Seashore Saurfolk

Anthroposaurus thalassophilos

Seashore Saurfolk

These are aquatic sirens from mythology, but they were different from stories and fiercer than what normal mainland cousins saw before.

Soledad Lavigne about to Meranie Jorpassadal and Ronaldo Kealani

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Order: Reptiloprimates

Family: Anthroposauridae

Genius: Anthroposaurus

Species: Anthroposaurus thalassophilos

Descendant: theropods

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???


Lifespan: 100+ years




Time Period: Cretaceous–Holocene

Alignment: Various

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: various

Inflicts: various

Weaknesses: various

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Not Evaluated (NE) – IUCN Red List

Seashore Saurfolk, or incorrectly named "Siren Saurfolks" (Ancient Saurfolk: Ny'därnt; Modern Saurfolk: Nüjka-darnto; Anthroposaurus thalassophilos), is the fictional species of Saurfolks introduced in No Way to Seaway: Pacific Rage and Weather Dragons: Duke or President.


Coming soon

Physical Appearance

These are saurfolks adapted to the seashore due to having slender limbs and webbed feet to hands, as well as jet black colored hair for protection from ultraviolet radiation, as well as camouflaging at deep waters or in the forest. These have smooth skin ranging from dark brownish yellow to light yellowish pale due to differences from Common Saurfolk, a mainland relative. Their eye color for this species was light blue to light greenish blue eyes for very good eyesight; that's why this animal adapted to underwater but had moderate eyesight out of water and was less blurred without any eyeglasses.

These are one of the recently discovered new species of saurfolk found by Soledad Lavigne, who have evolved to an aquatic lifestyle by developing slim legs and arms, as well as webbed hands and feet, malnutrition-like body slim, and larger lungs. Their nostrils are much smaller than the saurfolk's and humans' nostrils, so water cannot enter like a whale.

Despite their dark brown or light skin color, the Seashore Saurfolk have yellow blood, utilizing an iron-to-vanadium oxygen-transporting compound similar to the vanadium-based pigment called vanabin found in sea cucumbers. Baby ones have hemoglobin but turned into yellow-colored blood at the age of eighteen due to different Saurfolk species; all of them have hemoglobin. Terrestrial lemurs share a common primate ancestry with humans; the presence of a lemur-like theropod on prehistoric Earth suggests a similar evolutionary relationship between the Saurfolks and other extinct or unobserved species with primate-like theropod morphology.


Seashore saurfolks are semiaquatic species that adapt underwater with their webbed limbs and thin legs and arms. This allows them to take in a large amount of air from their lungs and then exhale it very slowly. This helps them stay underwater for long periods of time without coming up for air.

Some women have magical powers and have lured sailors or sea creatures to destruction by the sweetness of their songs. They created these illusions through song, so the illusion could be broken by covering one's ears, much like in the Ice Age series.

Weather Phenomenon


Seashore Saurfolk are considered rivals of Common Saurfolks and other relatives due to being part of isolationism and against the laws for severely limited foreign exchange markets as their true traditions. Humans in ancient Greece noticed that they were called by Greeks and later Turkish people as Sirens in Greek mythology.

Both depictions of these two are unrelated as a result of the convergent evolution of merfolk and sirens, but they lived on some small islands for good strategies.


Their humor in nature is different and weird from humans. Their behavior was the same thing as humans and all races. Common Saurfolk can bird language (resembles Silbo Gomero) for marriage and kulning against the enemies being as ghastly tune. Common Saurfolks cannot interbreed to humans due to reptilian ancestry and illegal, as like a discrimination.

Many royal family or presidential descendants from saurfolks are kind and thoughtful, also gifted and interact with them, including humans to assist the alliance for safety from natural disasters or Elder Dragon-level threats. Younger ones are known to travel far and wide, often accompanying humans and other races. Cedric from Enchancia claimed to have seen that the Seashore Saurfolk left delicious food, drinks, and supplies behind so that the supply would not be as scarce. They also reportedly utilized humans dressed as members of their species to communicate.

Due to the outcomes of their unconnected convergent evolution, Sirens, Merfolks, and Seashore Saurfolk are rivals and adversaries of this one. It is against the law for anyone to avoid hybridizing with members of other races. The behavior of the Seashore Saurfolk has led to the division of their tribes into twenty, with the New Sydney Confederation being the most benevolent. The other nineteen clans consist of distrusted Future People, Padre Salvi's allies, merfolk, sirens, and Common Saurfolk who are ready to attack and launch a preemptive strike against humans and their pets.

As evidenced by her negative interactions with Ronaldo, Meranie, Soledad, and Florentino upon learning that Meranie is a hybrid, Queen Rilomea of the Late Cretaceous New Sydney Confederation believes that everyone should have the opportunity to join forces with Grupo Cinco of the Interior Seaway, the Prehistoric Alliance of Ohio, and the International Alliance of Prehistoric Earth Administration in their fight against Lakotan mythological creatures, Padre Salvi, and other inorganic creatures created by an unidentified man from the Middle Cretaceous period.


Unlike their mainland cousins, there are several taboos and rules that Seashore Saurfolk have used to follow. Researchers of the contemporary era that need to explain and examples for the laws of different Saurfolk's laws are in this list. The Ten Laws of Amkoras, also known as the Seashore Policy, are a set of ancient religious tenets and laws handed down to the Seashore Saurfolks and Swamp Saurfolks by Amkoras, the only Seashore Saurfolk's great goddess.

These laws consist of not building large stone and metal structures, not using the wheel or unnatural means of travel, breaking the laws of genealogy that are lost, finding and breaking their enemy's weaknesses or "codes," not using Cretaceous Earth's metals for everyday use, creating wheeled vehicles and digging for ores except for stones, divorce is a crime, drinking clear or brackish water, sometimes the saltwater for everyday drinking as part of their lives, respecting their grandparents and grandchild as a good sign, and using their motto as references to The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, ECHO Philippines, and Blacklist International. This might be when the cons-technology faction fought with the "pro-"return to monke" faction as well. They don't just "need" technology and livelihoods, despite their isolationism against others of their own kind. Someone forbids them as a tradition from being used and developed for hunter-gathering, fishing, respectful and phishing enemies, as well as for everyday lives. The same is true of North Sentinel Island from the Andaman Islands.

Distribution and Habitat

Seashore Saurfolks were found on shores worldwide by their respective clans and tribes during the Late Cretaceous. They lived in settlements with huts and houses made of concrete and dead corals or other stuff.

Seashore Saurfolk was now reported to be a self-introduced species to Sawintir or Ever-realm via another drift portal to prevent them from extinction events or stay in underground caverns with water or brine lakes where no other lifeform survived salinity conditions. In the present day, as descendants of Hijoloi, the last remaining leader and survivor of his own kind from mass extinctions, he hides with his allies in underground tunnels as a shelter and avoids meteors from their demise. Seashore Saurfolk became distrusted by humans and other races, including Common Saurfolk, as a threatened race and as an enemy of humanity and denizens all over the world.

Some deceptive individuals, called "sirens" by our grandparents and others, lived in small islets, either in groups or isolated across the world. Seashore Saurfolks are descended from both swamp Saurfolks and common Saurfolk ancestors as hybrids who sank below the ocean along with the fabled continent and evolved to survive their new environment via the evolution process.


Saurfolks cannot be tame.


The First Prehistoric Catastrophe, or End of Fomorian's Reign, was a cataclysmic event during human prehistory dated to around 254.14 Mil to 251.2 Mil BCE, or 3000 of the Fomorian Era between the Changhsingian of the Late Permian and the Induan of the Early Triassic, and with them the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, respectively. The global devastation caused by the flood basalt volcanic eruptions that created the Siberian Traps, which released sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, resulting in euxinia, elevating global temperatures, acidifying the oceans, and rarely coronal mass ejection, saw the near-total extinction of both the Moke and Yoruna tribes of the Fomorian race, both of whom were involved in a military conflict at the time. Fomorians learned to swim underwater, survive hidden in caves, and use the caves as shelters for centuries, continuing until the rise of even the most ancient human, elf, dwarf, fairy, angel, and deity civilizations.

By that point, the Terran Deities had been in a decade-long war with a Homo heidelbergensis rebellion led by two demigods, Adam and Eve, who sought to free humanity from servitude to their "gods". Adam and Eve want to eradicate nearly all the Fomorians in the Red Sea.

Known Individuals

Foreign Languages
