
Sinohippodraco mysticus


“ There are numerous legends about this animal being more elusive than a unicorn, including those about Chinese emperors or Russian tsars. The aborigines declare that their authorities' beguilement is a mystery, for that reason. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Paleodraconia

Family: Dracoequenidae

Genius: Sinohippos

Species: Sinohippodraco mysticus

Descendant: Drakes

Named by: Luis Massena

Year Published: ???

Size: 5.9 meters tall in height, 7.1 meters in length, 1,500 - 2,000 kilograms in weight, 450 centimeters length per hair-like conductor epidermis




Time Period: Pliocene–Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🥩🌿

Elements: Electric, arcane, sound

Inflicts: Electrified, arcaned, sounded, paralysis, stumped

Weaknesses: Fire, earth, ice, sound, light




Based On: 

Conservation Status: Near Threatened (NT) – IUCN Red List

Qilin or Kirin (Sinohippodraco mysticus; Mandarin and Cantonese: 麒麟; Japanese: キリン; Korean: 기린; Manchu: ᡴᡳᠯᡳᠨ; Thai: กิเลน; Russian: кири́н) is the one of the guardian and legendary creatures that appears in Worldcraft Generations: Snegurochka (as phantom beast) and reappears in Worldcraft Damnation: Dawdled.

Kirins are deuteragonists of Isabella and Lizannie from this creature because it is now endangered in North Kihangor by Zmey Gorynych, appearing as a phantom beast. And after the story, reappears when Isabella arrives in Seloun Sanhocho and New Seville to make Kirin help Isabella from her boyfriend and friends from tragedy and hotspots in war.


From the Japanese word: Kirin means "giraffe", based on the loanword from Chinese: qílín means "giraffe", coming from a giraffe from Somalia introduced by Zheng He. Before it was borrowed between Nostratic and Dene-Caucasian, from the word in Khalkha: хирс (kirs) means "rhino". From Enets and Nganasan is "kalVyǝ" (Anglicized: Kalviyae) means "mammoth", same others in Borean languages, whence they were borrowed into the Dene-Caucasian languages and across Asia, via the Paleosiberian languages of East Asia, into Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Lao, Russian, Mongolian, Korean and Japanese as a Wanderwort.

Physical Appearance

Qilin's color scheme is pale cyan with horizontal cyan lines in two rows, one is longer. The fur colors are yellowish to whitish edges in the hair tip. The hair's texture is silky and not even straight, but flows. Kirin also have blue eyes like Caucasians, like Uyghurs.


Qilin stores their arcane and electricity in the single special organs like those of electric eels. When the hypothalamus and the cerebrum commands and now "summons" thunderstorm and plasma trail.

Like the convergent evolution of horses, Qilin can kick off the enemies nearby. Kirin also ate human-made electricity and got restored from their plant station when the lightning rod passed by. The natural horn is also sharpened from aluminum and copper where the caves are not naturally home of this creature and need coating this horn is like the unicorn. No other species unique to this horn is a natural lightning conductor.


Weather Phenomenon



Qilin's closest relatives are mosasaurs and snakes, that's why they are called "real dragons". Either indrik or kirin is only one species based on their physical form and appearance, likely the convergent evolution of real unicorns. Others like Kumiho to others are multinational creatures that their pantheon is a same multinational, instead of endemism.

Kirin is mistaken for unicorns or horses, they are omnivorous. Only food is the following: rodents, waterfowls, livestock, lizards, snakes, birds of prey, and even all primates including humans are main prey; but also eat grasses, buds, mosses, lichens, pine cones, seeds and other domestic or agricultural plants. It was discovered to feed on floras in Southeast Asia to Russia. It is unknown how Kirin fit into the ecological niche, however, they are known to be the natural prey of other mammals or large carnivorous creatures.

When the Kirin waited the thunderstorm came, and now randomly who was lucky to get full charge. Kirin have white fur used for picking up electricity and arcane. When enough electrical currents are picked up in the fur, Kirin will glow brightly and its hide will deflect most attacks causing paralysis. Both combinations of mental and high metabolism helps it pick up electricity as well as natural lightning strike for some Kirin populations spotted in India and nearby countries. This horn is used to summon lightning from the sky, even when there are no storm clouds in sight, to strike any foes that threaten it. Equipped with such powerful legs, all Qilin possess the ability to run at speeds so unexpectedly fast they appear to teleport, leaving behind a trail of electricity. 


Qilin appears to be relatively peaceful and passive, yet it is quite capable of launching a powerful barrage of lightning entirely destroyed.

Distribution and Habitat

Kirin became critically endangered in Berbania in North Kihangor and northern portion of South Kihangor. Also lives as vulnerable species in eastern portion of Hordan, and the whole Lighruperinsal including Aphrodite Island group. Originated on planet Earth in Vietnam, China, Korea, Japan, and even Siberia in Russia (even reported worldwide) to other realm such as Sawintir.


Kirin is one of the most dangerous guardians and will be a more daunting task to avoid failing. Begin by sneaking up on Qilin - they will flee if you startle them, much like the others. A ghillie suit will greatly aid in this endeavor. Place its preferred food in the last slot of your action bar, and when close enough like horses, you wear electric-resistance armor as recommended to prevent being electrocuted and shocked after removing ghillie, feed them using meats or fruits.

You ride, watch for when it begins to buck and attempt to throw you off. Ride again to feed and calm Kirin. If you do not hit the feed button fast enough you will be thrown off from Qilin, which will then kick you to inflict torpor damage. Repeat this process until you have your very own noble steed. Make sure to only feed the Qilin when it starts bucking. If you feed it prior, then it will throw you off it’s back and your taming progress will be lowered. You may jump while riding the QIlin, so you may do this until it runs out of stamina, effectively making it slower. While taming, you must be defensive against other creatures, so go in prepared.


Bereshit - 30000-10000 BCE

Project Pashneia, a scientific endeavor by the Terran branch of Deities to create any creatures—animals, monsters, or humans—in terms of their own, produced Qilin.


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
