist Hunters, all Terran Ancient Artifacts are constructed of an unidentified metal that resembles gold, silver, and copper that Abstergo termed "Adamantite." This metal was employed extensively by Terran Deities and was a form of highly indestructible natural chemistry. It could channel energy inside the mineral, but some of its more peculiar traits included responsiveness to thought and the capacity to allay human or animal anxiety. Their imbedded natural or Aurorium neurotransmitters, which could be activated by mental instructions and were strengthened by Terran Ancient Artifacts functioning with Aurorium magic, could now be more easily accessed by them. When casting a magic spell or activating the Piece of Eden, environmentalist hunters used their own unique incantation, "Ora Pro Nobis," which is a word in Latin that means "Pray for Us." This can only be used for incantation, a responsive petition to God for help, and an appeal to evil for assistance.

Weapons of Eden

Tools of Eden

On August 4, 2020, Assassin Order member Antony Henry noted that he had attempted to translate part of the Voynich manuscript's pages in his notes to ex-Abstergo member Layla Hassan outlining his attempts in translating the Isu script. Despite the fact that his attempt was unsuccessful, he surmised that the text might have needed a God's Decoded Box to be decoded.