Volcano Rabbit

Romerolagus diazi

Volcano Rabbit

“ No social organization has been described for this species in the wild, although the occurrence of small groups of two to five animals has been reported. ”

– Rojas-Mendoza


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Lagomorpha

Family: Leporidae

Genius: Romerolagus 

Species: Romerolagus diazi

Descendant: rabbits

Named by: Fernando Ferrari-Pérez

Year Published: 1893

Size: 27-36 centimeters in length; 390–600 g (0.86–1.3 lb)

Lifespan: 7 to 9 years



Pantheon: Mexican

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Good

Threat Level:

Diet: Herbivorous 🌿🌱🍊🌾🔥🐌

Elements: Fire

Inflicts: Fireblight (normal/orange colored)

Weaknesses: Fire, air, electric, ice, arcane, metal, fae, time

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) - IUCN Red List 

Volcano Rabbit (Romerolagus diazi) is a small rabbit that resides in the volcano in Mexico. It is the world's second-smallest rabbit, second only to the pygmy rabbit.


The short-eared, short-legged mammal is one of the world's smallest rabbits and is named for its unique habitat: it lives on the slopes of just four extinct volcanoes in central Mexico.

Physical Appearance

It has short, dense fur that ranges in color from brown to black. The rabbit is a gnawing animal that is distinguished from rodents by its two pairs of specialized upper incisors that are designed for gnawing. Their body size and hindlimb development demonstrate how they need extra grass cover for evasion from predators. Their speediness and their hind limb development relative to their body size correlate to their necessity for evasion action. The skin color of the volcano rabbit was dark tan to light tan, and the eye color was dark brown due to low eye vision.


Volcano rabbits burst flames from their mouthparts a little more than fire-based creatures.


The volcano rabbit is found in subalpine habitats containing bunchgrass and pine, and they feed on young grass leaves and some spiny herbs. They have a peak breeding season in warm, rainy months, with a gestation time of 40 days. Their predators are eagles, wolves, feral cats, ocelots, dogs, foxes, brown and black bears, weasels, raccoons, sea lions, grisons, cougars, jaguars, opossums, skunks, snakes, humans, monkeys, even crocodiles, and possibly killer whales.


It is a very natural instinct for volcano rabbits to preserve and defend their territory using little quantities of fire since, in the wild, they must keep their region safe from neighboring groups of rabbits. Due to their association with the devil and mushrooms, angels and fairies are hostile to the endangered volcano rabbits.

In addition to being exploited by fairies, angels, the Assassin Brotherhood, the Templar Knights, agriculture, farming, deforestation, poaching, climate change, and invasive exotic species are all causing the volcano rabbit population to fall. For this rare species, Samael and Michael the Archangel stand out as conspicuous exceptions because they never touch anything.

Distribution and Habitat

Volcano rabbits were found in their four extinct volcanoes in Mexico and are found in discontinuous patches on four volcanoes spanning 386 km2. It occurs at altitudes between 2800m and 4250m, although it is most abundant between 3150m and 3400m.


All rabbits slowly approach survivors holding carrots, golden carrots, or dandelions, and they are tamed by feeding.


Coming soon


Chronological Appears

This species was found in every episode of Earth Responsibly Universe with the Frozen series, The Owl House, Assassin's Creed, Monster Hunter, The Avengers, Agents of Shield, Fantastic Four, Spiderman, Venom, Street Fighter, Z Nation, The Walking Dead, every movie in 20th Century Studios, Mobile Legends, and Star Wars as part of Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure and Tangled Movie.

Foreign Languages
